Saturday, December 21, 2019

Television Show Aspect Of The Media - 1926 Words

Television show is one of the popular ways to pass time and is also acknowledged as social communication facilitator. Since Game of Thrones is one of the nations most popular show, the program has accumulated varieties of fans and interests. Game of Thrones like other popular and successful media such as Hunger games series, Harry Potter etc. has both the print version and television show segments. When it comes to my focus, I am focusing on the television show aspect of the media. According to my interviewees, the media phenomenal had garner both nation and worldwide attention because the TV doesn t fall into the typically clichà © category of TV shows and media that the public are exposed to in our current media. My interviewees said that they are â€Å"attracted to the extreme drama and unrealistic nature of the show† and also attracted to the fact that â€Å"Game of thrones is the opposite from every clichà © book/TV show. It s fun of suspense, action, violence and plot twists.† Game of Thrones is a fictional TV shows that revolves around family power, beliefs, politics, magic and public discourse in general. The show is centered around Seven Kingdom with mostly five families out of eleven fighting and scheming to get control of power and with the pursuit of power and respect comes death, betrayals, fights, rape, cultural differences, religion and loyalty amongst other things being tested and highlighted in the show. Although Game of Thrones doesn t feel relatable, most of theShow MoreRelatedAdvertising Medi An Important Aspect966 Words   |  4 PagesWhen it comes to advertising, the advertising media is an important aspect. Advertising media â€Å"are the various means by which the message is communicated to the target market† (Perrault, Cannon, McCarthy, 2013). 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