Sunday, October 20, 2019

Evolutionary Psychology

Evolutionary Psychology Assumptions of evolutionary psychology Evolutionary psychology originated from the Darwinian theory of natural selection. Darwin projected that psychology would later assume an evolutionary dimension through acquisition of different mental capabilities (Buss, 2005). This branch of psychology makes several assumptions in order to explain, diagnose, and treat mental or behavioural illness.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Evolutionary Psychology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More First, it assumes that the brain possesses the ability to process information and thus generate behaviour due to various internal and external stimuli (Buss, 2005). Second, the adaptive capabilities of the brain originated from natural and sexual selection. Sexual selection led to the evolution of adaptations related to mating and reproduction. For males, it helps them compete for females while for females, it helps them to choose appropriate mal es for the purpose of reproduction. Third, the human evolutionary past was characterized by various neural mechanisms that played different roles such as finding solutions to problems (Buss, 2005). These mechanisms had their origin in natural selection. Fourth, evolutionary psychologists assume that modern humans possess stones of mental/ behavioural illness Depression has severe consequences that affect the survival of human species. For example, it makes people suicidal and less interested in certain activities. However, evolutionary psychologists have a different view of depression. They explain it as a way of developing enhanced mental skills (Trapani, 2010). They argue that depression makes an individual focus on internal and external conflicts, thus improving their decision-making capabilities. When a person is depressed, the brain focuses all its energy and attention on the problem thus enabling the individual to find solutions to the problems (Trapani, 2010). On the other ha nd, sadness enhances the ability of the brain to process information thus improving its ability to deal with complex and highly demanding situations. Depression also has a biological orientation. Children who come from families with histories of depression are likely to develop depression in the course of their lives. It helps them to adapt to different challenging environments and situations. Autism is a condition that alters the ways people communicate and relates to those around them (Ploeger Galis, 2011). People with autism find it difficult to make sense of certain things. Their inability to understand other people’s feelings bar them from forming lasting relationships. Evolutionary psychology would explain autism as a condition that results from delays in male maturation and acceleration in female maturation. Its aetiology can be explained by considering the influence of social structures, endocrinological differences, and neurological limitations (Lehman, 2009). In ad dition, autism could be explained by considering the influence of social structures and the environment on human maturation. According to the mind blindness theory, changes in social structures cause evolutionary adaptations that lead to development of autism (Ploeger Galis, 2011).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Evolutionary Psychology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For example, the emergence of power for women has severe repercussions that include delayed male maturation.Changes in production of human hormones also alter the rate of maturation (Lehman, 2009). For example, changes in uterine testosterone levels affect the maturation rates of offsprings by either accelerating or delaying maturation rate. On the other hand, adjustments in oestrogen levels results in the development of different neurological structures. These factors contribute towards development of autism. Finally, the environment influences the development of autism (Ploeger Galis, 2011). Dyslexia refers to a reading disorder that affects both children and adults. It is characterized by difficulties in spelling and reading (Fletcher, 2009). Evolutionary psychologists would use neuropsychological, behavioural, neurobiological, and environmental factors to explain the causes of the disorder. Environmental factors such as the economic situation and orientation to literacy are possible risk factors for dyslexia (Fletcher, 2009). The disorder is likely to develop in children whose parents possess poor reading skills. Another risk factor is poor classroom instruction. Neurobiological and neuropsychological factors that include finger recognition, audioperceptual processes, visuoperceptual limitations, and directional sense are risk factors of dyslexia (Fletcher, 2009). Dyslexia is thus caused by maldevelopment of the brain’s parietal lobes and other areas that serve different roles. Dyslexia is characterized by reading p roblems, neuropsychological limitations, clumsiness, and behavioural problems. References Buss, D 2005, The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, John Wiley Sons, New York. Fletcher, J 2009, Dyslexia: The Evolution of a Scientific Concept, Journal of International Neuropsychological Society, vol.15 no. 40, pp. 501.508.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lehman, A 2009. Autism and Evolution, Viewed on Ploeger, A Galis, F 2011, Evolutionary Approaches to Autism: an Overview and Integration, McGill Journal of Medicine, vol.13. no. 2, pp. 38. Trapani, G 2010. The Evolutionary Reason for Depression,

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