Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Effects of Social Networking Sites - 730 Words

Effects of Social Networking Sites The implementation of social networking sites has changed how the average person communicates with others. Studies show that the average person spends at least nine hours a week surfing and posting on social network sites ( In fact, using social networking sites has not only improved our communication skills, but has had a negative impact as well. One of the many pros and cons to communicating on a networking site is the ability to â€Å"stay connected.† When a student graduates, a loved one moves, or a career changes, everyone wants to keep up with people they have grown to care for. Being on a social networking site, you can â€Å"friend request† people you know to keep up†¦show more content†¦Artists and topics that attract a younger population give ample opportunity for predators to have access to the viewers. There is no way to know that the 15 year old girl you’ve become  "besties† with is really a young girl, or if it’s really a pedophile looking for new prey. â€Å"In Feb. 2009, MySpace identified 90,000 registered sex offenders with profiles on the site, while Facebook declined to reveal how many were present on its site† ( Another example of how social networks affect society both positively and negatively is the ability to obtain information. Many networking sites created today are made for specific genres of people. Sites like and have been created to help people with life issues such as finding new jobs or getting tips on breastfed babies. If a person is shy and has trouble meeting that â€Å"special someone,† they can go to a networking site such as Sadly, not everything that is posted on these sites can be verified. Most sites, like the match-making sites, have no way to verify that the person posting on their site is them. An older, obese pe rson can post a picture of a younger, thinner person to try and get a match. The site itself does not know that the picture posted is actually the person posting it. So, when the â€Å"date† shows up expecting person A, they are angry or upset that they meet person B, the real person, and bullying, fighting, orShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Social Networking Sites On Relationships1528 Words   |  7 Pages Effects of Social Networking Sites on Relationships Several studies have found that using social networking sites excessively, including partner surveillance and monitoring, posting ambiguous information, and compulsive internet use, can be detrimental to romantic relationships (Ridgway Clayton, 2016). Social networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, negatively influence our relationships. It is important to know the common conflicts and how to avoid them. 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