Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Show The Development And How Globalization-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: How To The Globalization Show Of Development? Answer: Introducation The main reason of this essay is to show the development and how globalization is effecting the organization of structure of work and forcing people to move for the betterment of their career. It is seen that maximum people especially laborers and workers are migrating due economical reason (Connell and Burgess 2009). The author focused on the migrant workers is in a way taking place of the local workers, which is again creating a problem in the Eastern and Western Europe. According to the author it has been seen that due to immigration workers and laborers had to go through danger and trials in the region, but still they go in order to get a high pay. The author also says that political debate is going on this particular topic, the supply of labor is being affected and it is also affecting the demand of labor, which is very true but through this article the basic understanding that I got is the increase of globalization is increasing the migration of workers and hence it is giving a mix culture and it is improving the quality of education and gives economic collaboration, the labor market is in a way helping as it is creating a bridge between all the labors. In this article there are various places where the author has brought up the problems people are facing due to this immigration. According to the author, there are two needs that contradict each other, industries need workers who can give a standard performance and also have to protect the rights of workers whereas they have to also put boundary or a limitation of the immigrant workers in order to give more work for the local workers. This reading provides brings up a lot of points like, the migrant workers come with an estimation of wage and also a hope for exposure, however I believe that the globalization of the world has made people more aware about the outer world and different countries and what work do they provide. Technology has brought globalization and through which all people are getting to know about the entire world and this has lead to more migration (Davidson 2014). Therefore it should be encouraged even more; the author in this article is basically showing both the positive and negative side of migration (Potrafke 2013). The globalization has brought the whole world together and made it seem l ike small place. (Stromquist and Monkman 2014) I believe it is mostly effective and will help the world progress in several ways. I think that it is a good way to build foreign relationship all over the world and it will also help in globalization. Even though the migrant workers suffer due to low pay and mainly because of the position and status they are being given, there are also migrant workers who are highly paid with high recognition, from the government. However according to my understanding, the way people used to work earlier is changing, the entire nature of work is changing, and people are becoming more conscious about their work and pay. Reference Connell, J. and Burgess, J., 2009. Migrant workers, migrant work, public policy and human resource management.International Journal of Manpower,30(5), pp.412-421. Davidson, C., Heyman, F., Matusz, S., Sjholm, F. and Zhu, S.C., 2014. Globalization and imperfect labor market sorting.Journal of International Economics,94(2), pp.177-194. Potrafke, N., 2013. Globalization and labor market institutions: International empirical evidence.Journal of Comparative Economics,41(3), pp.829-842. Stromquist, N.P. and Monkman, K. eds., 2014.Globalization and education: Integration and contestation across cultures. RL Education.

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