Thursday, September 3, 2020

Economic and Political Systems of Cuba Essay

The Economic System in Cuba is known to be socialism. Socialism can be characterized as a plan of evening out the social states of life. This framework considers the end of imbalances in the ownership of property just as the circulation of riches similarly to all people. Along these lines, the way to accomplish this is by the collectivization of all private property. By augmentation, collectivization is the way toward framing aggregate networks where property and assets are possessed by the network and not people. Opportunity of articulation is additionally interceded by the state. Socialism is a framework that typically is fruitless in any case, the main way that socialism might be accomplished is if each and every individual from a socialist society is in finished concurrence with the game plan which was referenced previously. In early Cuban Political history, there were different socialist just as rebel associations for instance the Communist Party of Cuba which was started in the mid 1920’s by Julio Antonio Mella, Carlos Balino, Jose Marti and Fabio Grobart. It was afterwards driven by both the main secretary and auxiliary secretary: †Fidel Castro and Raul Castro individually. In Cuba, no other ideological group other than that of the Communist Party of Cuba is permitted to be framed in the dread that a non †socialist gathering which will be financed by the United States of America would intercede and guarantee Cuba’s autonomy. In contrast with other decision socialist gatherings around the globe, the socialist party in Cuba holds a stricter methodology and adherence to the convention of Marxism †Leninism and the customary Soviet Model. Also, the Cuban Political System is depicted as bona fide which depends on the one of a kind history of the battle for uniformity among people just as freedom. Cuba is a republic with a brought together communist framework with a structure of the State of Republic of Cuba as follows: â€* National Assembly of People’s Power * Council of State * Council of Ministers * Provincial and Municipal Governments * Judiciary System

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Defining the Scope Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Characterizing the Scope - Essay Example There, nonetheless, comes when there is have to have a few changes to the degree, and this naturally carries difficulties to the tasks. Extension changes, regardless of how overpowering, are continually going to occur. The calendar might be one region in which extension changes influence the goings-on of a task. This at that point influences the timetable spread out toward the start of the task, which thusly may influence the anticipated destinations and objectives. Besides, the nature of the venture might be influenced if the circumstance isn't rescued rapidly and productively. Convenient solutions are regularly found in this stage, subsequently; dissolving the nature of the whole venture. Tragically, there is likewise the issue of resolve. Individuals chipping away at a task when confronted with changes can get startled and confounded. Individuals frequently prepare with regards to ventures, however abrupt alters may influence the foreseen course prompting low resolve (Schwalbe, 2013). Dealing with these progressions might be troublesome, yet it must be finished. Perhaps the most ideal approaches to deal with this is resist the urge to panic and remain in charge. When frenzy is available, at that point the whole venture might be damned. Change control systems are urgent now, which may bring up what course to take to arrive at the expected goals. Various individuals may have diverse control components so it is fundamental to comprehend what best works for the undertaking group. One thing that is a central piece of this control instrument is correspondence. It is indispensable now in the undertaking stage since individuals need steady consolation about their abilities and the significance of venture consummation (Schwalbe, 2013). This is without trading off the nature of work


1812 Much discussion has proceeded to decide the reason for the War of 1812. Through authentic proof and knowledge it is anything but difficult to see that the battle for unbiased rights was the reason for the War of 1812. The seizures of American boats and impressments of the American individuals damaged worldwide law. The Indian assault on America gave the American individuals motivation to accept that the British had been a piece of overstepping the United States Neutrality Laws. American individuals likewise favored war to being constrained by Great Britain.British impressments and seizing of American mariners and boats had made Madison angry, and he proposed to take care of business. Madison would not like to go into a war however; he needed to protect the lack of bias. The United States have futile depleted criticisms and expostulations⠦without effect,⠝ said Madison in his war message to congress. Madison attempted a wide range of bans, yet nothing worked.The unique settlement of the Louisiana Purchase

Friday, August 21, 2020

Lewis Carrolls Alices Adventures in Wonderland Essay -- Lewis Carrol

Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 1.     Introduction There are a few reasons why I have picked the book â€Å"Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland† as the point for my research project. The fundamental explanation is that I have been captivated by Alice’s undertakings as an arrangement on TV since I was around six years of age. I was interested about the exhausted bunny, racked by cerebrum about how Alice would just have the option to arrive at the brilliant key on the table and I got significantly more apprehensive when I saw the Queen than the Knaves of Hearts. What I didn't see at that point was that Alice has nodded off to start with and all she is encountering is â€Å"only† a fantasy. Be that as it may, my fantasy has been wrecked when I previously read the book at the period of around 12 and I should let it out was then when I lost a portion of my interest for Alice. As I read the book again as a groundwork for the Proseminar a couple of months prior I before long began to concentrate on a specific angle which I was unable to relinquish and which brought back my interest for Alice’s Adventures. It is additionally the explanation I have picked this theme for my research project: I am a lot of intrigued by the conditions of the time, for this situation the Victorian Age, and the different effects on an individual like Lewis Carroll regarding his capacity to make such an incredible, creative and appealing thought of a wonderland. I might want to know what sort of individual can make up such a story? I have picked the title â€Å"Inventing Wonderland†, which is the name of a book by Jackie Wullschlã ¤ger, in light of the fact that it unequivocally communicates the focal point of my research project. I think the motivation behind why I am keen on this angle is the accompanying: About three years back I remained one year as an Au Pair for a family in Rhode Island. It took me some time to find how to draw in the consideration of a 4-year-old, his name was Carter, when the circumstance expected it to be quiet. Be that as it may, I put youthful Carter as an extra companion of his preferred character Winnie the Pooh in the focal point of another Pooh-plot and attempted to create an energizing story with hazardous undertakings as he sat on my lap listening more cautiously than he had ever done previously. I was effective, obviously and without modest representation of the truth my accounts were not at all as whimsical and creative as Carroll’s, also were they worth distributing. What's more, it was actually this circumstance, Carter sitting on my lap, that I ... ... As I have just guaranteed above, I think it is significant get probably some thought of the â€Å"Zeitgeist†, in which a book was composed, so as to comprehend its criticalness. From my perspective, being keen on the foundation components of an author’s life and time not just assists with showing signs of improvement comprehension of the significance of a book, however it additionally causes me to welcome it more. I think everybody acts and talks as indicated by what the person is impacted by. On the off chance that this is deciding for the worth a book is another inquiry, yet I think it is significant that it is up to everybody in the event that the person might want to find out about the writer. 7. List of sources Blake, Kathleen. Play, Games, and Sport. The Literary works of Lewis Carroll. London: Cornell University Press. 1974. Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1984. . 25/01/05 Schwab, Gabriele. The Mirror and the Killer-Queen. Otherness in Literary Language. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996. Wullschlã ¤ger, Jackie. Developing Wonderland. The Lives of Lewis Carroll, Edward Lear, J.M. Barrie, Kenneth Grahame and A.A. Milne. Rev.ed. London: Methuen, 2001. Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Essay - Lewis Carrol Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 1.     Introduction There are a few reasons why I have picked the book â€Å"Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland† as the point for my research project. The principle reason is that I have been captivated by Alice’s experiences as an arrangement on TV since I was around six years of age. I was interested about the exhausted hare, racked by mind about how Alice would just have the option to arrive at the brilliant key on the table and I got considerably more apprehensive when I saw the Queen than the Knaves of Hearts. What I didn't see at that point was that Alice has nodded off to start with and all she is encountering is â€Å"only† a fantasy. Notwithstanding, my fantasy has been annihilated when I initially read the book at the time of around 12 and I should let it be known was then when I lost a portion of my interest for Alice. As I read the book again as a groundwork for the Proseminar a couple of months prior I before long began to concentrate on a specific angle which I was unable to relinquish and which brought back my interest for Alice’s Adventures. It is additionally the explanation I have picked this subject for my research project: I am a lot of inspired by the conditions of the time, for this situation the Victorian Age, and the different effects on an individual like Lewis Carroll regarding his capacity to make such an amazing, innovative and appealing thought of a wonderland. I might want to know what sort of individual can make up such a story? I have picked the title â€Å"Inventing Wonderland†, which is the name of a book by Jackie Wullschlã ¤ger, in light of the fact that it accurately communicates the focal point of my research paper. I think the motivation behind why I am keen on this angle is the accompanying: About three years back I remained one year as an Au Pair for a family in Rhode Island. It took me some time to find how to pull in the consideration of a 4-year-old, his name was Carter, when the circumstance expected it to be quiet. In any case, I put youthful Carter as an extra companion of his preferred character Winnie the Pooh in the focal point of another Pooh-plot and attempted to develop an energizing story with perilous experiences as he sat on my lap listening more cautiously than he had ever done previously. I was fruitful, obviously and without modest representation of the truth my accounts were not at all as whimsical and innovative as Carroll’s, also were they worth distributing. Also, it was actually this circumstance, Carter sitting on my lap, that I ... ... As I have just asserted above, I think it is significant get probably some thought of the â€Å"Zeitgeist†, in which a book was composed, so as to comprehend its criticalness. From my perspective, being keen on the foundation variables of an author’s life and time not just assists with showing signs of improvement comprehension of the significance of a book, yet it additionally causes me to welcome it more. I think everybody acts and talks as per what the individual in question is impacted by. In the event that this is deciding for the worth a book is another inquiry, however I think it is significant that it is up to everybody in the event that the person in question might want to find out about the writer. 7. Book index Blake, Kathleen. Play, Games, and Sport. The Literary works of Lewis Carroll. London: Cornell University Press. 1974. Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1984. . 25/01/05 Schwab, Gabriele. The Mirror and the Killer-Queen. Otherness in Literary Language. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996. Wullschlã ¤ger, Jackie. Designing Wonderland. The Lives of Lewis Carroll, Edward Lear, J.M. Barrie, Kenneth Grahame and A.A. Milne. Rev.ed. London: Methuen, 2001.

The Case of Revision R v G and Another Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Case of Revision R v G and Another - Essay Example Notwithstanding, the House of Lords overruled, in light of the fact that a component of men's rea was a prerequisite in all cases including genuine offenses. The young men were subsequently not seen as blameworthy of illegal conflagration, or the wrongdoing of causing harm by fire3. The previous was delegated target carelessness and the last as emotional foolishness and this must be evaluated by reference to the sensible man. The instance of Cunningham4 set up indisputably that emotional wildness including offenses submitted â€Å"intentionally and recklessly† will make the blamed obligated. In any case, Caldwell ascribed obligation for target carelessness also, in spite of the fact that Lord Edmund Davies noticed a disagreeing supposition on the target wildness of the respondent as follows: â€Å"†¦a jury couldn't on those words alone, appropriately convict him of foolishness essentially in light of the fact that they thought about that the hazard should have entered his thoughts The House of Lords choice anyway overruled in light of the fact that prescience or the capacity to make an appraisal of the outcomes was considered to be a fundamental piece of foolishness as spread out under Section 1 of the Criminal Damage Act. The premise whereupon the lower Court’s choice was overruled was that when a judgment was made on the risk for target wildness without offering any leeway for the young people of the respondents or for whether they had the psychological ability to comprehend the results of their activities, it will undoubtedly be wrong. The House of Lords held that since the young men didn't malevolently and purposely set out to make harm the property, neither did they predict the danger of the harms that could happen through the spread of the fire, they couldn't be considered to be liable of fire related crime. A conviction for a wrongdoing ought to demonstrate not only a demonstration of oversight prompting a wrongdoing yet additionally a guilty per spective, as per the standard of men's rea. Hence a respondent who really didn't see the hazard can't be presented to genuine discipline.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Mma Precious Ramotswe No Gender Careers Research Paper - 275 Words

Mma Precious Ramotswe: No Gender Careers Research Paper (Essay Sample) Content: No Genders CareersCustomerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Name:Customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Course:Tutorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Name:October 22nd, 2013.:I have decided to use story adaptation to clearly explain my best lesson. In this case, I choose, The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith adaptation story. Through these story I show that there no specific gender careers. This is a showcase we learnt (in LIT 2331) an event that that happened in Botswana, explaining how women can be the ever-best detectivesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬. My adaptation story strongly shows how important it is to make self-sacrifices to succeed.No Gender careersWhen ones decide to join any line of a career he or she should overlook the negative perceptions that exist towards that specific career .It is vital to exploit ones talent in any possible way. This is when real progress can be realised and coveted success achieved. It is from these outstanding actions and progress that we name those who made such differences heroes and heroines. What matters in the real life is who makes the most difference by the end of the day. One whether male or female can shine in any line of career. I was motivated by the book we learnt (inLIT 2331) titled à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith. Initially I had some perception and feelings that some careers can be brutal and unfit to some genders.However, this notion changed when I found that a lady known as Mma Precious Ramotswe overlooked the notion that women cannot become good detective agents. She becomes the first women detective in Botswana. She uses all the inheritance resources left to her by her father to start up an investigation company, a job and career traditionally believed only men can fit. What was baffling is the fact that she had neither experience nor enough capital. She ignores all the advices given especially by her lawyer and channels her own path determined to make a difference (Smith 1998).Another important aspect is to develop passion and love for whatever one endeavours to undertake. Ramotswe has developed a lot of passion for her self- initiated job and regards it as her duty, responsibility and call. She...

Monday, June 8, 2020

Twenty Things I Wish I’d Known Before Senior Year

This past week I was grabbing a smoothie with several soon-to-be seniors (boy, do I love unintentional alliteration). Naturally, the topic of school came into conversation and, upon hearing their array of concerns, I was inspired to come up with this. So voila! Here is an exceptionally lengthy and most certainly over-kill list of what I wish I’d known (in no particular order) before starting twelfth grade. 1. Tackle college apps early and often There’s a comfort that comes with being a senior. You’ve made it through rounds upon rounds of testing, you’ve established who your friends are, what teachers are on your side. But don’t let that deter you from hitting the ground running. Applying to college is daunting (big shocker, I know), and the longer you put off writing those essays, the more stress that will build. 2. Ride out your existential crises You’re going to have one of these. Or, in my case, one million. And, no matter who you are or what your situation is, that’s perfectly okay. If you need to cry it out: do so. If you need to take a day off from school to get some rest: do so. If you don’t take that time for yourself, self-inflicted paralysis will easily derail you. 3. Stop looking left and right It’s going to feel like your in a horse race at times, fighting to get into the same schools and measuring your worth by comparing accomplishments. Save yourself the energy and knock it off. Applying to college is much better when approached as an individual experience. Focus on your own strengths and your own future. . Rejection will not define you The best and worst part of senior year is when the admissions decisions start trickling out. It’s riveting and uncomfortable and demoralizing and rewarding all at the same time. Push aside any jealousy that threatens to bubble up and choose to embody integrity. No matter what happens, you will end up on a path that can get you where you want to be. 15. And neither will graduation cords You’d be surprised by how many people become petty in those final weeks over a shiny strand of rope. Who cares how much bling you’re wearing when you’re getting that diploma? What really counts is that you’ve graduated. 16. Ask for help If you’re struggling with applications, with relationships, with your own self-doubt: reach out to someone. Senior year can take an emotional toll in innumerable ways, and talking it through with others (college advisors, counselors, peers) will only make you stronger. 17. Attend school events Now’s not the time to be â€Å"too cool† for school spirit. There aren’t many more occasions where a large portion of your senior class will be together having fun. You don’t want to miss out on some hilarious memories. 18. Attend non-school events Although there is still one more summer ahead of you, it’s never too early to adventure in your own back yard. (I mean who knows where you’ll be situated this time next year?) Don’t let the same old excuses bog you down: too much homework, a project that needs finishing†¦ all of those things will be waiting for you when you get back. 19. Embrace being a role model One of the weird things that’ll happen is that underclassmen will look to you now and again for guidance. Even if you don’t realize it, you’re setting an example for the next generations of twelfth graders. See it as an opportunity to give back to your high school and make valuable connections with new people. 20. Save your nostalgia for the end The best advice I can give to anyone approaching senior year is be present. It’s okay to have periods of sadness, of unwillingness to move on. Just never forget that, as much as senior year is about closing a chapter, it’s also about celebrating an amazing journey of friendship and personal growth.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Essay about Gender in Shakespeares As You Like It

Questions of Gender in Shakespeares As You Like It Throughout history, men and women have been assigned specific roles to which society prescribes standards and qualifications. There are certain tasks that have been traditionally completed only by men, and others that have been assigned to women; most of which are separated by the realm of the domestic sphere. During the period of the Renaissance, men and women were assigned very different roles within society. The value, social expectations, legal status, and rights of citizenship differed greatly between the sexes as well as among the classes. Many of these gender roles can be identified through careful readings of the literature produced throughout the Renaissance.†¦show more content†¦Such a life was impossible for women . . . because for a woman, a public reputation was dishonorable, a sure sign of immorality and scandal (Wiesner 12). Women were excluded from any position of meaningful authority in any realm of society. Men were even valued for their ability to classify an object or being as beautiful. During this period of great creative accomplishments, men may . . . have taken to commerce or to drink, but as a matter of fact they took to visible beauty (Putnam 164). They established beauty as an important quality of life, and only men had the capacity to differentiate between that which was beautiful and not beautiful. Women, therefore, were often valued for their physical features. In the Renaissance, . . . the beauty of woman is more praised and esteemed than any other beauty . . . [for] it appears to be the order of nature that what is lacking in one sex is supplied in the other, and since man is endowed with wit, judgement, and a mind almost divine, . . . woman is given bodily beauty that she may be superior to man in this respect (Camden 20). Women were object to be viewed with pleasing affections, not with any sense of worth other than their physical features; . . . the only positive demand of the woman was that she should be beautiful (Putnam 164-165). Women were also valued for qualities that define them as submissive and passive. A womansShow MoreRelated Gender and Social Norms in Shakespeares As You Like It Essay1670 Words   |  7 PagesGender and Social Norms in As You Like It      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare based his comedy As You Like It primarily on three other works.   Its plot follows the basic structure of Rosalynde, published in 1590 by Thomas Lodge.   The Tale of Gamelyn, written by an unknown author in the mid-fourteenth century, is a violent Middle English narrative that was found among Chaucers papers and provides further details for Shakespeares work.   With the Forest of Ardenne serving as an escape for our main charactersRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Much Ado About Nothing768 Words   |  4 Pagesplays are produced for money and audiences. In Shakespeare’s time, a lot of plays were written to center around politics and retelling of historical England and Europe. Shakespeare’s plays are written in prose. Shakespeare’s plays were also performed at playhouses around England. Today’s theatre shares many similarities with the production from Shakespeare’s time, however they markedly differ. There are indeed many differences, for example, language, gender roles, and venue. These differences would changeRead MoreAs You Like It by William Shakespeare783 Words   |  3 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s play, As You Like It, the protagonist, Rosalind, disguises herself as a boy for the majority of the play. Rosalind is used by Shakespeare to help divulge a portion of Shakespeare’s personal life and also show flaws in the unique stereotypes that are expected for boys and girls. Shakespeare’s main use for Rosalind was to illustrate the unique features and characteristics that boys and girls are expected to have and how easily they can be overlooked. Even though boys and girlsRead More Cross-Dressing in Shakespeares Twelfth Night and As You Like It1736 Words   |  7 PagesCross-Dressing in Shakespeares Twelfth Night and As You Like It In Shakespeares plays Twelfth Night and As You Like It both of the lead female characters dress as men. Both plays are comedies and the change in gender is used as a joke, but I think it goes much deeper. A woman can become a man, but only if it is not permanent. The affect of the change cannot be too great because she must change back to female once everything is settled. They are strong female characters, but must becomeRead MoreShakespeare Gender Stereotypes1049 Words   |  5 Pagesof Gender Stereotypes to Shakespeare’s Plays Imagine living in Shakespeare’s time, when expectations were held at a higher standard for both men and women. A time when what gender you were dictated what you could and could not do. Male supremacy ruled the world, and therefore women were subjected, â€Å"‘To suckle fools and chronicle small beer.’† (Othello 2.1.132) This means that the woman’s only responsibilities in life was to nurse her children and take care of her home. These kinds of gender stereotypesRead MoreEssay about The Impact of Gender on Shakespeares Othello 1376 Words   |  6 PagesThe Impact of Gender on Shakespeare’s Othello In the book â€Å"Gender Trouble† (1990), feminist theorist Judith Butler explains â€Å"gender is not only a social construct, but also a kind of performance such as a show we put on, a costume or disguise we wear† (Butler). In other words, gender is a performance, an act, and costumes, not the main aspect of essential identity. By understanding this theory of gender as an act, performance, we can see how gender has greatly impacted the outcome of the play inRead MoreAs You Like It, One Of William Shakespeare’S Most Popular1280 Words   |  6 Pages As You Like It, one of William Shakespeare’s most popular comedies is a pastoral (of sorts) tale that speaks of love, loss, simple life, the life of the city and/or court, and of course, freedom. Shakespeare calls into question what is appropriate in the society of the time by colorful, fleshed-out characters both in the court—a proper place in England where noblemen and women were expected to look and behave in a certain manner. The consequences for violating the social codes of the time couldRead MoreCommentary on William Shakespeare ´s As s You Like It and Gender Roles1376 Words   |  6 Pages Shakespeare’s society was strongly patriarchal .Women were expected to behave passively obediently and submissively toward their husbands ,who were considered the superior sex and were given the responsibility of governing the household .This is a topic undoubtedly critical to our understanding both of the role of women and the traditional concepts of gender and sexuality.Tarub explains that even domestic households were structured in accordance with patriarchal values ; the man ruled whilstRead MorePsychoanalytic Ideas And Shakespeare By Inge Wise And Maggie Mills1420 Words   |  6 PagesShakespeare, Freud’s work on the psychological works on Shakespeare in general are used throughout the book . The authors focus on psychopathic fiction characters in six plays Hamlet, Macbeth, twilight nights, King Lear, and the Tempest. The book when you read the reviews and the induction of the book is very misleading, the book should be called interpretations of other autho rs who have a written on the psychoanalytic some of Shakespeare s major plays. Whenever Mill and Wise that would give theirRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Play For King James I, The Tragedy Of Macbeth1200 Words   |  5 Pagesa feminist lens to interpret Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the historical perspective will provide the most effective means of interpretation for readers. As a modern reader, it is easy to read Macbeth and see elements of feminism come into play. In today’s society where people have become increasingly aware of racial and gender disparities, these aspects of the play have become more clear to the audience. Throughout the play, Lady Macbeth shows valuable insight into gender stereotypes of the time period

Sunday, May 17, 2020

What Is Periodicity on the Periodic Table

Periodicity is one of the most fundamental aspects of the periodic table of the elements. Here is an explanation of what periodicity is and a look at the periodic properties. What Is Periodicity? Periodicity refers to the recurring trends that are seen in the element properties. These trends became apparent to Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev (1834–1907) when he arranged the elements in a table in order of increasing mass. Based on the properties that were displayed by the known elements, Mendeleev was able to predict where there were holes in his table, or elements yet to be discovered. The modern periodic table is very similar to Mendeleevs table, but elements today are ordered by increasing atomic number, which reflects the number of protons in an atom. There arent any undiscovered elements, although new elements can be created that have even higher numbers of protons. What Are the Periodic Properties? The periodic properties are: Ionization energy:Â  the energy required to remove an electron from an ion or gaseous atomAtomic radius: half the distance between the centers of two atoms that are touching each otherElectronegativity:Â  the measure of the ability of an atom to form a chemical bondElectron affinity: the ability of an atom to accept an electron Trends or Periodicity The periodicity of these properties follows trends as you move across a row or period of the periodic table or down a column or group: Moving Left → Right Ionization Energy IncreasesElectronegativity IncreasesAtomic Radius Decreases Moving Top → Bottom Ionization Energy DecreasesElectronegativity DecreasesAtomic Radius Increases

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Effects of Social Networking Sites - 730 Words

Effects of Social Networking Sites The implementation of social networking sites has changed how the average person communicates with others. Studies show that the average person spends at least nine hours a week surfing and posting on social network sites ( In fact, using social networking sites has not only improved our communication skills, but has had a negative impact as well. One of the many pros and cons to communicating on a networking site is the ability to â€Å"stay connected.† When a student graduates, a loved one moves, or a career changes, everyone wants to keep up with people they have grown to care for. Being on a social networking site, you can â€Å"friend request† people you know to keep up†¦show more content†¦Artists and topics that attract a younger population give ample opportunity for predators to have access to the viewers. There is no way to know that the 15 year old girl you’ve become  "besties† with is really a young girl, or if it’s really a pedophile looking for new prey. â€Å"In Feb. 2009, MySpace identified 90,000 registered sex offenders with profiles on the site, while Facebook declined to reveal how many were present on its site† ( Another example of how social networks affect society both positively and negatively is the ability to obtain information. Many networking sites created today are made for specific genres of people. Sites like and have been created to help people with life issues such as finding new jobs or getting tips on breastfed babies. If a person is shy and has trouble meeting that â€Å"special someone,† they can go to a networking site such as Sadly, not everything that is posted on these sites can be verified. Most sites, like the match-making sites, have no way to verify that the person posting on their site is them. An older, obese pe rson can post a picture of a younger, thinner person to try and get a match. The site itself does not know that the picture posted is actually the person posting it. So, when the â€Å"date† shows up expecting person A, they are angry or upset that they meet person B, the real person, and bullying, fighting, orShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Social Networking Sites On Relationships1528 Words   |  7 Pages Effects of Social Networking Sites on Relationships Several studies have found that using social networking sites excessively, including partner surveillance and monitoring, posting ambiguous information, and compulsive internet use, can be detrimental to romantic relationships (Ridgway Clayton, 2016). Social networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, negatively influence our relationships. It is important to know the common conflicts and how to avoid them. It is alsoRead MoreEffects of Social Networking Sites to Students4872 Words   |  20 PagesPublishing Corporation The Effect of Social Networking Sites to the Lifestyles of Teachers and Students in Higher Educational Institutions Seguya Asad1, Md. Abdullah-Al-Mamun2, Che Kum Clement3 Department of Technical and Vocational Education, Islamic University of Technology 1 E-mail: , abmamun@iut-dhaka.edu2, chekum@iutdhaka.edu3 Abstract With the creation of Social Networking Sites, colleges and universities across the globe have been playingRead MoreEFFECT OF THE SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES ON THE STUDY HABBITS OF THE STUDENTS1840 Words   |  8 PagesEFFECT OF THE SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES ON THE STUDY HABBITS OF THE STUDENTS A Research Paper Presented to Ms. Patricia Orpilla By: Ma. Excelsis Dhea T. Arganoza Rose Ann Garcia Kamille Logo Jennifer Capillan Christine Vallejo Michelle Connie Pascual Rainer Rosales INTRODUCTION In our present generations, there a lot of technologies have been deployed to make things easier. One of them is the Social Networking Sites it is very useful in many ways, and it is easy to use by anyone apparently mostRead MoreThe Effect of Social Networking Sites to the Academic Performance of Students2842 Words   |  12 Pagesï » ¿ A STUDY ABOUT THE EFFECTS OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES TO A STUDENT’S ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE Kurt Jonas L. Adonis Errol A. Buenaventura Researchers Mrs. Marilyn S. Roque Marcelo H. del Pilar National High School December 2013 Acknowledgement We would like to acknowledge our former teacher in research Mrs. Kathyryn Alvarez for teaching us the basics of research. Without her, we would not know anything about research. We would also like to acknowledge our current teacherRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Networking Sites On People s Lives1136 Words   |  5 PagesFRIEND ON SOCIAL NETWORKING SITE CANNOT BE TRUST†Ã¢â‚¬â€œ A QUALITATIVE WORK DONE BY PROFESSORS AT UNIVERSITY OF MACAU, CHINA. -SAHITHI KUNATI Introduction: There has been a lot of theory about the effect of Social Networking Sites on people’s lives. Some apprehension that Social Networking Sites utilization may reduce human connections and contact, maybe expanding social segregationRead MoreThe Effects of Social Networking Sites to the Academic Performance of the Students6500 Words   |  26 PagesThe Effects of Social Networking Sites to Academic Performance of the Students ABSTRACT Title : The Effects of Social Networking to the Academic Performance of the Students The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of social networking to the academic performance of the students of Universidad de Manila. 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Analysis Of Arthur Miller s The Crucible - 1052 Words

Arthur Miller was one of the leading American playwrights in the 20th century. Arthur Miller was born on October 17, 1915 in Harlem New York City to Isidore and Augusta Miller (GradeSaver). After graduating from high school, Miller worked a variety of odd jobs including hosting a radio program; this was before the University of Michigan accepted him. At school, he studied journalism, became the night editor of the Michigan Daily, and began experimenting with theater and writing plays. He lived through the Great Depression and it seemed that the fragility and susceptibility of human existence in the modern era manifested into the playwright. Miller wrote plays for the Federal Theatre, which provided work for unemployed writers, actors, directors, and designers. Miller s creative writing career span was over a sixty year span and during this time, Miller had written twenty-six plays. He wrote The Crucible in 1953 then later wrote the screenplay for the movie version which was produced in 1996 (CliffNotes, Authur Miller Biography). Miller s first play to make it to Broadway was in 1944. It was The Man Who Had All the Luck but it was a disheartening failure, closing after only four performances. This early setback almost discouraged Miller from writing completely, but he didn’t let that set him in a depressed state and give up. Three years later, All My Sons won the New York Drama Critics Circle Award as the best play of 1947, launching Miller into theatrical stardomShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Arthur Miller s The Crucible 961 Words   |  4 Pages Movie paper analysis of The crucible The circumstance brought upon a person can change them greatly. The Crucible edited and rewritten by Arthur Miller, is a movie which takes place in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. The leading actors are Daniel Day-Lewis as Proctor, Winona Ryder as Abigail, Paul Scofield as Judge Danforth, Joan Allen as Elizabeth, Bruce Davison as Parris, and Rob Campbell as Hale. It was directed by Nicholas Hytner and was Based on the witch hunt which surrounded MassachusettsRead MoreAnalysis Of Arthur Miller s The Crucible 1457 Words   |  6 PagesSteven Huang Ms. Folkrod English 3, Period 7 26 October 2014 Proctor’s Pride and Downfall A tragic hero is a hero in a story whose natural flaws or wrong judgments, associates with bad fate, causes his downfall or death. In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, there are tragic heroes. In the late 1600s, there are a series of witch trials happens at Salem, MA. John Proctor, a farmer who lives in a farm with his wife Elizabeth Proctor, is the protagonist during the Salem witch trial. John is a candid, frankRead MoreAnalysis Of Arthur Miller s The Crucible 1732 Words   |  7 Pagesin the world. II. Biographical Arthur Miller was a controversial playwright during the 1950’s and 60’s, note because of the material that he choose to write about, but because of the events that took place surrounding one of his best works: The Crucible. One of his friends and a fellow playwright Elia Kazan was accused of being a Communist by the house Un-American Activities Committee. Elia, who had admitted to being previously a Communist during the 1930’s (long before the cold war) was askedRead MoreAnalysis Of Arthur Miller s The Crucible 3926 Words   |  16 PagesA.P. English Language August 11, 2014 Novel Analysis Assignment The Crucible by Arthur Miller Plot and Conflict At its core, The Crucible is a chilling depiction of a community engulfed by hysteria. A fanatically religious community in Salem, Massachusetts becomes embroiled in a witch-hunt initiated by a group of adolescent girls. At the start of the play, Reverend Parris finds his teenage daughter, Betty Parris, â€Å"sick† in bed after she, along with his niece Abigail, his slave Tituba, and a fewRead MoreAnalysis Of Arthur Miller s The Crucible 883 Words   |  4 PagesName: Lauren Ciesielski Period AP NOVEL FORM 1. Title: The Crucible 2. Author (first and last name) and date of first publication: Arthur Miller and 1953 3. List four main characters with a one-sentence description of each. a. John Proctor – A farmer in Salem that is married to Elizabeth Proctor and is trying to get Elizabeth to forgive him for his sins of lechery on Abigail. b. Abigail Williams- A young lady who tries to throw herself at John Proctor due to their previous affair andRead MoreAnalysis Of Arthur Miller s The Crucible 908 Words   |  4 PagesDel Giudice Mrs. Schmiedeler English 2F 21 October 2015 Crucible Essay â€Å"It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.† This is a quote by Benjamin Franklin and it explains how the puritan society in The Crucible work. this quote shows how fragile a reputation can be, you can spend your whole life increasing your reputation, but one wrong move and it’s completely wrong. In The Crucible, many of Arthur Miller’s characters are very concerned with their reputationRead MoreAnalysis Of Arthur Miller s The Crucible 1122 Words   |  5 PagesErin Kelleher English II Honors Mrs. Hagerty 14 January 2015 Corruption in The Crucible Good leaders are essential to the functionality and prosperity of a community. They should be honest, genuine, and selfless. Good leaders keep the interests of the people they lead in mind when making all decisions instead of focusing on their own personal goals. It can be quite disastrous when leaders have ulterior motives or bad principles. When leaders are dishonest, deceitful, and selfish, it causes problemsRead MoreAnalysis Of Arthur Miller s The Crucible Essay1424 Words   |  6 PagesMatthew Shults A.P. English Language August 11, 2014 Novel Analysis Assignment The Crucible by Arthur Miller Plot and Conflict The Crucible is a play that takes place in the 17 century in Salem, Massachusetts. As the play starts, Reverend Parris caught some girls naked dancing in the woods. Apparently the girls where stirring up spirits and to escape the punishment of the accusations of being witches, they blame other women in Salem. Later on in the play, Elizabeth Proctor finds out about John ProctorRead MoreAnalysis Of Arthur Miller s The Crucible 1842 Words   |  8 PagesDiscuss Arthur Miller’s approach to U.S. history in The Crucible. Arthur Miller combines his experiences during the McCarthy reign of the 1950s and the factual events of the Salem witch trials in 1692 to create an elaborated historical tale of the panic caused by witchcraft. Although, the morals behind the events are relevant no matter what the period of time the audience is in. Arthur Miller uses the semantic field of truth throughout the play, ‘The Crucible’, to show his audiences that no matterRead MoreAnalysis Of Arthur Miller s The Crucible 2138 Words   |  9 Pages Crucible Character Essay - John Proctor #6 In Arthur Miller’s â€Å"The Crucible† the protagonist is a man by the name of John Proctor. Proctor is a very complex character because he doesn t have the cleanest history. He is a man in about his forties who had committed the sin of cheating on his wife with a young girl. This act of his gives a bad first impression to the reader. Proctor however does try to become a better man and do the right thing to save his wife s life, which changes feelings

Arabic Writing System And The Chinese Writing System - Samples

Question: Discuss about the Arabic Writing System And The Chinese Writing System. Answer: Introduction The emergence of writing system further known as script, characters or orthography is regarded as one of the most significant achievements to humankind. According to Perfetti and Harris (2013), the art of primitive tool making to the days of contemporary expertise, it has been believed that homo sapiens have travelled a long way in order to reinstate ancient stones and bricks to pen and paper and even advanced electronic gadgets in recent times. Eminent authors like Saiegh-Haddad and Henkin-Roitfarb (2014) mentioned that without the emergence of writing, the development of human civilization and knowledge would not have been achievable have mentioned it. This paper will intend to focus on two of the major writing systems of the world namely, the Arabic writing system and the Chinese writing system. In addition to this, the report will further shed light on the origin, characteristics of these two writing system by evaluating their respective phonetics, logograms, segments as well as signs in order to implicitly understand the two writing systems. Arabic Writing System According to Sahlolet al. (2014), the foundation of the Arabic writing system can be traced to the conceptualization of inscription and writing of the people belonging to the semi-nomadic Nabataean tribal community, who colonized the southern region of Syria and Jordan, along with other areas such as Northern Arabia as well as the Sinai Peninsula. It has been believed that the stone inscriptions existing in writings of Nabataean reveal immense likenesses to the contemporary form of Arabic writing method. As per Blucheet al. (2014), Arabic scripting system comprises mostly of consonants and vowel along with the certain level of modifications on the similar fundamental letter shapes utilized to create a representation of a varied number of resonance and sounds. The alphabetical range of Arabic system includes eighteen figures and shapes that express around twenty-eight phonetic sounds by the aid of diacritical symbols. Arabic is written from the right hand side continuing to the left. While the figures or numbers are written from left to right. However, Perfetti and Harris (2013) noted that until the beginning of twentieth century, the concept of punctuation marks was not implemented. Furthermore, short vowels, which are signified by a range of symbols and marks, positioned below or above the letters facilitate in the process of pronunciation as well as articulation of a word. They further stated that these set of symbols are only present in the Quran, the holy book of Islam, whereby there is immense significance of proper recitation and citations are essential for the beginners or novice readers. The alphabets of the Arab language according to Saiegh-Haddad and Henkin-Roitfarb (2014), further regarded as Arabiyyah is referred as scripts or writings used to inscribe a large numbers of languages in varied geographical regions. However, the Modern Standard Arabic Method of Writing is regarded as a standardized as well as literary form of the language that is used i n majority of the formal speech across the Arab region in order to facilitate effective communication. According to Rojo (2014), the Modern Standard Arabic is considered as an esteemed variety. Brierleyet al.(2016) formulate the concept of Diglossia that is a term used for two different variations of similar language is characteristically regarded as a division in purpose and utilization between MSA and the nationwide spoken range of Arabic language. However, being employed in formal as well as official contexts, MSA is not widely used by the Arabic speakers during a regular means of interpersonal communication. Chinese Writing System The Chinese writing system is regarded as the most complex form of language, which does not comprise an alphabet that is a set of figures and characters representing several units of sound and resonance. As per Henderson (2013),this type of writing system comprises an unrestricted set of symbols and fonts representing a word. Chinese writing system requires several set of characters, symbols and fonts in order to represent each of its distinctive morphemes. This writing system has been considered as the oldest form of writing system existing in the world. However, Wei (2014) noted that according to old Chinese legendary scripts, Cangjie a historian official was responsible for its invention under the regime of legendary emperor Huangdi during 2600BC. Andersonet al. (2013) conceptualized that written Chinese inscriptions are regarded as a script of ideograms, which can be characterized into six broad categories such as pictogram or figures, ideograph, logical collective, pictophonetic compounds as well as associate alteration. Williams (2016), noted that the scripted form of Chinese characters are regarded as hnz which are considered to be formerly images of humans, animals and several other things. However,these Chinese characters have transformed gradually into a more stylized form and do not have comprised any resemblance of the things, which they used to represent. Tianet al. (2015) mentioned in his writing that among the 56,000 Chinese fonts and symbols that are in existence, the major section of these characters would be incomprehensible and vague to the classic and typical Chinese reader. He further mentioned that a distinctive Chinese who reads would only require acquiring 3000 fonts and characters in order to learn Chinese language. There lies a dispute in learning the ways to read as well as inscribe thousands of characters comprising the Chinese language. As per Perfetti and Harris (2013), this has further led to the generalization of Chinese writing method initiated by the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) in 1956, which has been recognized in the process of colonization as well as translation industry called Chinese. Tranter (2013) took into account that in this process around 2000 fonts of Chinese writing system had been simplified to read as well as write. However, in recent times, Chinese is consideredas a standardized form of writing by the PRC barring Hong Kong and Singapore, whereby the conventional or traditional form of Chinese method is still regarded as the standard language system for regions such as Hong Kong, Taiwan along with Macau. Subsection Arabic Writing System (I) Phonetics- According to Sahlolet al. (2014), Arabic writing system comprises of almost 30 phonetically unique consonant segments along with six vowels. However, in terms of the range of consonants, the Arabic writing system can be positioned within the range of 20- 37 subdivisions whereas, other languages are likely to be varying towards 20-27 resonance. However, Perfetti and Harris (2013) noted if more than 20 Arabic geminates can be incorporated, the overall sections in Arabic writing system reaches a range of 53 that is considered to be more twice the means for the language system across the world. (II) Logograms- It has widely understood that Arabic script is not only implemented to write the language of Arab. Brierley et al.(2016) noted mentioned that several other languages namely, Urdu, Persian, Sindhi as well as Malay can be sited as instances that use Arabic scripts in their writing method. However, this language system does not reveal any logographic signs. (III) Syllabary- According to Rojo (2014), Arabic characters can be written in two varied alphabetic orthographies, a voweled intensely swallow and the other one that in unvoweled that has immense depth because of the deficientphonological detailed information when short vowels are absent or being omitted. (IV) Segments- As per Saiegh-Haddad (2014), Segmentation of Urdu script while scripting in Nastaliq writing technique is considered a comprehensive task because of the complexities of writing techniques in comparison to the Naskh writing technique.It must be noted that the Arabic writing recognition has gathered the awareness because of its challenging nature. (V) Signs and Symbols- Vowels and symbols belonging to the Arabic language, resemble dashes and symbols positioned below or above the Arabic letters to articulate the pronunciation of the language in a correct manner. Saiegh-Haddad provided an instance, the word Sharibathat is to drink or consume is similar to /shrb/ but have incorporated distinctive symbols to the readers and listeners to simplify the words. Chinese Writing System (I) Phonetics- The most popular Chinese phonetic systems are the Zhuyin alphabet and Hanyu Pinyin. As per Henderson (2013), it must be noted that Chinese employ these two phonetic methods primarily to learn the enunciation and pronunciation of the language and not in form of a writing system. Among these two Pinyin is regarded as the most commonly used phonetics in Mainland China. This phonetic system immensely aids the complex form of language easier to comprehend for meaning of the characters to foreigners and the ones unknown to the language. (II) Logograms- Anderson et al. (2013) mentioned that Chinese language can be sited as an exceptional example of logographic system whereby each of the Chinese symbols and characters signifies a single unit of meaning or morpheme along with a sole segment of speech. However, Chinese has eventually adapted a characteristic progress of logographic writing method. Initially images were used in order to comprehend thoughts and ideas, however recently, symbols and characters are used to demonstrate specific connotations and ideas. For example, a sword symbol can be used to express anger. (III) Syllabary- As per Tranter (2013), the systematic method of sound in Chinese language is manifested by the use of tones and resonance in order to specify the differences of connotations between words or syllables. Chinese words generally comprises of one syllable, however contemporary Chinese style employs compound language with higher numbers of suffixes. (IV) Segments- Tianet al. (2015) stated that Chinese character segmentation is referred as a key factor of recognition. The rate of accuracy of segmentation of Chinese fonts and characters plays a vital role for the performance of Chinese fonts recognition method. (V) Signs and Symbols- Wei 2014 acknowledged that signs and symbols are regarded as innovative technique of communication because of its magnificence as well as functionality. This form of language is taken through characters and symbols. In recent times, almost 4000 signs and symbols are used in the process of conveying messages through Chinese language. Conclusion Therefore, from the above discussion it can be concluded that an individuals illiteracy incorporates the parallel growth of scripted forms of the language known as upper and lower. The fundamental symbolic concepts of each writing system describe the words of the similar spoken language. The above discussion has evaluated those essential symbolic concepts vary so implicitly that knowing a single writing system will not facilitate the ability of speaking the particular language. The report has focused on the Chinese and Arabic writing systems by evaluating the origin, characteristics, logograms, signs, symbols, Syllabary and segmentation of each of these writing systems. References Anderson, R.C., Ku, Y.M., Li, W., Chen, X., Wu, X. and Shu, H., 2013. Learning to see the patterns in Chinese characters.Scientific Studies of Reading,17(1), pp.41-56. Bluche, T., Louradour, J., Knibbe, M., Moysset, B., Benzeghiba, M.F. and Kermorvant, C., 2014, April. The a2ia arabic handwritten text recognition system at the open hart2013 evaluation. InDocument Analysis Systems (DAS), 2014 11th IAPR International Workshop on(pp. 161-165). IEEE. Brierley, C., Sawalha, M., Heselwood, B. and Atwell, E., 2016. A Verified Arabic-IPA mapping for Arabic transcription technology, informed by Quranic recitation, traditional Arabic linguistics, and modern phonetics.Journal of Semitic Studies,61(1), pp.157-186. Henderson, E.H., 2013. The interface of lexical competence and knowledge of written words. InDevelopment of orthographic knowledge and the foundations of literacy(pp. 15-44). Routledge. Perfetti, C.A. and Harris, L.N., 2013. Universal reading processes are modulated by language and writing system.Language Learning and Development,9(4), pp.296-316. Rojo, L.M., 2014. Taking over the square: The role of linguistic practices in contesting urban spaces.Journal of Language and Politics,13(4), pp.623-652. Sahlol, A.T., Suen, C.Y., Elbasyouni, M.R. and Sallam, A.A., 2014. A proposed ocr algorithm for the recognition of handwritten arabic characters.J. Pattern Recognit. Intell. Syst, pp.8-22. Saiegh-Haddad, E. and Henkin-Roitfarb, R., 2014. The structure of Arabic language and orthography. InHandbook of Arabic literacy(pp. 3-28). Springer, Dordrecht. Tian, J., Wang, R., Wang, G., Liu, J. and Xia, Y., 2015. A two-stage character segmentation method for Chinese license plate.Computers Electrical Engineering,46, pp.539-553. Tranter, N., 2013. Logography and layering: A functional cross-linguistic analysis.Written Language Literacy,16(1), pp.1-31. Wei, B., 2014. The origin and evolvement of Chinese characters.Gda?skieStudiaAzjiWschodniej,2014(Zeszyt 5), pp.33-44. Williams, C., 2016. The Chinese Language. InTeaching English Reading in the Chinese-Speaking World(pp. 19-38). Springer, Singapore.

Show The Development And How Globalization-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: How To The Globalization Show Of Development? Answer: Introducation The main reason of this essay is to show the development and how globalization is effecting the organization of structure of work and forcing people to move for the betterment of their career. It is seen that maximum people especially laborers and workers are migrating due economical reason (Connell and Burgess 2009). The author focused on the migrant workers is in a way taking place of the local workers, which is again creating a problem in the Eastern and Western Europe. According to the author it has been seen that due to immigration workers and laborers had to go through danger and trials in the region, but still they go in order to get a high pay. The author also says that political debate is going on this particular topic, the supply of labor is being affected and it is also affecting the demand of labor, which is very true but through this article the basic understanding that I got is the increase of globalization is increasing the migration of workers and hence it is giving a mix culture and it is improving the quality of education and gives economic collaboration, the labor market is in a way helping as it is creating a bridge between all the labors. In this article there are various places where the author has brought up the problems people are facing due to this immigration. According to the author, there are two needs that contradict each other, industries need workers who can give a standard performance and also have to protect the rights of workers whereas they have to also put boundary or a limitation of the immigrant workers in order to give more work for the local workers. This reading provides brings up a lot of points like, the migrant workers come with an estimation of wage and also a hope for exposure, however I believe that the globalization of the world has made people more aware about the outer world and different countries and what work do they provide. Technology has brought globalization and through which all people are getting to know about the entire world and this has lead to more migration (Davidson 2014). Therefore it should be encouraged even more; the author in this article is basically showing both the positive and negative side of migration (Potrafke 2013). The globalization has brought the whole world together and made it seem l ike small place. (Stromquist and Monkman 2014) I believe it is mostly effective and will help the world progress in several ways. I think that it is a good way to build foreign relationship all over the world and it will also help in globalization. Even though the migrant workers suffer due to low pay and mainly because of the position and status they are being given, there are also migrant workers who are highly paid with high recognition, from the government. However according to my understanding, the way people used to work earlier is changing, the entire nature of work is changing, and people are becoming more conscious about their work and pay. Reference Connell, J. and Burgess, J., 2009. Migrant workers, migrant work, public policy and human resource management.International Journal of Manpower,30(5), pp.412-421. Davidson, C., Heyman, F., Matusz, S., Sjholm, F. and Zhu, S.C., 2014. Globalization and imperfect labor market sorting.Journal of International Economics,94(2), pp.177-194. Potrafke, N., 2013. Globalization and labor market institutions: International empirical evidence.Journal of Comparative Economics,41(3), pp.829-842. Stromquist, N.P. and Monkman, K. eds., 2014.Globalization and education: Integration and contestation across cultures. RL Education.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Puritanistic view on adultery in The Scarlet Letter an Example of the Topic Literature Essays by

Puritanistic view on adultery in The Scarlet Letter The psychological and moral issues of the book, written more than 150 years ago, are still relevant to contemporary society. By breaking the community's morals and standards, a woman had suffered for the rest of her life and reaped the fruits of sin in her own child. In "The Scarlet Letter" Nathaniel Hawthorne explores the realms of the sense of guilt as experienced by three principal characters - Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale, and Roger Chillingworth - living in the seventeenth-century Puritan society. The thrust of Hawthorne's classic is that isolation and morbidity are the results not of man's living in sin but of his living in a Puritan society. Need essay sample on "Puritanistic view on adultery in "The Scarlet Letter"" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Our Customers Usually Tell EssayLab specialists: Who wants to write essay for me? Essay writer professionals recommend: Academic Papers For Sale Buy Essay Online Writing Service Best Essay Writing Service Cheap Essays Within Hours Cheap Reliable Essay Writing Service The Puritans, who were believed to use the 'pure' Bible interpretations and were known for their intolerance to theater, music, and extravagant dress, however, excluded traditional practices of the church, when they migrated from England. In the new colony, the society, religion and government turned out to be in close cooperation. The past experience of punishment and religion-based laws, which were enforced, have created a certain aura in the Puritan society and affected all spheres of Boston life. Therefore, every citizen was involved in justice system, the Church and community at one time, and his reputation was a sole foundation for the Puritan society. So, adultery, committed by married woman, became publicly known, and, as an intolerable action, this act deserved the severest punishment. Goodwives the members of the Church and ladies with good reputation have been arguing about it, while waiting for Hester Prynne. For them she was nothing but malefactress, who caused scandal in Reverend Master Dimmesdale's congregation, who brought shame upon the whole society, and she deserved death or, at least, a brand on her forehead. (Hawthorne chapter 2). In this case, both the Scripture and the statute-book supported the resolution. It was the standpoint of the Puritan society. The Puritanistic view was that Hester must either die or wear the sign, which would represent her sin and remind her and the society all she had done. The shame on the scaffold and the scarlet letter was not considered as a fair punishment for such an unacceptable crime. They excluded any idea of forgiveness and mercy; for them, adultery was a grave and unpardonable sin, a heavy burden in this life and eternity the Puritans have already predetermined her destiny. Virtue, based on dedication, prayers and inner examination, had provided peace and organization in church and government; it was the Puritan culture they molded and strictly followed. The community, Hester Prynne had lived in, had shaped her character and insights. While Hester was standing on the scaffold, surrounded by the raged crowd, subconsciously she realized that the society was involved in the crime and her life now, as it would stay involved in the future. The Puritan concepts became a part of her, and Hester's existence would now be interrelated with the sin of adultery and the beliefs and perception of the society. However, Hawthorne stresses that "morally, as well as materially, there was a coarser fibre in those wives and maidens of old English birth and breeding than in their fair descendants" (Chap. 2). The church-members have stated judgment, turning the blind eye towards the Lord's words: "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her" (NIV John 8:7). Hawthorne parallels God's mercy, grace and forgiveness in the very beginning, telling that "the condemned criminal, as he came forth to his doom", was given a chance to enjoy "the fragrance and fragile beauty" of the rose-bush in token that the deep heart of Nature could pity and be kind to him" (Chap. 1). But, the scarlet letter "A" upon Hester's bosom separated her from normal human relations and imprisoned her in a 'self' sphere. The strict and pitiless Puritans made a prison in Hester's heart and depicted pessimistic future for human suchlike. Nevertheless, Hester in her "moral agony" found comfort in "her pride, her daring" (Bloom 34). Her inner strength was enough to stay in the community that turned its back to her, instead of looking for another place to start a new life. After imprisonment, she made her mind to redeem the sin of adultery by good deeds, kindness, generosity, credit, and alienation. Hester Prynne has proven that she was worth of social trust and normal life. Her sin gave her "sympathetic knowledge of the hidden sin in other hearts" (Chap.5), she felt the problems of others and helped needy ones; Hester really cared about the people, disregarding their attitude and gratitude. Living in isolation, she made the best she could to drive away the Puritan idea that sin permanently misrepresents the human personality. On the other hand, Dimmesdale was not as good in this situation as Hester was. Since the very start his took a position of a liar and was hiding the burden till his death. For Puritan society Arthur Dimmesdale was a minister, a brilliant preacher and sinless man. Just like the Puritan society at a whole, he was intolerant to weaknesses of other people, but loyal to his own sins. While Hester, with his own child, was standing on the scaffold, he dared to ask her to speak out the father's name. By his own words, Dimmesdale doomed himself to tortures and the burden of guilt "better were [to stand there beside thee] than to hide a guilty heart through life" (Chap.5). The scarlet token "A" on his breast left no peace and order for his heart. Neither exhausting fasts, nor physical tortures could take away the burden of guilt. Once standing on the scaffold at a night time, he felt that the whole universe was starring at him and the fear of committed sin went through his life. The eloquent Reverent Dimmesdale was a "viler companion of the vilest, the worst of sinners" (Chap.11); thus, depicting the picture of the whole Puritan society, and "the burning wrath of the Almighty" (Ibid) was upon his soul. The Dimmesdale's hypocrisy is a symbol of Puritanism, though an adulterer was regarded as the most holy man. His sermons were addressed to sinners, yet he was one of them; Puritans fled from English intolerance, but failed to apply tolerant attitude to weak and needy. His authoritative and impressive preaching shows the power of the Puritan Church; but his weak character and poor health evoke pity and compassion, rather than respect. Just like the Puritan Boston, 'the light to the world' and the 'city on the hill', which, at the same time, mixes old traditions and ideals, Arthur was afraid of the scaffold and public disgrace. Only in darkness, representation of this heart's condition, his intentions came alive to make an outcry to hypocrisy. Once again, Arthur Dimmesdale showed that Puritans consider personal good reputation as a genesis of peace and order. His success in community was gained by "his intellectual gifts, his moral perceptions, his power of experiencing and communicating emotion" (Chap.11), but it did not give him rest for his burdened soul. Though, his sin of adultery was hidden from outer world, this black secret had been destroying his heart. Hester was imprisoned by community perception of her sin; on the other hand, Dimmesdale was imprisoned by his own perception of the sense of guilt. Night confessions did not ease the pain, for the sin was not revealed to people (Bryson 87). Yet, after an astounding sermon, he publicly confessed his sin and, released from the burden of sin, died. Elizabeth Poe, in her "Teacher's Guide to "The Scarlet Letter", have listed three main characters, contrasted and portrayed feelings that come up while reading: Hester Prynne her plight can arose sympathy. Arthur Dimmesdale his hypocrisy can provoke anger. Roger Chillingworth his evil revenge can elicit disgust. (Poe, p.2). The only negative character in "The Scarlet Letter" seems to be third one Roger Chillingworth or Prynne, as he used to be. As a real husband and the only supporter of the family, he, however, refused to take the responsibility and accept his wife's unfaithfulness. He chose the way of tortures for others and himself. As a man with a strong character, he came along with an idea of loosing the family, when he watched the scene of public disgrace and rage addressed to his ex. But, as a man of honor, he craved for revenge. As soon as he identified the 'fellow-sinner', Chillingworth planed future torments he deserved. A former scholar, Roger Prynne, became a famous doctor, Roger Chillingworth; however, the bodily disease of Arthur Dimmesdale was neither cured, not eased. He wanted to drag the confession out of his wife's lover, by sufferings and tortures, as a man without compassion, strong physically, as well as mentally. The turning point of his revenge was after Dimmesdale's public confession till that moment, Chillingworth was playing games on his mind. While Hester and Dimmesdale became stronger, while suffering tortures and misunderstanding, because of the good intentions they had; Chillingworth found himself in meaningless situation after Arthur's death. An educated scholar had sacrificed everything (his "intellect had now a sufficiently plain path before it") and dedicated his life to revenge (he "was really of another character than it had previously been" (Chap.11)). Besides, Hester and Arthur were a part of the Puritan society and church, while Chillingworth stayed aside from the community life. Roger had missed his chance to live a life of his own; therefore, he had no goal to live for. In Hester's and Dimmesdale's cases, their lives were sacrificed for the good of the society; but Chillingworth's isolation and anti-social revenge had sentenced him to death. Works Cited Barker, Kenneth. "The NIV Study Bible". Zondervan Publishing House. 1984. Bloom, Harold. "The Scarlet Letter". Blooms Notes. New York: Chelsea, 1996. Bryson, Norman. "Hawthorne's Illegible Letter." Critical Interpretations. Ed. Harold Bloom.New York: Chelsea, 1984. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. "The Scarlet Letter". The Literature Network. June 28, 2007 Poe, Elizabeth. "A Teacher's Guide to the Signet Classic Edition of Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter". Penguin Group. 2004>

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Sample Essay Outlines - Learn How to Make Lesson Plans Using Sample Essay Outlines

Sample Essay Outlines - Learn How to Make Lesson Plans Using Sample Essay OutlinesThe world is a brave new world with the invention of computers and internet and computers are making things easier than they ever were. If you are an English teacher, especially in this current economy, you may find yourself struggling to write and read and grade essays.Teachers today often find that the class work gets more complicated with each passing day. Students have more class assignments, paper projects, homework and tests to complete. Parents may be there to help but often times it seems as if time slips away too quickly when teachers are trying to help out with homework.To help your teachers and your students in the brave new world of the 21st century you can start using sample essay outlines for your writing assignments. Sample essay outlines are a great way to get your teaching experience on track. The idea is to look at the sample essay outlines and see how they can help you with your writi ng. You can incorporate the outline ideas and methods into your own writing and lesson plans.First of all, many teachers find it beneficial to have a whole classroom focused on a single topic or class project. While you will have a huge number of students, there is no better way to encourage them to work together and produce a final product. Not only will you be helping them, but you will also be able to give them some great opportunities to read and digest the materials being offered.A good example is to start an activity where students are given a specific task and have to complete them. Some of the tasks may include reading chapters from a book, answering questions, writing up and proofreading an essay or even re-writing a chapter.It can sometimes be difficult to find a specific assignment that is being given to students for a special topic. For instance, let's say you're teaching a class on astrology. Since so many of the students will be learning about planets, it might be hard to find a topic that will fit all of them.However, try a different approach by using a sample outline that is focused on one subject. Look at a sample essay outline that has an astrological theme, such as you would use in astronomy class, with the planets being the focus of the lesson. The assignment would be to research planets and their relationship to the person you're teaching.This would not be hard to do considering the research papers and note books will give you a starting point for your lesson plans. In fact, when you get started you will find that you will be able to set up an entire lesson plan just based on a few topics for a short period of time.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Vitis Vinifera essays

Vitis Vinifera essays Vitis vinifera, better known as grapevine or wine grapes, is native to Asia Minor where wild grapes still grow. V. Vinifera is commonly cultured for fruit, eaten fresh or processed into wine, raisins, or juice. Over 8,000 cultivars are listed, most of them having been selected for a specific region and purpose. Cultures are mainly limited to the Northern Hemisphere. In United States this grape is grown in California and Arizona, and will not tolerate the cold winters and humid summers of eastern United States. Requirements are for long, warm to hot dry summers and mild winters. Plant damage occurs at -18C; frost kills young shoots. Daily mean temperature should be at least 18C. This species will not endure the high temperatures coupled with high humidity of tropics. Thus grapes are unsuitable to humid, steamy, hot tropics, as they need a cold period for resting and a dry sunshine climate for ripening fruit. However Vitis vinifera has been identified in some tropic conditions includ ing Sri Lanka, Trinidad Forms of V. Vinifera date as far back as 4000 B.C. where forms of the wild were already being selected and in cultivation in the Middle East. Ancient Egyptian records from 2500 B.C. mention the use of grapes for wine making. The Old Testament references to wine confirm this early origin and the significance of the wine industry in the Middle East. The familiarity of grape vines can be seen in both physical and metaphorical references to the 'vine'. The Greeks had an active wine trade and planted grapes in their colonies throughout the Mediterranean region. The Romans brought grape growing into the valleys of the Germany and France. The need for Wine in the Christian mass continued this wine-growing tradition after the fall of the Roman Empire, monastic orders preserving and developing many of the highly regarded wine-producing areas. ...

Friday, February 28, 2020

Passage to Modernity Dupre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Passage to Modernity Dupre - Essay Example At the early stages of modernity, artists still viewed themselves as creating in unison with nature; â€Å"mind and nature relate harmoniously to one another† (p. 49). Moreover, nature’s perception began to change. Galileo expressed the idea of natural form in mathematical terms, â€Å"loosening the union between physical essence and artistic ideal† (p.51). He found a systematic study of nature, rather than depending on direct observation. This notion of rational knowledge of the world become central to the transformation from medieval age to modernity. In the emergence of modernity, chemistry played an important role towards the scientific revolution. Alchemy is frequently forgotten when we talk about the breakthroughs of science that changed our perception of the world. Alchemists believed in the harmony between the individual and the cosmos. â€Å"at the basis of the alchemical enterprise is the concept of a microcosmos perfectly tuned to the macrocosmos of nature†. The notion that we are should interfere with natural processes in order to achieve harmony transforms the perception of nature. â€Å"rather than serving as nature’s assistant, the person now becomes its controller.† (p.54). There was a thorough rejection to the idea that the stars controlled man, that we were passively submitting to matter. Nevertheless, the interest in astrology was not completely eliminated; but as it happened with alchemy, they became less appealing at the face of new physical theories that rationally explained the universe.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Service Activity Summary Report ( for Human Service Class) Essay

Service Activity Summary Report ( for Human Service Class) - Essay Example They prefer to do some routine things by themselves. I guess this is an element of pride and soon started to get involved when my help was necessary, or when they asked for it. There is a senior citizen that shared the pain of losing his wife and facing the rest of his life alone. From his story, I gathered that he was very lonely and the center offered him the chance to meet people closer to his age as well as people to talk to. There are times when is suspected that living family members had abandoned their elderly when they became too much of a burden. The disturbing thing is that they do not admit this. They claim that at the present times, all people are too busy to carry unwanted baggage. I learned that senior citizens have an element of pride and deserve to be treated in a manner where they feel dignified because sometimes, their dignity is all that they have left. I also learned about the value of social services in the community. There are many things that I took for granted and this activity enlightened me. I also learned that eventually, everybody would grow old and hence lose their productive ability (Midlam, 2004). It is best to make use of all the energy that comes with youth because I will miss it when I become a senior citizen. Their stories clearly show that some are satisfied with their achievements. I hope I can tell similar stories when I am their age. In addition, I have also come to appreciate the benefits of having a retirement benefit. I am likely to be very compassionate about the affairs of the elderly. In addition, I will make an effort to visit and take care of my own grandparents because I have realized that it is really lonely when a person is no longer able to work. The world is becoming busier, and sometimes an occupation is the sole reason to live for the senior citizens (Midlam, 2004). I will also ensure that I volunteer at these

Friday, January 31, 2020

Systems that Transformed How the Organization Operates Essay Example for Free

Systems that Transformed How the Organization Operates Essay Abstract This paper details how UPS was able to stay relevant in the shipping and distribution world by updating old practices with new and proven technology. By spending some of their profits on a newer and more efficient way of doing things, UPS was able to stay ahead of their competition while receiving great reviews and profits from their customers. Specifics of who was impacted, how they were impacted, and what results occurred have been discussed in this paper. Mainly the workers, the business leaders, and the consumers have been affected by this change. When we look back at certain advancements that companies have made, what seems to be the common factor? Technology. Anytime a company rolls out new technology it is not because they want to waste their hard earned profits on something that might make their business business more competitive or increase their profit margin. They spend the money on the new technology because they know they will be more competitive and make higher profits than had they not. In any type of industry we can see examples of this being true, from the automotive, to the postal, and even the medical industry, the use of new technology has mostly lead to benefits that make companies stand out from the rest. One of the companies that has profited the most from new technology or the advancement of technology is UPS. UPS is known in the world as one of the largest parcel and freight delivery companies. Their main competition comes from companies like FedEx, DHL, and USPS (United States Postal Service. The  big wigs as UPS came together because they noticed customer ratings and efficiency rates were down and steadily decreasing year after year. After examining certain sectors of their business, they realized where the mistake was being made. Customer ratings were declining because of packages that were shipped to the wrong address, delivered at the wrong house, or lost in the may lay at UPS’s packaging warehouses and distribution centers all over the world. The way the company decided to rectify this problem was by purchasing and utilizing automated package sorters. They called it package flow technology and basically what it involves is the automatic and rapid sorting of packages to guarantee efficient and accurate shipments. The tradition of relying on human sorters to memorize hundreds of streets and back roads in particular communities leads to a small share of parcels that either are loaded on the wrong truck or misplaced among other customers packages, said Dan McMackin, a UPS spokesman in Atlanta. While the company still relies on people to load customers packages, UPS is investing heavily in technology to make the labor-intensive work more efficient. (Bennett, 2005) This change from people to machine did not sit well with employees who became laid off or switched to a different department, but after seeing the company rebound it was recognized as being the right choice and solution to their problem. The problem UPS did not recognize sooner was humans make mistakes and unfortunately too many were made and the company was placed in the public spotlight which caused this solution to come about. While it is true that often time’s companies choose new technology or manual labor, the results heavi ly favor the new technology. Nobody wants people to be laid off or lose their jobs to a machine, but in this day and age companies have to spend the big dollars in order to remain relevant and successful in today’s economy. The cost for this technology for UPS was not cheap by any means, in fact the upgrade from manual labor to automated machines cost an estimated six hundred million dollars. (Bennett, 2005) Besides the expense for rolling out this new system to all its distribution warehouses, UPS has the potential to still come out on top of this deal. When they devoted themselves to this newer way of doing things the results were less training time for employees and the ability to shift employees into areas that were lacking personnel or that demanded more personnel. The savings though in the year after this upgrade might even be greater than the initial cost and  put the company further ahead. UPS expects to gain immensely from the new system. Between now and 2007, when the system is fully installed , the delivery company expects to save $500 million to $600 million through a combination of less miles driven, less fuel consumption and less delivery miscues (Bennett, 2005) The people who were greatly affected by this change in procedure were the UPS drivers. Instead of going through their trucks looking for packages, the packages are loaded into specific areas of the truck and that information is transferred to the handheld scan tools the drivers use. The drivers seem impressed with the new technology and somewhat relieved that they can do their job no without the added stress of locating mislabeled or lost packages buried in their trucks. The future for this technology is not well known because it has seemed to rectify and solve all the problems that existed before. After all machines can do one thing that humans cannot, and that is do what it is programmed and instructed to do. The fact that a company is willing to spend this kind of money to hone their craft should speak volumes. At the beginning people were pessimistic but as the numbers started turning around and customer ratings increase, the company knew they made a wise choice. This was a turni ng point for UPS and the only thing they became concerned about was why they did not make the switch earlier. References Bennett, D. (2005). Package-flow technology delivers results for UPS. Crains Cleveland Business, 26(29), 8. Retrieved from

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Shakespeares Tempest :: essays research papers

I love the way Prospero speaks! Although I hate his character, his way of speaking is eloquently biting—whether he is speaking lovingly to his daughter or abusively to Caliban, he gets his point across beautifully. I tried with all my might to decide whether I like Prospero†¦ but to no avail. I had a bad taste in my mouth from the get-go because I remembered a comment about the ambiguity of the Caliban situation—how maybe he did try to rape Miranda, but maybe he didn’t, so maybe Prospero was noble by enslaving Caliban†¦ but maybe he was tyrannical. Prospero definitely reminded me of The Duke (Measure for Measure). Both played God-like roles, deceiving for a good cause yet deceiving nonetheless. I also love how Ferdinand sees Miranda, walks up to her, and says, â€Å"Hey baby, you single? A virgin? Attached? Wanna be a queen?† and that’s all he has to do. Besides Prospero’s fake-objections and all the wood-hauling, Miranda is as good as won. They have some really great lines between them—it’s one of my favorite love-dialogues. It probably helped that he thought he was gonna die and she had only seen two other men in her entire life. But love’s love. My favorite part was how he, a prince, stooped to a â€Å"patient log-man† level to prove his love for her, and how she offered to help while he rested! When Ferdinand first sees Miranda and promptly begins wooing, Prospero accuses him of attempted usurpation. I thought this was ironic†¦ and then realized that usurpation may be a theme that runs through the course of the play. Which it is. I think. Because Antonio usurped Prospero (right?), Prospero usurped Caliban, Sebastian is thinking about usurping Alonso, and Caliban is lookin to usurp Prospero. Maybe ‘usurp’ isn’t the right word for all of these cases—maybe ‘kill’ would suffice. I’m not sure of the exact definition of usurp, but I’m pretty sure a transfer of power via overthrow or murder plays a part. Onward to conventions! I saw lots of dark/light imagery, storms (of course), magic (also of course—there was a magic cloak, after all), nature vs.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

My First Helicopter Ride

As I stood gazing at the monstrous contraption, I shivered as though ice had replaced my spine. The cold air that blew into my face engulfed my entire body. The multiple layers of clothing could not protect me against the swish of frosty air. The walkway leading up to the helipad was newly paved; I could still feel the soles of my shoes sink into the cement just a little as I walked up the path. It’s ironic how my heart did the exact same thing. It now felt like it was forcibly pressing against my lungs as I struggled to breathe; asphyxiated by terror. Weeds, dandelions and wild flowers were being blown helplessly about by the gargantuan blades. I knew how they felt. I was a small 7 year-old and this helicopter made me feel like a bug on a windscreen, hanging on for dear life. My mother must have been squeezing my hand too hard because I yanked it away from her as the pain finally registered in my central nervous system; I looked down at my hand just in time to see the blood rush back down my veins. Red roses grew wildly in thick batches by the entrance to the show grounds; the place where I was going to have one of the most memorable experiences of my life. The moonlight cast a ghoulish glow on the surrounding landscape, and the screeching of nearby cars pulling away to the highway made me realize how alone our family was; after all, we were the last people to go in the helicopter that day. The big metal structure shone a bright white under the moonlight, and the splotches of rusted metal hinted at the machines maturity, which wasn’t comforting at all. The spinning of the blades was deafening as we hurried towards the little â€Å"hobbit† door to enter the craft. The first thing I felt when I was hauled up into the craft was the constriction of my pupils, and then my eyelids wired shut. It was very bright in there. As soon as I regained visibility, I looked around and saw all these lights that were sourced by many buttons, switches and levers. The dashboard smelt of black coffee and cigarettes, and the floor of the helicopter was littered with cigarette-buds. I turned my head to look at my mother. I could see that somebody had made an attempt to scrub out a vomit stain on her seat. The earthy colours were at sharp contrast with the charcoal seats, and a thin layer of bleach had been used to try and remove it; like a criminal trying to remove blood splatter at a crime scene. Was it an omen, perhaps? My mother reached over and tightened my seatbelt, uncomfortably tight. However, with the sounds from the pilot’s radio headset combined with the humming and buzzing of all the small machines in the chopper, I was too frightened to care about the seat belt. All that was going through my mind was how my life was now in the hands of rows upon rows of illuminated buttons and do-hickeys. It was probably two minutes after buckling up that the craft began its slow ascent into the cold and seemingly insidious night. I could feel all my organs getting pulled down by gravity. In that moment, I became completely oblivious to the sound of the rotation of the massive blades above me, and only heard the ‘’lob-dup’’ of my heart. The light had been so bright as to temporarily blind me. The warmth of my mother’s reassuring smile contrasted the coldness of the night outside. As I peered through the window, I could see my father and little brother about to board the second helicopter. Their clothing was fighting violently against their bodies as the wind from the rotors blew over their heads. Slowly they started for the craft, with their mouths covered, as if walking into a big sandstorm. I could see them take very short, reluctant steps towards the door of their helicopter; as though they were trying to delay the jaw-dropping experience that was to follow. We started rising and rising until I caught a glimpse of the starry cosmos, and at that very moment, I was lost in my very first helicopter ride.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Bless Me Ultima The Growing Up Of A Young Boy - 680 Words

Bless me Ultima: The Growing up of a Young Boy Throughout the book Bless me Ultima, Tony, the young main character in the story, lost his innocence when exposed to the harsh world since he learned what life is really like. Ultima is a good witch who tries to guide Tony by teaching him morals and lessons. Narsico is percieved as the town drunk, but is a good person. Tenorio is the demon in this story, as he wants to destroy Ultima. This book is about Tonys experience in adjusting to the rough world at a relatively young age. Narsicos death with Tenorios desire to kill Tony made him realize his limitations and acknowledge the reality. Before these incidents, Tony imagined he could control incidents that happened†¦show more content†¦Before, Tonys parents, especially his mother, forced the religion of Christianity upon him. Tony believed it, since his parents did and he thought they were always right. Tonys parents did not him to question Catholisicm, but Florence made him realize you must question all beliefs at all angles. I personally think Tony will still believe in Catholisicm, but this event made him realize you must listen to all beliefs and question. Ultima told Tony he had to live to understand, since some questions are not answerable, and are only answerable through experience. Also, Tony learned from Ultima that recognition of your childhood is part of your future, and you must face the truth no matter how much agony you can suffer. When Tony was on his Uncles farm one summer, his Uncle told him to overlook differences, and evil is not evil, it is what you percieve of it. He also said people are not evil, they just have bad influences. If someone influential has a persuasive argument that seems to have a logical solution, people are influenced in a negative way since they do not know the whole story. In ways, Tony wishes Florence was with him, but he knows he can not look back on his life. He knows he must remember Florence, but if he kept dwelling on mourning for him, he would never be able to get on with his life. Yet, this made Tony realize he must wade through life, and you must not ever let evilShow MoreRelatedThematic Analysis Of Bless Me, Ultima1447 Words   |  6 PagesThematic Analysis of Bless Me, Ultima Bless me, Ultima is a book taking place in the 1940’s during world war ll in New Mexico, it is about a young boy named Antonio who is being torn this way and that by his mother, a Luna who wants solely for her son to become a man of knowledge and a priest. His father a Marez vaquero (cowboy) who wants him to be free like all the Marez men before him. Both parents are polar opposites from each other the Luna’s who represent the moon are quite, religious farmersRead MoreThe Struggles of Antonio826 Words   |  3 PagesBless Me, Ultima Essay The Struggles of Antonio In the beginning, Antonio is only six years old. He is at the center of a conflict between the Mà ¡rez values of his father and the Luna beliefs of his mother. His father would love for him to become a cowboy, but his mother desperately wants him to become a priest. â€Å" Once I had told my mother about my dreams, and she said they were visions from God and she was happy, because her own dream was that I should grow up an become a priest.† (4) All throughoutRead MoreEssay on Finding Ones Self879 Words   |  4 Pagesnovel, Bless Me, Ultima, Anaya presents the reader with the complications and difficulty of cultural identity and in the end suggests that a person can draw from several cultural traditions instead of just one in particular. The main character, Antonio, is the guide to Anayas lesson. Antonios parents, Ultima, and even his town present him with different situations and ideas that contributes to his identity. In the first chapter we are introduced to Antonio and his family. Antonio is a young six-year-oldRead MoreBless Me Ultima Reflection Essay1395 Words   |  6 Pagesabout everything that surrounds your life. These experiences can be so powerful that you question your entire existence. In Bless Me Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya, Antonio Mà ¡rez goes through many hardships that he endures throughout the plot which sparks many questions upon to himself. Being at a young age and coming up against such horrific experiences there is no doubt a young mind would have the need to seek answers as to why something like this would occur. 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Antonio Marez grew up in a devout Catholic family where a solid sense of faith keptRead MoreTransformation In Bless Me Ultima1980 Words   |  8 PagesBless Me, Ultima is a transformative novel truly represented by the series of events that Antonio experienced. Throughout the story, Antonio was forced to transform from a boy to a man after the severity of tensions of opposites in his life caused him to question everything he had ever known. Antonio reflected upon battles of opinions in his own household, religious differences, and stepping outside of his cultural upbringing for the first time. When Antonio witnessed an extreme amount of death,Read More Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya Essay1652 Words   |  7 PagesBless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya Children believe what their parents tell them but as they get older they start to question that which used to be unquestionable. Bless Me, Ultima is a novel by Rudolfo Anaya about a young Chicano boy, Antonio Juan Marez y Luna, who is growing up and seeing the world for how cruel it really is. A wise old curandera, or faith healer, Ultima, arrives just before Tony receives his first glimpse into the world of men. Ultima gives Tony spiritual healing throughoutRead MoreBless Me, Ultima By Rudolfo Anaya1002 Words   |  5 PagesIn the novel Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya, Antonio matures a great deal for his age due to the violent actions he is surrounded by.   Ã‚  Ã‚   In the beginning of the novel the main character Antonio Marez, who was just six years old at the time, lives in a small town located in New Mexico. He lives with his parents, Maria and Gabriel, and two sisters, Deborah and Theresa. Tony also has three older brothers, but they are off fighting at War. During this t ime an older women by the name of La GrandeRead MoreBless Me Ultima Essay1362 Words   |  6 PagesBless Me Ultima LAP Topic 2 ​​​​ Brian Sandoval ​​​​Mr. Amoroso ​​​​AP Literature Period 1 Brian Sandoval​​​​​​​​9/20/17 Mr. Amoroso​​​​​​​​​AP Literature Bless Me Ultima Topic 2 ​The demons that haunt one by day do not go away by night; they merely lie in wait until one is sound asleep, ready to strike once more. Dreams are manifestations of one’s inner thoughts, both pleasurable and frightening. It is the brain’s way of working through the problems that plague the mind, serving as a warning