Friday, September 13, 2019

History and Theory of New Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History and Theory of New Media - Essay Example The emergence of software began after the Second World War (Alisa 34). Televisions are also part of the media that give visual images to the viewer. The frequencies used from one channel to another are controlled by the satellite. Historically, they were used by the military in monitoring their activities, observing scientific features and for education. Broadcasting directly via the satellite is symbolized by a sphere. This shows that the entire globe relies on the satellite for wave transmission. There had been outstanding advancement in televisual development, ranging from the 1960’s when echoes were used. In the modern, world almost every household has a satellite dish to capture diverse frequencies. Culture in orbits described the origin, significance and the various uses of the satellite. They range from social, political and economic uses (Alisa 56). It is during the Second World War that most machines were invented. This was to facilitate the war and make it a modern war. The creation of cinemas and films were gaining popularity at that time and thus a machine to enable their view to the audience emerged. A mechanical analog computer and a gun control were the main form of technology. As a result of the war, many citizens were displaced, among them the Whitney brothers who dropped from school and went back home. This situation triggered them to invent many machines for the military, photograph and aircraft industry. They further produced a different version of music where the sound and images were appropriately linked. Camera obscura the first model, used to capture images used the functioning of the human eye (Holt 65). In one way or another, all methods of technology are extensions of the human body. The function of the machine gives it its meaning to human life. Electricity light is a medium without a message, but it gives a clearance to visual images. This is a characteristic of media where the content of the speech

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