Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The differences in approaces taken by female and male leadings in Dissertation

The differences in approaces taken by female and male leadings in leading change - Dissertation Example According to the research findings there has been a growing involvement of women in the workforce in recent decades and they can be seen participating actively in business and economic development. However, there still exists an imbalance in the male-female ratio in the workforce, and there is a substantial earnings gap between the genders. This inequality is more apparent in the case of women in management. The smaller number of women in top management is indicative of the fact that women do not get to climb the higher echelons in organizations easily. Some researchers call this situation as the glass ceiling, indicating that women, who are meritorious and capable, too may not be able to break the ceiling and enter the realm of top management because of their gender. There has been some research undertaken to assess the reason for the existence of a glass ceiling – or the lack of women who are deemed qualified to occupy positions in upper management. Men are often considered to be more competent than women and it is presumed that men have the leadership qualities that are needed at the higher positions. Researchers have found masculine organizational culture, which is hostile to the female workers, is also responsible for curbing the growth of female leaders. Men are thought to adopt a masculine leadership style, and even women who do pass through the glass ceiling, are expected to keep away from exhibiting their feminine side (Pai and Vaidya, 2009). Ragins, Singh, and Cornwell (2007) explained that while business organizations are struggling to hold on to their best and brightest women, the persistence of the glass ceiling makes retaining top-notch female talents challenging. Dismantling the glass ceiling requires an accurate understanding of the overt and subtle barriers to advancement faced by women, and the strategies used to overcome these barriers. Women leaders are often considered to be passive, overly relationship-oriented and emotionally unsta ble (Northouse, 2009). On the other hand, male leaders are often observed as aggressive, direct and task oriented - qualities which are perceived as attributes of good leaders (Weyer, 2007). The available research has indicated that the general concept of leadership may be one-dimensional and perceived from a masculine point of view (Pai and Vaidya, 2009; Kargwell, 2008; Weyer, 2007; Tibus, 2010; Caykoylu, 2010; Biernat, 2003). The masculine leaders are considered to be more task-oriented and exercise their authority to discipline, correct or reward the employees on the basis of the employees performance (Spurgeon and Cross, 2008). Men are associated with this masculine style of leadership owing to their gender (Thewlis, Miller and Neathy, 2004), while women are considered to follow a more feminine approach which involves being passive and giving importance to relationships over tasks (Thomas and Thomas, 2008). There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that a more relationship oriented leadership style leads to better employee motivation and performance in

Monday, October 28, 2019

Austria - second world war Essay Example for Free

Austria second world war Essay Owing their reputation of fine tastes in art and culture, the nation of Austria is proud of their heritage, especially of their fame over the occupation of the Germans in the Second World War. The said country’s status remained to be uncertain after the Allies drove the Nazis away from the country and eventually occupied by the Allies. Austria became really proud of its rich culture and sceneries that were spared by the Nazis. The nation also celebrated its independence 10 years after the Nazis left the country and the cities flourished. Such events that would lead to the development of a country such as war that depicts change, gives a nation a sense of self-importance that is reflected in its culture and the tastes that the inhabitants acquire. The geographical data of Austria may be described as (according to the Encyclopedia Britannica as: â€Å".. largely mountainous country of south-central Europe. Austria extends roughly 340 miles (550 km) from east to west. It is bordered to the west by Switzerland and Liechtenstein, to the northwest by Germany, to the north by the Czech Republic, to the northeast by Slovakia, to the east by Hungary, to the southwest by Italy, and to the south by Slovenia. The capital is Vienna. Austria has an area of 32,378 square miles (83,859 square km). † Austria is one the verge of development these days but still largely dependent on its agricultural side. Most of the raw materials are still sourced from their agricultural fields and lush greeneries. Despite the advent of globalization on its boundaries, Austria remains to be a country of nature. Furthermore, policies of agriculture has been into practice for years in the country so as to protect their source of raw materials. This may be viewed as a strength since the raw materials that the distillery in question may be sourced from the agricultural side of the nation, a cut from the costs that the company may incur. The introduction of the Euro in place of the Austrian Schilling also had a positive effect in the country’s economy. (Anonymous 2006g) This prompted for developments in investors and this can be viewed as a plus factor in considering whether to expand in the nation of Austria or not. Scotch is one of the products in less demand in Austria. Together with the rest of Europe (excluding France, Spain and Germany), Austria constitutes 17% of the total demand for Scotch Whisky in 1995. The small market size of the nation may be viewed as its weakness since the local distilleries would have had the shares that The Olde Distillerie would want to have. For a small company as the company in question, it would a be a negative sign in investing in a country such as that of Austria. Meanwhile, Austria cannot hide such facts that people of their nation demands objects and products of high taste and rich in culture and history such as the scotch whisky. And like other European countries, its rich taste and heritage may be a possible market for the distillery, for as we have stated earlier, the countries are looking at alcohol as a sort of symbol or identity. Not only is the scotch whisky a lucrative product because of its history, but the taste and flavor of the product may be all in all attractive for the market of Austria. 4. Spain Spain’s strategic location enables it to embody a nation rich in culture and experience. Its location can be described as a crossroad in Europe where, many Islamic states are present for the past 800 years of their existence. (Anonymous 2006h) However, despite the Islamic states that pose as an outside force that may influence the country’s belief, Spain remains to be a Catholic country with a strong sense of culture and self-importance.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Causes Of The American Civil W Essay -- essays research papers

Sectional tension increased during the mid 19th century bringing America into a civil war. There were a few important factors that helped to increase tensions in both the North and the South. Some of these factors were the Anti-Slavery movement, Kansas-Nebraska Act, the Fugitive Slave Law, John Brown’s raid at Harpers Ferry, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and the election of Abraham Lincoln into Presidency. There were quite a few events that caused tensions in the North. The anti-slavery movement greatly influenced the north’s feelings toward slavery. Writers like William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, and Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote on the topic of slavery and helped lead the movement against it. In his newspaper, The Liberator, William Lloyd Garrison shared his wish for complete and immediate abolition: "tell a mother to gradually extricate her babe from the fire into which it has fallen -- but urge me not to use moderation in a cause like the present." The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 angered the North because it voided the Missouri Compromise that they agreed to 34 years prior. The Free States felt they were undermined. The Fugitive Slave Law fueled the anti-slavery feelings in the North. It was probably one of the most important causes that bought on war. The law said that if slaves escape from the North, northerners are responsible for assisting in his capture and return. This brought many questions to peop...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Anne Frank :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Anne Frank was a Jewish girl who lived in Amsterdam during the time of the Holocaust. Her life is pretty normal. Her father is a successful buisness man, she has good grades, has a caring family, and is kinda popular. The problem is is that she does not have a real friend. Besides her cat, that she loves to death. Of course she has the girls that she hangs out with, but they don't confide in eachother. Therefor, she doesn't consider them her real friends. Then on her 13th birthday she recieves a diary in which she puts her thoughts into or confides in. She now calls this her friend. She even gives it a name. It is named Kitty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Then she meats this 16 year old boy who calls himself Hello. They start to become close and tell eachother things. When all of a sudden her older sister Margot recieves a call-up by the German officers. Her family does not want her sent to a concentration camp, so they are forced into hiding. They run to her fathers office with the help of Miep and some other people that work for her father. The office is a three storie building, but the bottom floor is the only floor that is really used. Leaving the other 2 floors supposively for storrage. The Franks take the 2nd floor and they're friends, the van Daan's, have the 3rd floor. The van Daan's consist of Mr. van Daan, Mrs. van Daan, and Peter; their 16 year old son. Both families hardly get along with eachother and find eachother in quarrels quite often. Mrs. van Daan and Mrs. Frank do not get along. Anne and Mrs. van Daan do not get along. Also Anne and Margot are not the best of friends at times. And Peter is a whinner so he does not get along with hardly anyone. Anne feels that her father is the only one that understands her at all, and this really upsets her mother.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  So the neighbors do not notice that they are there, they have to have dark cloth over the windows at all times, and can not even look outside. They can not have lights on at sertain times of the day, and most of all, they can not make noises exspeacilally at night.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How to Manage Negativity within the Medical Aesthetics

The vital challenge for managing negative employees nowadays is to stay alive and flourish in a very chaotic globe. To achieve this, the Medical Aesthetics Market Place perceives it essential to keep positive attitudes of its organization. Ethical values, constantly applied, are the foundation in building a commercially victorious and generally responsible business (Barbuceanu & Fox, 1996).   Business organizations progress trust and a positive outlook between its personnel strengthen ethical framework and proffer a moral breadth during times of change and in catastrophe (Grimes & Alley, 1997).Medica Spa owners require positive-productive employees to gain encouraging impact on their clienteles. For this objective, owners and managers endow with greater control over one's manners, build assurance in decision making, and consent to more truthful discernments of one's self. Those issues concern justice, honesty, correctness and an optimistic attitude; as a consequence it can only be resolved according to ethical standards.Decision-making must be empowered to the level adjoining the field of action, on condition that, that this level has compulsory for positive reception from its employees at its clearance (Guest, 1989). A manager is required to make his function wider to increase dynamism, inventiveness and speed of achievement (Barenberg, 1994).Employees in the Medical Aesthetics Market Place are in fact obliged to comply with significantly increased demands in quantity and quality. The movement in the present day is to hire less than sufficient staff and work to the maximum.   Negativity should be restricted to any level of an employee. Operations individuals at present have more duties and must generate more (Ghallab, 1994).Owners are required to entrust a part of its sanctions to the subordinate hierarchical levels, if they do not want to be congested with more and more abundant and multifaceted problems. Delegation is mainly about entrusting an ownerâ₠¬â„¢s authority to others. This denotes that they can take action and begin autonomously; and that they presume duty with owners for tasks. Entrustment underpins a technique of management which allows the staff to exercise and widen their skills and knowledge to full potential (Guest, 1989). To manage negativity of employees, owners must:distribute adequate resources to board activities such as time, money, and facilitiessupport workers and supervisors to collaborate with the committee and be involvedentail the committee in each and every health and safety activitiesfacilitate to schedule committee activities such as investigations as well as inspectionsdivide health and safety matters from concerns not relatedwork and take steps safely and guarantee that supervisors work and take action carefullyTo manage negative employees, managers must be straightforward to the staff to assume their responsibilities, as every now and then it is very at ease to feel oneself protected from all ris ks that are inherent in running an organization’s operations; a desire from the managers must exist to abandon certain prerogatives – for it is a loss of authority – to be able to concentrate on other more significant activities; must be capable of setting up a career promotion and rewards that recompense the efforts of the staff that stimulate them and motivate their activity for the benefit of the group (Ghallab, 1994).   The staff must have enough knowledge on how to do their responsibilities with dedication and positive attitude. Thus, the business owners ought to facilitate access to the required understanding.The owner who fears and cannot organize well will never manage negativity of employees successfully; the manager, who is acquainted with that the staff may possibly have supplementary experience and knowledge, and so may possibly develop the decision-making process, will receive their participation; managing negativity of employees guarantees that t he staff will put decision-making into practice within the organization of their objectives and will sense that their perspectives are welcome. One of the main irrational fears about delegation is that by providing others authority, an owner or manager loses power (Grimes & Alley, 1997). This must not be the case.If the owner trains the staff to take actions the same criteria as the manager would, by example and explanations, then the staff will be exercising the manager’s control on his/her behalf with positive outlook if and only if the manager demonstrates a positive attitude. And since they will distinguish many more circumstances over which control may be put into effect, then control will be exercised more rapidly and more diversely than an owner could put it into effect by his/her self.An owner must be able to distribute the more mundane tasks as equally as possible; and add the more stimulating once as broadly. Generally, but particularly with the tedious tasks, an ow ner must be careful to delegate not only the performance of the mission but also its tenure (Barenberg, 1994). Task handing over, more willingly than task assignment, allows innovation and positive attitude and outlook in their work.To manage negativity within a business,   an owner is supposed to increase progressively; first, a small assignment leading to a little improvement, then another assignment which constructs upon the first; when that is accomplished, add an additional step; and so on. This is the differentiation between asking people to balance a sheer wall (negative), and offering them with a flight of steps (positive).When an owner delegates a job, it does not have to be finished as fit as an owner could do it in a given time, but only as fit as needed: never judge the upshot by what is expected (it is complicated to be objective – negative), but by fitness for positive function. When an owner delegates a task, he/she must agree upon the standards by which the result will be reviewed. An owner must not exaggerate a negative issue; if the staff did something wrong, the owner must have the skill of using specific and positive terms in correcting the mistake – not meaning to hurt the staff’s feelings (Barbuceanu & Fox, 1996).ReferencesBarbuceanu, M. & Fox, M. (1996). The Design of a Coordination Language for Multi-AgentsSystems. In Intelligent Agents III. Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages.Springer, pp.341-355.Barenberg, M. (1994). Democracy and Domination in the Law of Workplace Cooperation:From Bureaucratic to Flexible Production, 94 Colum. L. Rev. 753, 825–78. Harper,supra note 468, at 113–14.Ghallab, M. (1994). Past and future chronicles for supervision and planning. In Jean  PaulHaton, editor, Proceedings of the 14th Int. Avignon Conference, Paris, EC2 and AFIA,pp23-34.Grimes, G. & Alley, B. (1997). Intelligent Agents for Network Fault Diagnosis and Testing.In Integrated Network Management V: inte grated management in a virtual world. SanDiego, California, USA, May 1997. IFIP, Chapman & Hall, pp.232-244.Guest, D. (1989). Personnel and HRM: Can you tell the difference? Personnel Management.St. Paul, MN: West Publishing, pp23-27.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Punctuation Marks Part 1

Punctuation Marks Part 1 The German word for dot, point or period,  der Punkt, and the English word  punctuation  both have the same Latin source:  punctum  (point). Among many other things that German and English have in common are the punctuation marks they use. And the reason most punctuation marks look and sound the same is that many of the signs and some of the terms, such as   der Apostroph,  das Kommaand  das Kolon  (and English  period, hyphen), are of common Greek origin. The period or full stop (der Punkt) dates back to antiquity. It was used in Roman inscriptions to separate words or phrases. The term question mark (das Fragezeichen) is only about 150 years old, but the ? symbol is much older and was earlier known as the mark of interrogation. The question mark is a descendant of the  punctus interrogativus  used in 10th-century religious manuscripts. It was originally used to indicate voice inflection. (Greek used and still uses a colon/semicolon to indicate a question.) The Greek terms  kà ³mma  and  kà ³lon  originally referred to parts of lines of verse (Greek  strophe, German  die Strophe) and only later came to mean the punctuation marks that demarcated such segments in prose. The most recent punctuation marks to appear were quotation marks (Anfà ¼hrungszeichen)- in the eighteenth century. Fortunately for English-speakers, German generally uses the same punctuation marks in the same way that English does. However, there are some minor and a few major differences in the way the two languages use common punctuation marks. „ Der Bandwurmsatz ist die Nationalkrankheitunseres Prosastils.†Ã‚  - Ludwig Reiners Before we look at the details of punctuation in German, let’s define some our terms. Here are some of the more common punctuation marks in German and English. Since America and Britain are â€Å"two countries separated by a common language† (G.B. Shaw), I have indicated the American (AE) and British (BE) terms for items that differ. SatzzeichenGerman Punctuation Marks Deutsch English Zeichen die Anfhrungszeichen 1Gnsefchen (geese feet) quotation marks 1speech marks (BE) die Anfhrungszeichen 2chevron, franzsische (French) quotation marks 2French guillemets die Auslassungspunkte ellipses dots, ommission marks ... das Ausrufezeichen exclamation mark ! der Apostroph apostrophe der Bindestrich hyphen - der Doppelpunktdas Kolon colon : der Ergnzungsstrich dash - das Fragezeichen question mark ? der Gedankenstrich long dash runde Klammern parentheses (AE)round brackets (BE) ( ) eckige Klammern brackets [ ] das Komma comma , der Punkt period (AE)full stop (BE) . das Semikolon semicolon ; Note:  In German books, periodicals, and other printed materials you will see both kinds of quotation marks (type 1 or 2). While newspapers generally use type 1, many modern books use type 2 (French) marks.    Part 2: Differences German versus English Punctuation In most cases, German and English punctuation are similar or identical. But here are a few key differences: 1. Anfà ¼hrungszeichen  (Quotation Marks) A. German uses two types of quotation marks in printing. â€Å"Chevron† style marks (French â€Å"guillemets†) are often used in modern books: Er sagte:  «Wir gehen am Dienstag. »orEr sagte:  »Wir gehen am Dienstag. « In writing, in newspapers, and in many printed documents German also uses quotation marks that are similar to English except that the opening quotation mark is below rather than above: Er sagte: „Wir gehen am Dienstag.† (Note that unlike English, German introduces a direct quotation with a colon rather than a comma.) In email, on the Web, and in hand-written correspondence, German-speakers today often use normal international quotation marks (â€Å" †) or even single quote marks (‘ ’). B. When ending a quotation with â€Å"he said† or â€Å"she asked,† German follows British-English style punctuation, placing the comma outside of the quotation mark rather than inside, as in American English: „Das war damals in Berlin†, sagte Paul. „Kommst du mit?†, fragte Luisa. C. German uses quotation marks in some instances where English would use  italics  (Kursiv). Quotation marks are used in English for the titles of poems, articles, short stories, songs and TV shows. German expands this to the titles of books, novels, films, dramatic works and the names of newspapers or magazines, which would be italicized (or underlined in writing) in English:   „Fiesta† („The Sun Also Rises†) ist ein Roman von Ernest Hemingway. - Ich las den Artikel „Die Arbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland† in der „Berliner Morgenpost†. D. German uses single quotation marks (halbe Anfà ¼hrungszeichen) for a quotation within a quotation in the same way English does:   „Das ist eine Zeile aus Goethes ,Erlkà ¶nig’†, sagte er. Also see item 4B below for more about quotations in German. 2. Apostroph  (Apostrophe) A. German generally does not use an apostrophe to show genitive possession (Karls Haus, Marias Buch), but there is an exception to this rule when a name or noun ends in an s-sound (spelled  -s, ss, -ß, -tz, -z, -x, -ce). In such cases, instead of adding an s, the possessive form ends with an apostrophe:  Felix’ Auto, Aristoteles’ Werke, Alice’ Haus.  - Note: There is a disturbing trend among less well-educated German-speakers not only to use apostrophes as in English, but even in situations in which they would not be used in English, such as anglicized plurals (die Callgirl’s). B. Like English, German also uses the apostrophe to indicate missing letters in contractions, slang, dialect, idiomatic expressions or poetic phrases:  der Ku’damm (Kurfà ¼rstendamm), ich hab’ (habe), in wen’gen Minuten (wenigen), wie geht’s? (geht es), Bitte, nehmen S’ (Sie) Platz!  But German does not use an apostrophe in some common contractions with definite articles:  ins (in das), zum (zu dem). 3. Komma  (Comma) A. German often uses commas in the same way as English. However, German may use a comma to link two independent clauses without a conjunction (and, but, or), where English would require either a semicolon or a period:  In dem alten Haus war es ganz still, ich stand angstvoll vor der Tà ¼r.But in German you also have the option of using a semicolon or a period in these situations. B. While a comma is optional in English at the end of a series ending with and/or, it is never used in German:  Hans, Julia und Frank kommen mit. C. Under the reformed spelling rules (Rechtschreibreform), German uses far fewer commas than with the old rules. In many cases where a comma was formerly required, it is now optional. For instance, infinitive phrases that were previously always set off by a comma can now go without one:  Er ging(,) ohne ein Wort zu sagen.  In many other cases where English would use a comma, German does not. D. In numerical expressions German uses a comma where English uses a decimal point:  Ã¢â€š ¬19,95 (19.95 euros)  In large numbers, German uses either a space or a decimal point to divide thousands:  8 540 000 or 8.540.000 8,540,000  (For more on prices, see item 4C below.) 4. Gedankenstrich  (Dash, Long Dash) A. German uses the dash or long dash in much the same way as English to indicate a pause, a delayed continuation or to indicate a contrast:  Plà ¶tzlich - eine unheimliche Stille. B. German uses a dash to indicate a change in the speaker when there are no quotation marks:Karl, komm bitte doch her! - Ja, ich komme sofort. C. German uses a dash or long dash in prices where English uses double zero/naught: â‚ ¬5,- (5.00 euros)

Monday, October 21, 2019

Critical Thinking and Clinical Competency Essays

Critical Thinking and Clinical Competency Essays Critical Thinking and Clinical Competency Paper Critical Thinking and Clinical Competency Paper Essay Topic: Critical Thinking   The professional advancement for nurses is a lifelong process that can be achieved through continuous education and efficient clinical development. The primary objective of nurses’ professional development is to sustain clinical competency to enhance patients’ care outcomes. The nurses’ responsibility is to maintain professional standards and knowledge to be able to implement highest levels of medical services to patients and members of the community. To provide an efficient and safe patient care nurses must implement in daily practice respectively developed critical thinking competencies. The purpose of this paper is to inform readers on how the critical thinking is used in clinical practice, how to employ critical thinking strategies to improve clinical competence, and connections between critical thinking, scholarship, and practice. The nursing leaders task is to determine the individual competencies that primary care nursing staff must advance to improve comprehensive critical thinking. Berkow, Virkstis, and Steward (2011) proposed that the â€Å"conducting an assessment of frontline nurse critical thinking is a necessary, yet frequently overlooked first step in improving this essential component of nurse performance.† To provide nurses with better understanding of concepts of critical thinking, the initial step is to identify individual strengths and weaknesses therefore to enforce necessary evaluation and implementation. The critical thinking proficiency might be mastered at any time of nurses’ professional career. The Critical Thinking Diagnostic (CTD) is a persuasive instrument used in evaluating core critical thinking competencies along nursing staff. It was developed by Nursing Executive Center in 2009.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Evolutionary Psychology

Evolutionary Psychology Assumptions of evolutionary psychology Evolutionary psychology originated from the Darwinian theory of natural selection. Darwin projected that psychology would later assume an evolutionary dimension through acquisition of different mental capabilities (Buss, 2005). This branch of psychology makes several assumptions in order to explain, diagnose, and treat mental or behavioural illness.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Evolutionary Psychology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More First, it assumes that the brain possesses the ability to process information and thus generate behaviour due to various internal and external stimuli (Buss, 2005). Second, the adaptive capabilities of the brain originated from natural and sexual selection. Sexual selection led to the evolution of adaptations related to mating and reproduction. For males, it helps them compete for females while for females, it helps them to choose appropriate mal es for the purpose of reproduction. Third, the human evolutionary past was characterized by various neural mechanisms that played different roles such as finding solutions to problems (Buss, 2005). These mechanisms had their origin in natural selection. Fourth, evolutionary psychologists assume that modern humans possess stones of mental/ behavioural illness Depression has severe consequences that affect the survival of human species. For example, it makes people suicidal and less interested in certain activities. However, evolutionary psychologists have a different view of depression. They explain it as a way of developing enhanced mental skills (Trapani, 2010). They argue that depression makes an individual focus on internal and external conflicts, thus improving their decision-making capabilities. When a person is depressed, the brain focuses all its energy and attention on the problem thus enabling the individual to find solutions to the problems (Trapani, 2010). On the other ha nd, sadness enhances the ability of the brain to process information thus improving its ability to deal with complex and highly demanding situations. Depression also has a biological orientation. Children who come from families with histories of depression are likely to develop depression in the course of their lives. It helps them to adapt to different challenging environments and situations. Autism is a condition that alters the ways people communicate and relates to those around them (Ploeger Galis, 2011). People with autism find it difficult to make sense of certain things. Their inability to understand other people’s feelings bar them from forming lasting relationships. Evolutionary psychology would explain autism as a condition that results from delays in male maturation and acceleration in female maturation. Its aetiology can be explained by considering the influence of social structures, endocrinological differences, and neurological limitations (Lehman, 2009). In ad dition, autism could be explained by considering the influence of social structures and the environment on human maturation. According to the mind blindness theory, changes in social structures cause evolutionary adaptations that lead to development of autism (Ploeger Galis, 2011).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Evolutionary Psychology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For example, the emergence of power for women has severe repercussions that include delayed male maturation.Changes in production of human hormones also alter the rate of maturation (Lehman, 2009). For example, changes in uterine testosterone levels affect the maturation rates of offsprings by either accelerating or delaying maturation rate. On the other hand, adjustments in oestrogen levels results in the development of different neurological structures. These factors contribute towards development of autism. Finally, the environment influences the development of autism (Ploeger Galis, 2011). Dyslexia refers to a reading disorder that affects both children and adults. It is characterized by difficulties in spelling and reading (Fletcher, 2009). Evolutionary psychologists would use neuropsychological, behavioural, neurobiological, and environmental factors to explain the causes of the disorder. Environmental factors such as the economic situation and orientation to literacy are possible risk factors for dyslexia (Fletcher, 2009). The disorder is likely to develop in children whose parents possess poor reading skills. Another risk factor is poor classroom instruction. Neurobiological and neuropsychological factors that include finger recognition, audioperceptual processes, visuoperceptual limitations, and directional sense are risk factors of dyslexia (Fletcher, 2009). Dyslexia is thus caused by maldevelopment of the brain’s parietal lobes and other areas that serve different roles. Dyslexia is characterized by reading p roblems, neuropsychological limitations, clumsiness, and behavioural problems. References Buss, D 2005, The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, John Wiley Sons, New York. Fletcher, J 2009, Dyslexia: The Evolution of a Scientific Concept, Journal of International Neuropsychological Society, vol.15 no. 40, pp. 501.508.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lehman, A 2009. Autism and Evolution, Viewed on Ploeger, A Galis, F 2011, Evolutionary Approaches to Autism: an Overview and Integration, McGill Journal of Medicine, vol.13. no. 2, pp. 38. Trapani, G 2010. The Evolutionary Reason for Depression,

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Dynamics, Fluids & Energy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dynamics, Fluids & Energy - Assignment Example Source: Prado Miguel, 2009, Renewable Energy sources Energy Energy is needed in all spheres of a life to accelerate growth. The traditional concept of generating energy from fossil fuels that could drive certain machinery is giving way to a more holistic approach where other sources like wind, solar, tidal waves and biomass are also being considered as alternate forms of energy. (Prado Miguel, 2009) Sustainability The reason why man is looking out for other forms of energy is because it has been estimated with the present rate of consumption; fossil fuels will be unavailable in the near future. Hence the idea is to develop or harness an energy source that is always being replenished by nature. This ensures that all the fossil fuel that is available at present is not completely used up and assures that the future generations have also access to this energy source. This forms the basic premise of a sustainable energy. (Prado Miguel, 2009) Renewability Renewability is used to describe t hose energy sources which are abundant in nature and are replenished naturally. The consumption of these energy sources has minimal impact on the environment. Using these energy sources also leads to reducing the carbon dioxide emissions produced by consuming fossil fuels. This has a direct impact on reducing the rate of global warming and forms the most innovative solutions in containing the temperature rise in earth’s environment. (Prado Miguel, 2009) Alternate forms of Sustainable Renewable Energy 1. Solar Energy Since energy from the sun is available abundantly, expertise lies in harnessing this energy effectively. The primary factors involve capturing and converting this solar energy for efficient storage. It is estimated that about 1000 Watts/ square metre fall on the earth’s surface on an average since this is dependent on environmental conditions (National Seminar on Alternative Energy Sources, 2005, p.5) and the climate. A photovoltaic cell (PV) is ideally use d to tap into this light energy and convert it into electrical energy. This is a simple process in which the captured sunlight releases electrons on striking the silicon material. The electrons thus displaced create a hole with a positive charge. (Lewis Nathan and Nocera Daniel, 2006, p. 6801)The released electrons are then made to travel back to these holes via an external circuit thereby generating current. Solar cells can be arranged in series or in parallel to obtain the required voltage and current. Source: National Seminar on Alternative Energy Sources, 2005, VSAT Equipments powered by Solar 2. Wind Energy Wind energy is another form of energy that is available abundantly but requires the right kind of harnessing to be used efficiently. Solar power is indirectly responsible for the generation of wind energy. This is because land surface absorbs solar energy at different rates and hence the air above this land or water mass is heated at different rates. Source: Edelstein, 2003, Windmills in series This unequal heating causes a pressure gradient during which the hot lighter air rises up while the cool denser air flows in to take its place. (Edelstein, et al, 2003, p.2) This gradient thus creates a rapid movement of air which is called wind. A device that could be used to slow down this wind velocity can convert part of the kinetic energy into electrical energy. Wind speed, area of cross section swept by rotor and its efficiency in conversion, Generator properties and the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Children and Violent Video Games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Children and Violent Video Games - Essay Example Such video games are too dangerous of a nature to be shown to children, who do not have much awareness of the world and who can take any sort of meanings from such acts that they see. To be able to grasp and be limited to only enjoying any acts of violence that are shown, the mind needs to be old enough. If exposed to these factors before time and before age, various meanings can be extracted and major changes can take place in the personality of a child. Whether it is the visuals which depict such violence or the increase in bonus points in a video game that take place when the child "kills" a villain, the effect is bound to be there on these young and innocent minds. These video games are a newer medium as compared to the television and movies which also are a source of violence acts for young minds. The most popular past time for children is that of playing video games. Children, and especially boys, often indulge in video games which are depicting acts of violence and which require the player to contribute to that violence through the joystick or the mouse that he or she is using to control the game. Such usage of the joystick or mouse inculcates such habits within children. When children see in a video game that they are rewarded and their points increase or they are given a bonus whenever they kill a person or whenever they injure the other party, children feel that such acts will always be positively rewarded, whether it is real life. Children feel that when they will hurt someone, use harsh language, or use violence to deal with a specific situation in life, they will be positively rewarded like they were in the video game. The research of Dr. Anderson and Dr. Gentile has stated that boys spend an average of 13 hours per week on video games, whereas the fairer sex spends around 5 hours per week on the video games. This research also says that half of the video games in the market actually result in the real life deaths and acts of violence that takes place. Social implications The social implications of children and teen playing these violent games are that they inherit the same violence in their personality. Socially, they become destructive human being. There is more of negativity in their personality rather than optimism. Whatever fights they will encounter in their life, whatever circumstances they will face, they will want to deal with it through violence and settle it in their favor through any violent means possible. Since these games have rewarded them not just points, but bonus points as well as non-point bonuses like new weapons, they assume that life will also reward them similarly. Therefore, such a man is added to the society who would not believe in handling situations in a peaceful manner, rather he would deal the aggressive way. (Krug, 2002) For example there is a game known as Postal, in which acts of violence are a common sight. People are crying for mercy, masses lie on the ground moaning, there can be blood seen everywhere, killings are happening as a common routine, there are dead bodies lying all around, and people are screaming for help. But

For the English Major Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

For the English Major - Essay Example Writer has shown a clear picture of slavery before 150 years by demonstrating the crazy process through which he has to go for learning to read & write. In this paragraph, he shows how his intense negative feeling about the slavery became his motivation for learning to read & write. Initially, the writer shows how reading has brought discomfort in his life because he started understanding his own situation and pointed his situation with negative words like wretched condition, beast, reptile, etc. The writer has successfully expressed his intensive hatred about the issue by using words of increasing power like abhor, detest, loathe, torment which have higher impact on the reader’s thinking about the issue. Reader completely enjoys the essay because of the live demonstration of intensive situation through rhythmic sentences like â€Å"I saw nothing without seeing it, I heard nothing without hearing it, and felt nothing without feeling it. It looked from every star, it smiled in every calm, breathed in every wind, and moved in every storm.† High quality essay is offered by showing firm transformation phase with the use of non-traditional English language like â€Å"Freedom now appeared, to disappear no more forever.† At the end of the essay, the writer has suggested the â€Å"Possibilities For Writing† which is also done very innovatively considering the significance of writer’s opinion about the core issue of slavery & education along with development of independent opinion of the reader in changed social & economic

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Advice for claim for financial relief Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Advice for claim for financial relief - Essay Example In this context of transferring assets to other person, the shared property may include lands and buildings which can be considered as one of the most usual subjects of the order. However, in various cases it can also observed that the financial investments are further included within the transferring process1. Based on this context, the report intends to develop a financial claim which provides an equal distribution of properties including houses and investments of a married couple, Megan and Hugh. Therefore, the discussion of the report will focus towards developing the financial claim which will be incorporated necessary elements including law, property claiming act along with other major concerns. Case Overview According to the case, it can be observed that Megan and Hugh agreed to mutually separate from each other due to personal conflicts based on adultery issues. As noted by Megan, it can be observed that she wants divorce from Hugh on the grounds of adultery allegations, afte r discovering that Hugh has been engaged in an affair for a year with one of her friends. It has been since then that the duo had been conflicting upon sharing the property and other savings and investments including, land and houses and other assets. In this context, Megan wanted to be separated from Hugh and proceed to split the property with an equal distribution among both. In relation to sharing the properties, Hugh has however refused to share investments and pensions to Megan. Although Hugh has agreed to pay child maintenance charged allowing the children to stay with their mother, he has confirmed to be unwilling to pay the maintenance amount for Megan affirming that she should be working as she had already planned after the birth of their first child when resigning from her last job. Legal Concerns In the context of the policy constitute in the UK family law act, a person can make legal application to the Court for orders in order to mitigate issues concerning financial fac tors including division of property and assets, valuation of houses and buildings along with other investment, pension as well as maintenance related issues. From the perspective of the case of Megan and Hugh, the particular application can be identified to be associated with divorce proceedings which are generally considered as Ancillary Relief (AR) Proceedings2. In the context of divorce or property separation, assets owned by the spouses can be defined as the matrimonial assets which are separated in an effective way in order to signify a fair judgement for both the parties benefitting the duo equally. With this concern, the court can enforce an order if the spouses are observed to be unable to make any agreement for their AR Proceedings. The considerable factors that shall be undertaken by the court can be identified in terms of marriage duration, age of the spouses, financial resources of each individual along with their income levels and future probable obligations3. It is in this context that needs concerning the custody of any children is also referred as a considerable factor for the court to render judgement in the case of AR proceedings between the spouses4. Recommendations According to the legal guidelines of the UK family law, either wife or husband can legally apply for AR Proceedings which can be formed to commence divorce agreement among the duo. In general, a hearing process considering all types of claims and applications are to be followed by both the parties, at the same time by the court as well. With this regard, it becomes an important and preferable

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 46

Marketing - Essay Example 193). In this regard, services marketing need to design strategies that cater specifically to services, as contrasted to products or goods, due to the very nature and characteristics of services. As emphasized, services possess six distinguishing characteristics that make it distinct: its being (1) intangible; (2) inseparable in production and consumption; (3) perishable; (4) heterogeneous; (5) focused on client-based relationships; and (6) emphasis on customer contact (Chater 13: Services, n.d., pp. 193-194). Therefore, marketing practitioners should be able to recognize these characteristics in designing strategies that would cater to the needs and demands of the clientele. The strategies for services are also different from goods or products in terms of the need to consider these characteristics, as well as the ability of service organizations to satisfy the customers’ needs. Thus, a more comprehensive knowledge of the customers’ profile need to be established, in conjunction with the ability of the organization to provide the services that match their needs. Likewise, since services are intangible, it was also learned that the design of strategies would depend on the continuum of intangibility that is exemplified. According, â€Å"knowing where a product lies on this continuum is important in creating marketing strategies for service-dominant products† (Chater 13: Services, n.d., p. 193). Services marketing is therefore more challenging due to the nature of services, as well as the evaluation of the customers on the service quality that was provided. Therefore, the success of service marketing depends on the ability of service pr oviders to meet the customers’ demands and address any weaknesses as a means to achieve defined targets and goals. Essay 2: Generally, marketers use one of three basic targeting strategies to focus on a target market: undifferentiated, concentrated, or differentiated. Locate a news item or an article that discusses the target

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Advice for claim for financial relief Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Advice for claim for financial relief - Essay Example In this context of transferring assets to other person, the shared property may include lands and buildings which can be considered as one of the most usual subjects of the order. However, in various cases it can also observed that the financial investments are further included within the transferring process1. Based on this context, the report intends to develop a financial claim which provides an equal distribution of properties including houses and investments of a married couple, Megan and Hugh. Therefore, the discussion of the report will focus towards developing the financial claim which will be incorporated necessary elements including law, property claiming act along with other major concerns. Case Overview According to the case, it can be observed that Megan and Hugh agreed to mutually separate from each other due to personal conflicts based on adultery issues. As noted by Megan, it can be observed that she wants divorce from Hugh on the grounds of adultery allegations, afte r discovering that Hugh has been engaged in an affair for a year with one of her friends. It has been since then that the duo had been conflicting upon sharing the property and other savings and investments including, land and houses and other assets. In this context, Megan wanted to be separated from Hugh and proceed to split the property with an equal distribution among both. In relation to sharing the properties, Hugh has however refused to share investments and pensions to Megan. Although Hugh has agreed to pay child maintenance charged allowing the children to stay with their mother, he has confirmed to be unwilling to pay the maintenance amount for Megan affirming that she should be working as she had already planned after the birth of their first child when resigning from her last job. Legal Concerns In the context of the policy constitute in the UK family law act, a person can make legal application to the Court for orders in order to mitigate issues concerning financial fac tors including division of property and assets, valuation of houses and buildings along with other investment, pension as well as maintenance related issues. From the perspective of the case of Megan and Hugh, the particular application can be identified to be associated with divorce proceedings which are generally considered as Ancillary Relief (AR) Proceedings2. In the context of divorce or property separation, assets owned by the spouses can be defined as the matrimonial assets which are separated in an effective way in order to signify a fair judgement for both the parties benefitting the duo equally. With this concern, the court can enforce an order if the spouses are observed to be unable to make any agreement for their AR Proceedings. The considerable factors that shall be undertaken by the court can be identified in terms of marriage duration, age of the spouses, financial resources of each individual along with their income levels and future probable obligations3. It is in this context that needs concerning the custody of any children is also referred as a considerable factor for the court to render judgement in the case of AR proceedings between the spouses4. Recommendations According to the legal guidelines of the UK family law, either wife or husband can legally apply for AR Proceedings which can be formed to commence divorce agreement among the duo. In general, a hearing process considering all types of claims and applications are to be followed by both the parties, at the same time by the court as well. With this regard, it becomes an important and preferable

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Business Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Business Project Management - Essay Example The researcher states that before initializing a project, project manager and team must be sure about the structure of the host firm because it influences their project and the operations they seek to perform. In addition, the culture of an organization is composed of certain attributes such as values, attitudes, viewpoints and behaviors of its staff members. In addition, it demonstrates the established principles and values of the organization, infusing all the activities which a corporation performs. In simple words, it can make a project a success or a failure. However, the perfect organizational culture is that in which projects are well thought-out in strategic management and are executed to promote and support a firm’s corporate strategy and corporate goals. As a result, top management pays more attention to them and assigns more and more organization’s resources to allow them to be successful. Here strategic management is the discipline of building, implementing, and assessing cross-functional decisions that facilitate a corporation to attain its goals. Moreover, each corporation has its own model organizational culture, operating systems and inside and outside resources to attain this. In addition, at the present it is necessary for the project managers to be familiar with the cultural, organizational and social environments adjacent the project. It could be done by recognizing the stakeholders and their capability to have an effect on the project. Thus, it could lead towards the likelihood of influencing project surroundings in an optimistic manner. Therefore, the any kind of risks could be considerably diminished; however failure to adopt such a way could unavoidably lead to a less than acceptable ending. In addition, the successful project managers would be familiar with the importance to put some effort in changing or improving the organizational culture for the benefit of the project stakeholders. In this scenario, it is the responsib ility of every team member of a project, undeniably every employee of the organization, needs to be influenced to express the attitude that, just as they are stakeholders, as well as every other project stakeholder is also vital (Wideman, 2001). Moreover, the organization's culture plays a significant role in success rate of projects. Take into account that this is about projects all throughout a corporation, not just about one specific project. In addition, the culture of a host organization plays possibly the major role in whether their organization is flourishing in running projects. On the other hand, if a supplier firm faces challenges running projects productively with the host firm, they cannot blame the project managers. In fact, they are struggling surrounded by a culture that is not in support of their struggle. Thus, it is essential for the project manager as well as the top management of the supplier firm to identify and assess the culture of the host organization. Until they are

Speec - Should We Keep Animals in Captivity Essay Example for Free

Speec Should We Keep Animals in Captivity Essay Introduction Do you know that there are approximately a hundred million wild animals, and about twenty thousand species that die every year? Wild animals are in great danger from nature, diseases and worsening environment. The extinction of animals has become a critical problem leading us to think whether or not we should keep animals in captivity. Body – Danger In recent 50 years, nearly two thirds of the world’s forest has been cut down for human industry and agriculture so that a variety of wild animals find it harder to survive as usual. On average, in every 6 square kilometres of the forest, there are over 750 species of trees, 400 species of birds, 150 species of butterflies, 60 species of amphibians, and thousands of species of other plants. But with the disappearance of forests, more wild animals are deprived of shelters and food and die in large numbers. Next imagine that you travel to Africa with the hope to see wild animals, such as rhinos, giraffes, elephants and chimpanzees, only to find nothing but the samples displayed in the museum. Underneath the display, there is the sign saying† Rhinos, the world-famous animals, existed from 500 B.C to 2014 A.D., Cause of death: Human poaching†. Looking at the animal, shouldn’t we feel guilty for human indifference to animals and heavy massacre before? Poaching is the first reason that causes the extinction of wild animals. It’s increased at the rate of 3000 per cent over the past years. Especially, the demands for rhino horns in Africa has rocketed, because it is now valued the same as gold! Other animals like panther, Chimpanzees and Africa elephants are also the victims of human poaching. Another reason to cause animal extinction is the climate change. The earth getting warmer rapidly, the animals that suit cool climates are forced to move and finally lose their habituates for the amazing development of industry and great increase of green-house gases. Body Advantages Having realized the sharp reduction of wild species, some countries have set up many animals reserves to protect the rare animals. Around the world by means of captive propagation, humans have promoted the birth of 135 gorillas, 33 black rhino, and 123 leopards, some of which are restored to their habitual environment. Though captive propagation and reintroduction seem to work effectively and contribute to insurance against sudden or catastrophic losses of animals in the wild, I don’t regard them as the major ways to save animals. Body Disadvantages One of the main problems with captive propagation and reintroduction is the high cost. Capture from the wild, food, veterinary care all contribute significantly to the huge cost. Though some think this problem can be solved by fundraising. The other problem is that captive endangered animals may fail to practice their genetic traits. Animals raised in unnatural conditions where they no longer need to hunt for food, and find shelter themselves would gradually weaken their natural instincts. For example, the animals fed from birth may never learn gathering or prey-hunting skills from their parents as they would in the wild. Generation after generation, will they reduce to home pets? Conclusion It is a painful fact that there will be no more wild animals left on the planet if the climate continues to warm up, or if humans continue poaching them. In such cases, I can’t deny that captive propagation and reintroduction are effective ways to save and increase the number of endangered species. However, the animals fed and bred in artificial conditions will inevitably lose their instincts and vigour they owned in the wildness. Therefore instead of focusing on how to keep animals in captivity, we should try our best to prevent globe warming up and stop poaching with severe punishment, providing a better living condition for those innocent wild animals. Do you agree with my ideas? Or do you have better ways to settle the problem?

Monday, October 14, 2019

Googles Competitive Strategy: Analysis

Googles Competitive Strategy: Analysis a) Cost Leadership Strategy-Any organization achieves competitive advantages by able to produce goods or services at a low cost. It lowers the operating costs in order to achieve this strategy. Cost advantage is the main objective of this strategy. Costs are tried to be marginalised in every step of the production of goods or services. But low cost of production of goods or services does not mean that pricing would be low as there can be a high promotional cost for the goods or services. Products can be priced competitively so as to achieve bigger margin than the competitors. b) Differentiation Strategy-Organization adopting this strategy attains competitive advantage through satisfying customer needs. This results in competitive pricing of the differentiated product or services and higher margins for the organization. The organization adapting to the differentiated strategy will incur more cost than before for creating the competitive advantage of the product or service. This cost can be compensated by increase in sales of that particular product or services. c) Focus Differentiation/ Cost Leadership Strategy- Focus strategy is focusing differential or cost leadership strategy on a particular segment of the market. The source of Googles competitive advantage comes from the infrastructure of database Google has created over the years, relevance of search results, cost of executing the search speed of the search, product offering from AD words to social networking site to mobile application platform. Distinctive competency of an organization can be defined as how the company differentiate its product and services from the competitors, how to segment the market, price their products and what is the range of the products available with the company. Google scores over its competitors over relevance of search results, cost of executing the search and the speed of the search. This is the differentiation advantage Google is having over their competitors. Googles competitive advantage comes from the infrastructure they have built over the years. Continuous innovations, ease of use, relevancy in results are some Googles distinctive competencies. Googles ability to connect with the internet users, advertisers, website owners differentiates it from the competitors. Google has technological advantage over its competitors as they use high performance system which can take workload more than the general systems. Because of this capability they have a cost advantage over their competitors. 2) What value does Google create for customers and advertisers? Googles customers are advertisers ranging from a SME to large scale enterprises to the end users like the common man. The sites are ranked according to the key words and the key words have got some price tags. The advertisers put their advertisements of products and services in Google and they pay to the company when someone clicks the advertisements. Googles Ad word is the latest addition to this foray. Google also pay the other companies to display Googles advertisements. Google is continuously reinventing itself to be miles ahead of other companies. So with the addition of millions of internet users every year worldwide internet has became the latest buzzword. Whichever organization wants to be ahead of the competition they have to be present in the cyber space and who else than the search engine giant Google to show the way. The relevance of search results cost of executing the search and the speed of the search and continuous innovations makes Google the ultimate destination for advertisers as well as the end users. Let us take an example of Google Ad words. The benefits advertisers can get are The customer can easily set up the Google Ad word within 30 minutes. Advertisements will be displayed at the right hand side of the website. Customer does not need a website. They can be an affiliate marketer to promote their products. Customer can market any type of product using Ad words. Customer can sell their own products like eBooks, music etc. Customer can test market their product before the original launch. They can specify the budget they want to spend on each day. Advertisements can be country specific, city or town specific. Customer can split test their Advertisements to see which is working and then can put their best Advertisements. Google cannot afford to lose the customers attention and trust. Some years ago average search time was 3 seconds and they have bought it down to .2 seconds and now they are working towards reducing the time further. Also the relevancy of search result has to be maintained to retain the customers if it means losing in revenue for the company. So we can have an idea about the value Google wants to create for the advertisers and the customers. These are the intangible values Google is creating towards their customers. 3) Apply the four building blocks of competitive advantage to Google. Analyse each factor by providing detailed examples from the case. Ans- For any organization efficiency, quality, innovation and customer responsiveness are the four building blocks of competitive advantages for their products and services. a) Efficiency- In order to achieve efficiency a company needs to have economics of scale, learning, experience, good marketing, Research and development, optimum use of Human resources and infrastructure. (Jones, 2007) From a mere 10000 search in a day to 75% of search made using it has came a long way. The revolution in hardware technology coupled with innovation it has considerably reduced its unit cost. Googles optimal use of Human resources can be seen as only 650 employees are there in Google worldwide. They claim that their employees are 50 to 100 percent more productive than their competitors. b) Quality-Quality of goods or services can differentiate one organization from the other. Maintaining quality will lower the defects and operating cost increasing the profitability of any organization. (Jones, 2007) Google has maintained the relevancy of search result to retain the customers if it means losing revenue for the company. c) Innovation-Google believes in continuously reinventing itself by innovative products. At the start Google found a way to generate revenue from the corporate by keywords bidding and advertisements. Some years ago average search time was 3 seconds and they have bought it down to .2 seconds and now they are working towards reducing the time further. So Google is continuously trying to innovate and upgrade its technology as well as strategy to be ahead of the competition. d) Customer Responsiveness-Customer responsiveness can be defined as giving products or services to customer at their price what, when, where they want. Google has worked in the same way. It has given its advertisers and end users the ease of search, speed, reliability and deliverability at a cheaper price. As their business is customer centric they do not hesitate to test market a product or services before the actual launch and seeks feedback from the user to improve it. The RD division of Google invites its users to their lab and includes them in the development process of the new products as well as enhancement of the existing one so by seeking their feedback. 4) What business-level strategy is Google pursuing? (Identify the strategy and justify your answer) Ans -According to the Google CEO they never made any strategy but what they have made is what the customer wants. In my opinion they are pursuing cost leadership strategy as well as differentiation strategy. Google has technological advantage over its competitors as they use high performance system which can take workload more than the general systems. Because of this capability they have a cost advantage over their competitors. Google scores over other competitors on the technology advancement.It scores over its competitors over relevance of search results, cost of executing the search and the speed of the search. The value it has already created in the mind of consumer if the product or service is differentiated customer will not be price sensitive. 5) What corporate-level strategy and international strategy has Google implemented? (Identify the relevant strategies and justify your answer). Ans-Corporate level strategy decides which business and which market the organization should look to enter. An organization needs corporate-level strategy to a) penetrate the existing market, b) Wants to enter new market with existing product, c) develops new product for existing market, d)develops new product for the new market. The business options are wether to work in the same business or diversify, wether to cater the home or national market or to go international. Google saw China as a fast growing competitive market. They entered in to an agreement in 2006 and Google is known as This was a market development strategy followed by Google. From the year 1999 Google has presence in China but due to censorship issues Google was losing its market to Chinese origin search engine Baidu. From the year 2002 to 2007 Baidus market share went up from 3% to 58%.This promoted the search engine giant to enter in to an agreement with China and to operate its office from China abidin g the laws of censorships. In 2006 there were over 105 millions of online users only in china and that was only 8% of the Chinese populations. So Google sensed the opportunity in that market and entered in to an agreement with them. In the year 2003 Google took over Pyra Labs, a blog company to strengthen the speed and relevance of articles searching in its search engine. In the years Google has acquired YouTube (Video Streaming Company), JotSpot, Gap minders Trendalyzer, Adscape Media, Peak Stream Technologies. Google has enter new market with the existing product, new market with new product as well as tried to penetrate the existing market with new product. It has also diversified form their main business of internet advertisement and has gone to acquire a radio advertising company dMarc.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

A Doll’s House and Fathers and Sons Essay -- Comparative, Ibsen, Tur

Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons reflect two unique societal struggles. While both texts deal with a main character attempting to overcome society’s resistance to progress, they delineate from each other in the characters’ relative successes as well as divergent societal implications. The formal cause of these differences is ultimately societal mores as well as contrasting aims: Ibsen deals with feminism, whereas Turgenev discusses nihilism. However, both novels were written in the 19th century and dealt with local issues, where the implications beyond their respective societies were disregarded. Hence, these two texts both play an important role in their respective societies. However, these two texts are harbingers for two contrasting revolutions, where A Doll’s House and Fathers and Sons feature enlightened and darkened protagonists respectively. While both Ivan Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons and Ibsen’s A D oll’s House challenge traditional society’s thoughts and beliefs, the diction, character arcs, author’s tone and exposition reflect contrasting opinions on the successes of the two revolutionary attempts. Both Ibsen’s and Turgenev’s texts vary in the use and role of foreign languages. While Pavel Petrovich, a main character in Fathers and Sons, is a xenophile, the experiences of Nora Torvald in A Doll’s House are very limited. Pavel’s love of foreign cultures is portrayed through his use of French words, whereas Nora lacks worldly understanding and thusly lives in the proverbial doll’s house. Pavel describes liberalism as ‘trà ¨s distinguà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ and says ‘bon soir’ when he goes to bed, whereas Nora emphasises the need â€Å"to reach any [some] understanding of herself and the things around her, she must learn to stand... ...e relatable to the popular audience. The two main characters – Bazarov and Nora – progress society to very different degrees. This is reflected by the absence of character development in Nikolai and Pavel as well as the radical changes in Nora’s persona. Nora’s power over Helmer contrasts how Russian society prevails over Bazarov. While Bazarov becomes sick and infirm, Nora asserts her independence over her familial duties. Ultimately, the degree of resolution of the two problems – female subordination and serfs’ indolence – varies between the two texts. While Arkady fails to address the serfs’ dissatisfaction, Nora emerges out of her doll’s house with an inquisitive mind. Therefore, Ivan Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons and Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House use the four aforementioned elements to contrast the relative successes and implications of the attempted revolutions.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Seeing Nature Through Our Own Eyes :: Advertisements Advertising Essays

Seeing Nature Through Our Own Eyes missing works cited Cultural signs and messages can be seen everywhere. Advertisements are one example of these signs and messages. All of these advertisements are made depending on what our society wants and how we view things. For example, many ads try to attract a busy, stressed out, urbanized man to a more peaceful and calm scenario by making a connection of their product to a peaceful part of nature. Since we believe that nature is peaceful and calm, we believe these products will bring us these qualities through nature. If nature were labeled as disturbing and unbearable, then these ads, which try to connect nature with their product, would not attract us. Oscar Wilde also agrees with this when he points out à ¬Things are because we see them, and what we see, and how we see it, depends on the Arts that have influenced usà ®(Oates 465). A careful analysis of a few ads can help exemplify this belief. Everything we see, including these advertisements of nature, is interpreted differently depending on our background and experiences that has influenced us. All advertisements fall into one or more of three categories defined by Merchant. These categories are hierarchy, dialectics, or pastoral. The hierarchy category includes masculine aspects such as activeness, dominance, and adventure. On the other hand, the pastoral category is the opposite of the hierarchy category and includes more feminine ideas such as passiveness, peacefulness, and motherhood. The remaining dialectic category is one that is hard to define because it is neither active nor passive. This category falls in between hierarchy and pastoral because it contains ads that contain ideas that are neither feminine nor masculine. The following descriptions of the three ads fall into one or more of these categories. The first advertisement of a Nissan Xterra SUV gives you a à «reference domainà ­ of strength, comfort, and power. The ad tries to convince us to buy this SUV, which can be used to conquer nature comfortably. The ads has in big bold letters à ¬Couch for Sale,à ® as it tells us that this SUV can be taken to à ¬the mountains, the rivers, the oceans, whereverà ® and we can still be comfortable with this new type of à ¬couch.à ® The ad tries to make our couch at home seem boring and this SUV not only comfortable but also more fun by telling us à ¬rid [ourselves] of the soft, fluffy cushions and venture to where the fun is.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Political Cartoon Analysis

Khaled Khaled Morsi's Unfairness What is the most attractive thing you can find in a newspaper? I guess your answer might be the political cartoon in the last page! Lots of people find that the most interesting and eye-catching part of a newspaper is the political cartoon which sums up all the words in a simple picture which might give more than a whole article would. ?according to Jonathan Burack â€Å"Political cartoons are vivid primary sources that offer intriguing and entertaining insights into the public mood, the underlying cultural assumptions of an age, and attitudes toward key events or trends of the times†(Lawate,2).Never has this quote been more true than it is today in Egypt for the wealth of visual rhetoric there is so much out there because the situation in Egypt has so much to comment on whether it is politically, socially, or economically. Through the use of pathos and persuasive techniques such as irony as exaggeration , the cartoonist, Latuff, is trying to p oint out the indifference of the Egyptian president towards his country while he is giving more care to Palestine . since the start of Morsi's reign, he has been criticized for trying to help Palestine rather than focusing on the problems of his country. Lawate, Importance of a political cartoon in a newspaper,2) The cartoon has an interesting visual, two main characters; one is filling up a police car and the other is trying to fill up an ambulance. The objects I see in the cartoon are two characters in a gas station, one with a police car and the other with an ambulance. They are both refueling their cars but the ambulance man found out that the machine he is using is broken and unavailable. And above the fueling machine there is the currency sign they are using which is the dollar sign.The character that is fueling the police car is the president of Egypt and is wearing a suit with colors matching the colors of the Palestinian flag. As an Egyptian, it's difficult not to get emoti onally involved with the cartoon where we see an indifferent president and a helpless ambulance guy. The cartoonist uses emotional appeal to shed light on the current situation here in Egypt. The president in the cartoon is fueling his police car while he is humming and singing and has one hand in his pocket while behind his back is the ambulance man with his truck who can't find any fuel to fill it up with because the machine is broken.This shows that the president supports the police that defend him more than he cares about the health of his people. Another clear message that makes one involved emotionally with the cartoon is the fact is the president of Egypt is wearing a suit representing the Palestinian flag which clearly shows that he supports them and fueling the police car to go and help the other country rather than attend to his country's problems. Since the start of Morsi's reign, all he cares about is Palestine and trying to aid and lending hands to them which isn't some thing bad but to do that he must first meet all the problems that his country is facing.What is really recognizable in the cartoon is the dollar sign ($) on top of the fuel machine which shows that the currency the president is going to pay the fuel with is a foreign currency rather than the Egyptian pound and by that, he is not trying to help his country's finance and economy to grow. In addition to the emotional appeal, Latuff is trying to use irony to make his point. The two characters in the cartoon are so close but the president is turning his back to the problems while he is also singing although he should be concerned about the country.The president must give attention to the medical treatments and hospitals and help by subsidizing the country with resources that would save his citizens from dying and that he must but Palestine aside until he can solve the consequences that his country is facing. He also should start use the country's currency rather than foreign currency to raise his economy because Egypt is facing a an economic drop . As the quote says â€Å"a picture is worth a thousand words†. A picture can give lots of messages to the audience as we have here in this cartoon, one can understand lots of thing from it just by looking at and without reading the article.Simplicity sometimes is what people look for and is a better way to get into people's brain. outline Lots of people find that the most interesting and attractive part of a newspaper is the political cartoon which sums up all the words in a simple picture which might give more than a whole article would. Latuff here in this cartoon is showing the uncaring of the president to the country. i. Introduction: -attractions of a political cartoon ii. The use of symbols: -the suit -gas station -the 2 trucks iii. Behind the scenes and the irony: -fueling of the trucks uncaring of the president iv. Conclusion: -main message of Latuff's cartoon process memo The changes I did in my second dra ft are first, I added a quote and a citation to the introduction to make it better and longer, then I edited the grammar and spelling mistakes. At last, I checked the comments that my peer partner did for me and edited the essay and made it better . Works cited Latuff. â€Å"Egypt's doctors strike for better wages,† October 2, 2012 http://latuffcartoons. wordpress. com/tag/mohammed-morsi/ http://repository. christuniversity. in/1717/1/1024026_meghana_lawate. pdf Political Cartoon Analysis Khaled Khaled Morsi's Unfairness What is the most attractive thing you can find in a newspaper? I guess your answer might be the political cartoon in the last page! Lots of people find that the most interesting and eye-catching part of a newspaper is the political cartoon which sums up all the words in a simple picture which might give more than a whole article would. ?according to Jonathan Burack â€Å"Political cartoons are vivid primary sources that offer intriguing and entertaining insights into the public mood, the underlying cultural assumptions of an age, and attitudes toward key events or trends of the times†(Lawate,2).Never has this quote been more true than it is today in Egypt for the wealth of visual rhetoric there is so much out there because the situation in Egypt has so much to comment on whether it is politically, socially, or economically. Through the use of pathos and persuasive techniques such as irony as exaggeration , the cartoonist, Latuff, is trying to p oint out the indifference of the Egyptian president towards his country while he is giving more care to Palestine . since the start of Morsi's reign, he has been criticized for trying to help Palestine rather than focusing on the problems of his country. Lawate, Importance of a political cartoon in a newspaper,2) The cartoon has an interesting visual, two main characters; one is filling up a police car and the other is trying to fill up an ambulance. The objects I see in the cartoon are two characters in a gas station, one with a police car and the other with an ambulance. They are both refueling their cars but the ambulance man found out that the machine he is using is broken and unavailable. And above the fueling machine there is the currency sign they are using which is the dollar sign.The character that is fueling the police car is the president of Egypt and is wearing a suit with colors matching the colors of the Palestinian flag. As an Egyptian, it's difficult not to get emoti onally involved with the cartoon where we see an indifferent president and a helpless ambulance guy. The cartoonist uses emotional appeal to shed light on the current situation here in Egypt. The president in the cartoon is fueling his police car while he is humming and singing and has one hand in his pocket while behind his back is the ambulance man with his truck who can't find any fuel to fill it up with because the machine is broken.This shows that the president supports the police that defend him more than he cares about the health of his people. Another clear message that makes one involved emotionally with the cartoon is the fact is the president of Egypt is wearing a suit representing the Palestinian flag which clearly shows that he supports them and fueling the police car to go and help the other country rather than attend to his country's problems. Since the start of Morsi's reign, all he cares about is Palestine and trying to aid and lending hands to them which isn't some thing bad but to do that he must first meet all the problems that his country is facing.What is really recognizable in the cartoon is the dollar sign ($) on top of the fuel machine which shows that the currency the president is going to pay the fuel with is a foreign currency rather than the Egyptian pound and by that, he is not trying to help his country's finance and economy to grow. In addition to the emotional appeal, Latuff is trying to use irony to make his point. The two characters in the cartoon are so close but the president is turning his back to the problems while he is also singing although he should be concerned about the country.The president must give attention to the medical treatments and hospitals and help by subsidizing the country with resources that would save his citizens from dying and that he must but Palestine aside until he can solve the consequences that his country is facing. He also should start use the country's currency rather than foreign currency to raise his economy because Egypt is facing a an economic drop . As the quote says â€Å"a picture is worth a thousand words†. A picture can give lots of messages to the audience as we have here in this cartoon, one can understand lots of thing from it just by looking at and without reading the article.Simplicity sometimes is what people look for and is a better way to get into people's brain. outline Lots of people find that the most interesting and attractive part of a newspaper is the political cartoon which sums up all the words in a simple picture which might give more than a whole article would. Latuff here in this cartoon is showing the uncaring of the president to the country. i. Introduction: -attractions of a political cartoon ii. The use of symbols: -the suit -gas station -the 2 trucks iii. Behind the scenes and the irony: -fueling of the trucks uncaring of the president iv. Conclusion: -main message of Latuff's cartoon process memo The changes I did in my second dra ft are first, I added a quote and a citation to the introduction to make it better and longer, then I edited the grammar and spelling mistakes. At last, I checked the comments that my peer partner did for me and edited the essay and made it better . Works cited Latuff. â€Å"Egypt's doctors strike for better wages,† October 2, 2012 http://latuffcartoons. wordpress. com/tag/mohammed-morsi/ http://repository. christuniversity. in/1717/1/1024026_meghana_lawate. pdf

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Early Childhood Educational Philosophy

â€Å"It must be remembered that the purpose of education is not to fill the minds of students with facts †¦ it is to teach them to think, if that is possible, and always to think for themselves. † Robert Hutchins. It is very clear to me that a successful early childhood program must provide a safe and nurturing environment that promotes social, emotional, physical and cognitive development. Young children need a warm and inviting atmosphere to learn. Children must have their basic needs met before any learning can take place. Safety, nutrition, and shelter are a few needs which must be provided. Although early childhood centers may not directly provide these services outside the regular school day, administrators must connect with outside agencies in order to recommend and provide families with necessary services. Children need to be encouraged to express themselves though verbal communication, text/pictures, play, and through art. Children learn through manipulation of objects in their environment, creative play, and discovery of the world around them. It is through group play, role modeling, and through supportive teaching that children grow socially and emotionally. These group activities teach young children how to live, work and play together. Independent and guided problem solving and independent exploration help children gain greater independence. Children need both independent and teamwork skills to become a well rounded person Early childhood teachers need to understand that often they are the one person spending the majority of the time with the children they are teaching. Parents today are busy with work and trying to keep the household together. Released by the U. S. Census Bureau in November, 2009 there are approximately 13. 7 million single parent s in the United States today. These single parents are responsible for raising 21. 8 million children which is roughly 26% of children under 21 in the U. S. today. I strongly believe that early childhood teachers are responsible for forming a superior bond with each parent so they can work together to help each child grow as an individual, based on the child’s needs. A classroom is places where differences should be valued and children and their families are appreciated and respected. Each Classroom is diverse in many ways, including economically, and culturally. I believe each teacher, parent and administrator should be committed to promoting diversity in all its forms, including those related to racial and ethnic identity, gender, socioeconomic status, sexuality, age, family structure, religion, national origin and ability. I believe as educators we should actively seek to teach children tolerance of all forms of difference, and just as actively seek to dissuade children from bias about norms and stereotypes. Throughout the classroom as well as the center there should be displays that show diversity as a celebration of people, of differences and of ways of living. I believe in early childhood education the best form of assessment is performance records. Performance records are any documentation regarding the child’s development and learning. These records help the child care provider to notice patterns in a child’s behavior as well as learning patterns. It is important to document at various times of the day as well as with a variety of teacher directed and child directed activities. I feel in early childhood children develop at differently, some children develop faster than others and therefore standardize testing is not an accurate account of the children’s abilities. At this age in a child’s life children should not be measured against their peers. I believe that each child should be measured on an individual basis. I feel that the best approach to curriculum is the integrated curriculum approach which involves picking one topic that can be explored across more than one academic discipline. I do feel that children are going to be more interested if they have some choice in the topics. With preschool children they are at an age where they can express what they want. I feel that a teacher should include them in some of the topics they explore. Children should participate independently, with the entire group and cooperatively in small groups. Each day should be a balance of free-choice time and planned structured activities in specific time blocks. Activities throughout the day are either child-initiated or teacher-directed. This variety promotes independence, provides opportunities for children to practice and acquire social skills and fosters the development of a positive self-image. It is important for every teacher and administrator to remember that â€Å"In early childhood you may lay the foundation of poverty or riches, industry of idleness, good or evil, by the habits to which you train your children. Teach them right habits then and their future life is safe. † Lydia Sigourney. I truly believe that each child that walks into our lives is there for us to nurture and help grow and we may be the only one that is laying the foundations. We have a chance to change the life of every child that walks in our center.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Financial Markets and Institutions, Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Financial Markets and Institutions, - Essay Example The impact of the United States to the world economy is connected to the activities happening in the NYSE (Harrison, 2011). Leading US companies have already participated in buying and selling of the shares of stocks in the NYSE. Since NYSE has been successful in trading these financial assets, its operations have expanded that now involve successful foreign companies (Kim, 2004, p. 61). The success of NYSE is crucial to the US economy because the companies listed in this financial market contribute to the nation’s economic growth. The NYSE serves as a mirror of America’s economic stability that if impeded will also have an impact to the global economy. The US economy has an effect on the global economy because the country has been active in having trade ties with other nations. If the US economy will stumble, then it can also be felt in other nations where foreign companies listed in the NYSE are headquartered. When a borrower obtains a loan from a lender, interests are added to the original amount borrowed. Interest rates have to be paid to compensate the lender, since they have given the borrower the opportunity to get the money without having to wait for a couple of days, months, or years of saving it (Heakal, 2009). There are factors that affect the determination of interest rates, and these include inflation, government, and supply and demand. When speaking of supply and demand, this would imply that if the demand for credit rises, interest rates will also increase, but if it decreases, interest rates will decrease, as well. Supply and demand have influenced interest rates in today’s economic climate. Because most people nowadays are into banking transactions, (e.g. when they open accounts in banks), money is being lent to those banks that in turn will be used by the bank for business or as an investment. Hence, the money deposited to the bank by the customer becomes the source of

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Night Shift Nurse Stress Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Night Shift Nurse Stress - Research Paper Example The paper discusses the research findings indicating that night shift work exacerbates stress because it is positively correlated with adverse health effects, including sleep, physiological, and psychological disorders. In addition, considerations and recommendations to the nurse to alleviate the associated stress, as well as promote adaptability and tolerance for the night shift routine, both at work and home, are discussed. Continuity of patient care requires that health care providers be available to work night shift. According to Blachowicz and Letizia (2006), â€Å"Nursing is among the many professions affected by the requirement to work outside of normal daytime hours. While benefits exist, nurses face significant challenges when they work alternate shifts† (p. 274). Over the years, concern and interest have resulted in studies conducted to determine the health risks and effects of night shift work on the nurse. As humans are naturally designed to be awake during the day and sleep at night, working nights disrupts the circadian rhythm, or internal clock. Night shift work exacerbates stress because it is positively correlated with adverse health effects, including sleep, physiological, and psychological disorders.   This paper highlights some of the most common occupational health risks and disorders associated with working nights. In addition, considerations and recommendations to help all eviate the associated stress will be discussed. Working night shifts is a necessary part of a nurse’s job description. However, working night shifts for long periods can have a detrimental effect on sleep, resulting in fatigue and other adverse consequences. Happell et al. (2013, p. 642) report that working night shifts resulted in physical stress and exhaustion for nurses because they could not get an adequate amount of sleep. This shows that night shifts can disturb the physiological working of

Monday, October 7, 2019

Research paper about lululemon Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

About lululemon - Research Paper Example Lululemon has three main suppliers; Delta Galil, Eclat Textile company, and Workday Inc. All of the suppliers are established organization, a factor that suggest their stability and ability to meet Lululemon’s demand for resources. The fact that Lululemon’ competitors, such as Nike, also deal with the suppliers also suggests the suppliers’ reliability. Lululemon however only commands a small proportion of the suppliers’ revenues and this identifies it as a minor buyer who may lack strong bargaining power. It only commands 1.2 percent of Delta Galil’s revenues and less than one percent of revenues for Ecalt Textile and Workday Iinc (Forgeon, et al. 25, 26). The company operates direct links with customers, with women as the main customers. Adults, however, forms the major target market that women dominate, and types of offered commodities shows this because for every class of commodities, there are more types for women that for men (Lululemon 1). Studios and gyms are another target market and sells to customer (Forgeon, et al. 26). The company’s products have trademarks that protect them from unfair competition, especially through illegal trade in counterfeit commodities. Offered yoga trainings to the community is another strength that bonds the company with the community and establishes competitive advantage through the relationship and through aspects of corporate social responsibility. Research and development that leads to innovation and established product identities are other strengths that the company has. It also trains its employees to ensure quality products for customer utility. Such an initiative is also likely to ensure low employee turnover rate, as it identifies value in the organization’s employees (Bayley, Beale, Dubinsky, & Peedin 20). Lululemon however deals in a narrow range of products and this limits its revenues.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Herbert Hoover Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Herbert Hoover - Article Example The Efficiency Movement of the United States, was a major part of the Progressive Era. The ideology championed by those who supported this movement, was that the society, government and the economy contained unwanted elements that bogged things down. In order to cleanse the system, experts must be appointed to identify the errors and to fix them. Hoover was a prominent figure who championed this movement. He held the view that the economy could be fixed and made better by coming up with technical solutions. However, it so happened that the Great Depression started in 1929, during the first year of Hoover's tenure as President. Since his ideology that the economy could be fixed, could not work in such a situation, he was the centre of criticism and mistrust. Herbert Hoover was a reformer and believed in improving the condition of livelihood of the citizens. He denounced the laissez-faire system and believed in regulating bills through Congress. In addition to this, he also supported volunteerism.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Paper on the film Amelie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Paper on the film Amelie - Essay Example Paper on the film Ameli is dicribing this film and stories, realated with main hero.At first glance this may not be the case because of the way the movie has been produced; it isn’t just the plot that must be considered, it is everything from cinematography to lighting to direction itself. It would appear that the contemporary feel is ‘in’ and traditional is ‘out’ in this movie as the director used elements from the French new wave cinema to construct some of the scenes of the movie (Vanderschelden, p.14) for e.g. Strowzykowski writes about Jeunet’s technique, â€Å"In Amelie, Jeunet had actress Audrey Tautou break from the sealed world of the narrative to talk directly to the audience† (Strowzykowski). The disagreement with conventionalism ends here, however.It is only at a deeper look that one realizes the way Amelie’s character itself has been written, promotes a very sexist image of women. It isn’t obvious and there is a lack of large details that can help the audience see through this, instead there are subtler details that must be carefully picked up and analyzed.Amelie finds meaning and fulfillment in life only in helping others and in her love for a man whom she idealizes. In this framework of a stereotypical image of womanhood, Amelie is hegemonically granted the agency to gaze at others, to transform their lives, to escape sexualized masculine gazes, and even to choose her own prince; all because she is a non-threatening â€Å"good girl† who is just looking for love... Such spectators find pleasure in watching Amelie take action and â€Å"trespassing† the passive sexualized object role that she was supposed to play. Amelie is a fine example of contemporary French cinema. The ideals it portrays, however, are not entirely contemporary in terms of a feminist perspective. The movie presents the stories of a woman who has been constructed on patriarchal terms rather than feminist on es. The mere fact that the movie was such a colossal success proves that the actual identity and concept of females and femininity haven’t changed much over the years. While the production methods and techniques may have evolved a great deal, the representation of women is much the same, albeit in a different manner altogether.