Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Speec - Should We Keep Animals in Captivity Essay Example for Free

Speec Should We Keep Animals in Captivity Essay Introduction Do you know that there are approximately a hundred million wild animals, and about twenty thousand species that die every year? Wild animals are in great danger from nature, diseases and worsening environment. The extinction of animals has become a critical problem leading us to think whether or not we should keep animals in captivity. Body – Danger In recent 50 years, nearly two thirds of the world’s forest has been cut down for human industry and agriculture so that a variety of wild animals find it harder to survive as usual. On average, in every 6 square kilometres of the forest, there are over 750 species of trees, 400 species of birds, 150 species of butterflies, 60 species of amphibians, and thousands of species of other plants. But with the disappearance of forests, more wild animals are deprived of shelters and food and die in large numbers. Next imagine that you travel to Africa with the hope to see wild animals, such as rhinos, giraffes, elephants and chimpanzees, only to find nothing but the samples displayed in the museum. Underneath the display, there is the sign saying† Rhinos, the world-famous animals, existed from 500 B.C to 2014 A.D., Cause of death: Human poaching†. Looking at the animal, shouldn’t we feel guilty for human indifference to animals and heavy massacre before? Poaching is the first reason that causes the extinction of wild animals. It’s increased at the rate of 3000 per cent over the past years. Especially, the demands for rhino horns in Africa has rocketed, because it is now valued the same as gold! Other animals like panther, Chimpanzees and Africa elephants are also the victims of human poaching. Another reason to cause animal extinction is the climate change. The earth getting warmer rapidly, the animals that suit cool climates are forced to move and finally lose their habituates for the amazing development of industry and great increase of green-house gases. Body Advantages Having realized the sharp reduction of wild species, some countries have set up many animals reserves to protect the rare animals. Around the world by means of captive propagation, humans have promoted the birth of 135 gorillas, 33 black rhino, and 123 leopards, some of which are restored to their habitual environment. Though captive propagation and reintroduction seem to work effectively and contribute to insurance against sudden or catastrophic losses of animals in the wild, I don’t regard them as the major ways to save animals. Body Disadvantages One of the main problems with captive propagation and reintroduction is the high cost. Capture from the wild, food, veterinary care all contribute significantly to the huge cost. Though some think this problem can be solved by fundraising. The other problem is that captive endangered animals may fail to practice their genetic traits. Animals raised in unnatural conditions where they no longer need to hunt for food, and find shelter themselves would gradually weaken their natural instincts. For example, the animals fed from birth may never learn gathering or prey-hunting skills from their parents as they would in the wild. Generation after generation, will they reduce to home pets? Conclusion It is a painful fact that there will be no more wild animals left on the planet if the climate continues to warm up, or if humans continue poaching them. In such cases, I can’t deny that captive propagation and reintroduction are effective ways to save and increase the number of endangered species. However, the animals fed and bred in artificial conditions will inevitably lose their instincts and vigour they owned in the wildness. Therefore instead of focusing on how to keep animals in captivity, we should try our best to prevent globe warming up and stop poaching with severe punishment, providing a better living condition for those innocent wild animals. Do you agree with my ideas? Or do you have better ways to settle the problem?

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