Thursday, December 5, 2019

Importance of Communication in Zara †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Importance of Communication in Zara. Answer: Introduction Zara, the most reputed fashion brand in the world and they are well known for their designing and manufacturing. Their marketing, business strategies, and quality emphasizes are quite brilliant as they generate the highest profit margin from their target market. They have a recognized customer belt that estimated the average revenue in every year and that provide the successfully sustainable condition of the organization. Their enterprising, ERP, plans and objectives are focusing on the brand value that they set to achieve for themselves. In this report, the effective impact of communication and communications are being discussed as the marketing expansion firmly depends on this aspect. Communication is a process in which people have made their interaction with one another. It is soulful and effective that may have an argument with another person and except a fruitful answer that quite relinquishes the need of the questionnaire. Communication is a process that what people have done in their daily life and that prevail the connection. On the other hand, Communications is the device, a system that transmitting the information. This is not a human nor can a living being it only acts as a medium through which the information can be traveled and people get aware of that situation (Gonzlez 2017). Television, Radio, Internet access, phone, Tablet, Fiber optics, Newspaper all these are the different tools of communications. In case of Zara, communications process is quite important and relevant as they promotional purposes is quite important for the enhancement of business. They have to promote themselves as in this globalized business scenario and human interaction is not quite possible or effective thus technological assistance is needed (Dozier, Grunig and Grunig 2013). Effectiveness of Priestleys Paradox In Priestley's Paradox the main theory of communications the underpinning statement is quite clear and impactful. The more use of technology mitigates the quality of verbal and nonverbal interaction. This is the changes that form the technical assistance and decrease the effective communications. The theory of Priestley Paradox has highlighted on the significant effect on interpersonal communication (Kapasi and Galloway 2016). The state considered that humans are tech savvy and they forgot to interact with each other. The interaction is the right way to attach and that trend is being changed by the use of imposed technology. In verbal communication people use the language and in non-verbal conversation, they use some signs, pictures, graphs, shadows, visual or audible form but this is also has gone as the expressions, eye contact these are not express through the device. In case of Zara, the quality communication is important whether it is verbal-nonverbal or technological. The skill of internal communication and technical assistance provided by the device all are the useful aspects to expanding the business (Costa-Snchez 2017). The proper feedback may come in verbal communication but through the technological medium now feedback is very easy to gather, however, there is a chance of mismatching the portfolio of the quality but still, this small risk can be taken to enlarge the market area of the organization. Strengths and Weakness of channels of communications There are many devices or channels of communications. The first one is Telephone and it is the easiest communications device that people have for mitigating their distance. The strength and weakness of this device are placed accordingly. Basically business related important deals are primarily surfaced at the telephone thus a gesture of rough interpretation regarding the business is placed on the verbal communication in a telephone (Shwom and Snyder 2015). The facials expressions and gestures are not visible through telephone so the motive or the intention area note quite determined by the nonverbal expressions through the telephone. So it helps to place the dealing in sometimes. The concern weakness of that device is the emotion or urgency of the work or the deal that used to go on (Peleckien and Polajeva 2016). On that interpretation the listener is not quite aware of the situation through the telephone. The device is the less personal than face to face device thus; in that case, the tension of stress or even the work pressure is not visible through this. So the communication cannot determine the trust or truth from both the cases. Another one vital communication channel is Email, which is generally a store or collection of important documents or files. In that case, the item pressure or flexible responses are gettable from the ways of inclusion of files (Huang et al. 2016). The strengths and weaknesses are followed thereafter. It is a time-saving process that can be sent anywhere in the world and define the actual state of the situation. It is a verbal or written form or documents form thus expressions are not quite visible in that case. If the written part contains any missing section of writing that may interpret some wrong meaning or can change the whole scenario of the deal. Thus good care needs in this perspective and as the letters are not speaking to the tone of the writing is not quite clear to the reader. This is a complete drawback of that channel (Grunig 2013). The business deals are not so easy to understand thus wide and small range of groups and their email conversations are limited. The solution they want is the correct way of personal log off thus any misunderstanding can be done by those wrong interpretations of those emails. This is another drawback of that system. Communications model and perspective The communication model of Shannon and Weaver reflects the channels and messages but there is no feedback option which is needed to understand the effective perceptiveness of the communication. Thus the intervention of Wilber Schramm and the human communication process understand the expectancy and the relevance of the message that put the meaningful attribution to communication (Fleisher and Bensoussan 2015). The communication relationship influence and the frame of reference in case of partial communicator and its effects on a relationship are highly impacted by the situation. In the perspective of communication influence and to maintain the clarification in communication engage the seven C's of communication help. These are Content, Context, Clarity, Credibility, Channels, Continuity and Capability all these aspects are important to understand the meaning of those communication processes (Hampf and Mller-Pohl 2013). In case of Zara, all these relevant communication processes are important for the expansion of a business. Leveling the public is another segregation of communicating process determination. The aware and active public need more concern rather than latent or nonpublic. Company's value, belief, trust, and attitude can be imposed by the tactical communication interference and the methods of communications. Dynamic interaction with people and recommendation Dynamic interaction is a process when people are enwrapped and indulge into the conversation and has made a good output as productiveness. In that case, both the humans talk and listen in face to face or over the telephone. This is a kind of healthy conversation that impacted over the growth of the company. Dynamic interactions are always energetic, it is mainly surfaced on the face to face conversation where the energy may affect the other one and mitigate the complex situation with ease. The dynamic conversation may bring the side conversation in a group and connect each and every person personally (Bargiela-Chiappini and Nickerson 2014). Communication pattern is more important than individual success. There are some situations that Zara needs a proper channel of dynamic communication and that used to be more effective and illustrative as far the concerning participation of communications. I think communication and communications in business are the vital terms to evaluate the business effectiveness and to demonstrate the promotional aspect for the future. There are some communication steps like advertising, sponsorship, dealing, business tie-up, public relations efforts and active strategy discussion that help the communication scenario in an internal and external scenario of the organization (Austin and Pinkleton 2015). Zara has the platform that encourages the communication possibilities to do better and making relation efforts to promote the potential development of the organization. Assistance from Information technology is helpful for the organization about their improvements and requirements. Employees are the legal part of it and they can also determine some of the highlighted things which management may overlook. In case of Zara, they have a legacy system and that centralized by a communication network from Chicago. It possesses data integrity, low maintenance and has very simple architecture. The technology provides a huge impact over the stagnant system and has made a faster processing system and increase in economic profits (Boulesnane and Bouzidi 2013). Some of the imposed section that has started by the management may be very rigid or may have the less opportunity to enhance the economic growth of the organization. In that case, the engagement of the employees and their inputs may enrich the process in a suitable way. For the future development of the company the increase in the production and mitigating the risk situation is the key aspect, thus the valuable informatics that delivered by the employees may enhance the style of organization behavior and mitigate the future risk in this globalized business arena. The imposed intranet autonomous system may emerge some valuable thinking or positive aspects that may retain the big customers for the organization (Pantano and Gandini 2017). Organization officials need to impose this system as not only the nonsense of offensive material came in regular basis through this portal but also some suggestions and good socio-economic aspects are being highlighted in that section. So for the development of the company, this innovative process of chat room section or the intranet section where employees can express their feelings is important and relevant for the organization. Customer complaints or employees complaints need to penetrate in a deeper way so that th ese problems are not coming rather effectively or being mitigated by the effective use of those imposed implementations Waters 2013). Therefore, it can be stated that multifunctional decision making and quality analysis with the proximity and control over the supply chain and management is being technologically benefitted by the implementation of those systems. On the other hand, Zara has DBMS system, ERP systems and RFID barcode system that also make an effective part of boosting the technological aspect in Zara (Ross 2015). Personal digital assistants and feedback system from the employees and customers have made a blend of technological strategy which played an elegant stroke by pushing their business to a new level of market orientation. Conclusion Therefore it can be concluded that communication is the modernize parameter of business leadership thus expanding in a market is essential. Zara has certain objectives and expanding markets so before the finalizing of products the culture of communication and the proper feedback from the user is essential and relevant to maintain the fashionable change in the market and create the combination with the desired results. The fashion market estimate and the introduction change in further recommendation can make the market value and emphasis on the strategy making a step and create the strength weakness and perception of communications. References Austin, E.W. and Pinkleton, B.E., 2015. Strategic public relations management: Planning and managing effective communication campaigns (Vol. 10). Routledge. Bargiela-Chiappini, F. and Nickerson, C.R., 2014. Writing business: Genres, media and discourses. Routledge. Boulesnane, S. and Bouzidi, L., 2013. A case study analysis in the context of information technology: Toward a collective intelligence approach. International Journal of Technology Management Sustainable Development, 12(2), pp.185-201. Costa-Snchez, C., 2017. Online Video Marketing Strategies. Typology by Business Sector. Communication Society, 30(1). Dozier, D.M., Grunig, L.A. and Grunig, J.E., 2013. Manager's guide to excellence in public relations and communication management. Routledge. 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