Thursday, November 28, 2019

Red October Essays - Tlatelolco, Mexico City, Mexico City

Red October Red October It was Wednesday, October 2nd, 1968 in Mexico City, a few weeks away from the Mexico '68 Summer Olympic Games Opening Ceremony. For the last three months, the city had been facing an intensive and stressful situation with the national university students on strike. This strike was initiated at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, from and for the student's sake against its Governing Board. Suddenly, the student's ideals were mixed with a politic radical stream through the well known communist group "El Muro" (The Wall) that was operating underground against the government, which covered almost the entire nation. The city's people were sick of this strike due to its endless resolution, but especially sick of the government that saw this movement getting out of control every day. In order to keep me busy and away from the students strike activities, my dad, with a wise vision, helped me land a job with one of the contracting companies that were in charge of building the general sewer system of the city. For the next five weeks, I got up early in the morning to go to my job, located a few blocks from the Alameda Park in downtown. Everything seemed to be normal for everybody, except for the students' movement, who was organizing a big meeting at "Plaza de las Tres Culturas"(Three Cultures Square) at Tlatelolco City at 5 p.m. This plaza is well known as part of the Aztec pyramid heritage during the Conquest era when the Spaniard's took over. Immediately after contractors found this site, the government declared it a National Treasure to avoid any construction atop it. Surrounding the park, however, a couple of twenty floor apartment building were built for the Mexico '68 Olympic Games. Knowing I still had some connections with the strike leaders, my dad stopped by my office at noon and warned me not to attend the meeting for my own sake. To my surprise, by midday, Guadalupe my girlfriend, stopped by as well to ask me not to go to the meeting as we previously planned. I took her to my car and we drove through the street until we got close by Tlateloco City. All of the sudden I was asked to turn the other direction by a police officer. I was frozen at the steering wheel. I could not believe what my eyes were seeing. With doubts still in my head, I turned and asked Guadalupe if what I was witnessing was real. She said yes, and explained that it was the Army surrounding Plaza de las Tres Culturas, equipped with tanks, assault vehicles, jeeps, and troops; armed and ready to shoot, if needed. The government authorities warned the students on radio and TV news at noon that they were not going to allow any other meeting or manifestation against the University or Mexico government or the government authorities. Not paying attention to what the policemen had said to me, I asked Guadalupe to go back to her house and promised to call her as soon as I went back to mine. I parked my car and walked up to the meeting place. When I got to the plaza, there were almost three thousand students waiting for the speakers to start the meeting. There was not an empty spot in site. I decided to stay away from the crowd but close enough to hear the speakers. By that time, all the people present knew about the army's position. The stress and tension increased while more students were arrived. It was almost dawn when the army finished to surround the plaza. We were all trapped. Nobody knew why the meeting was delayed, but when the speakers were about to start a gunshot crossed the Plaza air. Then another one, and all of the sudden there was a crossfire between the soldiers and apparently some posted "deer hunters" inside the apartments buildings. There was a lot of confusion. The fire was all over the crowd. Students started screaming and running everywhere, and the soldiers tried to keep them in one single block. As they could not stop them, they began to shoot them or stop them with their bayonets. I was experiencing a lot of fear and was afraid for my life. One fellow close to me got shot in the back and fell onto me. He was bleeding all over. While holding him, my hands and clothes filled with blood. I realized that he was dead! Horrified, I dropped him on the floor and started sneaking away from the Plaza. Hiding in different places for several

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Literary Essay Hamlet

Literary Essay Hamlet Literary Essay Hamlet Literary Essay Hamlet: Tips for Writing Literary essay is always rather challenging to be accomplished especially, if you have received the task to write, for example, literary essay hamlet, which is too difficult to cope with. It is so complicated to write literary essay hamlet, as it is impossible to value the masterpiece, to criticize and analyze it. It is too difficult to invent something new in your literary essay writing, as everything is already said and written at the subject. However, do not fall into despair. Nothing is impossible! If you have received the task to write literary essay hamlet, you can do nothing but try your best in order to write a work worth of the high grade. In order to write literary essay it is necessary to get acquainted with the main demands from it. Hope, the following pieces of advice will help you somehow in your literary essay hamlet writing: Recommendations on Writing Hamlet Analysis Essays It is not recommended to write literary essay devoted to the whole Shakespeares masterpiece, which goes under the title Hamlet. It is impossible to reveal its deepness in the frames of simple literary essay. Better, choose one of the episodes, dialogues, or monologues you like the best, and make it be the topic for your literary essay writing. You can even write about some other characters; you are not made to write about the character of Hamlet himself. Since you have not received the concrete topic for your literary essay, you are the only one to make the choice of it. Organize Your Ideas for Effective Literary Essay Try to arrange your thoughts in your literary essay through the prism of that epoch which is described in Hamlet. Use the atmosphere and the spirit of that very epoch in your writing in order to be able to write a good and relevant literary essay. Remember that only those who can not read have not read Hamlet, that is why to be very persuasive and grounded while your points of view presenting. Make use of some events taken place in Hamlet in order to prove your statements with the evidence. And the Final Touch Make your literary essay be controversial in order to be interesting to the readers and your professor. Controversy thesis is what you need to create a good literary essay. However, do not write in either positive or negative tone, you see, there is a great number of different shadows of the meaning, different halftones. Be wise while writing your literary essay; let different figures and tropes of speech help you to perceive the hidden message of the author. Read also: Research Proposal Guidelines Research Paper Topics Research Paper Thesis Research Paper Outline Research Paper Conclusion

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Case Study Example Designing and monitoring are the essential factors that come under evaluation to make sure that they have come under performances in the most effective and productive manner in the strategic management process that leads to attainment of the organizational goals on whole (Stahl & Grigsby, 1992). In more detailed words, strategic management process involves designing and setting up overall objectives and guidelines of the organization in a broad-spectrum, create and constitute precise and explicit strategies, plan and carry out implementation of the designed strategies and make modifications if required based on the monitoring or supervision of the outcomes. However, the below diagram clearly defines the process of strategic management in a much more comprehensive way (Mockler, 2002). Amongst numerous organizations that exercise the processes of strategic management, Utica National is an organization that provides its customers with the insurance services and products and is one of the good models that practice the strategic management processes in an appropriate way. However, the course of actions that carries out the strategic management techniques would come under discussion in detail about how this organization employs such practices. Utica National is an insurance group that dates back to early twentieth century that comprises of several companies namely Utica Mutual Insurance Company and Graphic Arts Mutual Insurance Company came under establishment as its principal companies. Utica National (2011) has come under recognition for its devoted and committed services to the policyholders since time immemorial. In the recent times, the popularity of Utica National (2011) has grown so much that it comes in the top rankings in the insurance organizations of the country (A.M. Best Company, 2008). Moreover, they provide the customers with a wide range of insurance products that take account of commercial coverages, personal coverages,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Prophets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Prophets - Essay Example This shows that he stayed between 755Bc to 715Bc making a modern day prophet Micah and Isaiah. Hosea channeled his early part of his warnings to king Jeroboam 2, one amongst the many from Jehu’s house. As the prophecy against Jeroboam’s descendants involved Hosea’s children birth, it can be finalized that he existed in the north kingdom where his children’s naming would have great impact. Compared to other prophets, Hosea linked the information he relayed with is private life. Through marrying a lady he forecasted to deceive his trust and naming his children names that directed judgment message to Israel, his prophetic word moved from his family life. The repentance cycle, restoration and redemption evident in the prophecy of Hosea and his marriage remained closely attached to our daily lives. The sequence plays in real people’s lives, reminding them that the bible is a collection of statements related to real life situation and not mere abstracts. The scriptures have their way in our daily existence touching on issues that have got impact on all our relationships and action. Built around five phases of restoration and judgment, Hosea brings out the clarity on the repetitious theme that as much as God will pronounce judgment on man’s sinful nature, he will ever reconcile his people with himself. God is Israel’s love, a people’s nation where they are mostly interested in their lifestyle than in direction of God for their living. They shine via clarity against their injustice and idolatry darkness. (Dearman, pp.334). Through the book of Hosea, the prophet of God viewed the people of Israel giving God their backs and going to other gods. The inclination towards idolatry insinuated that these people lived a life that contradicted God’s ways. Moreover, during the Lo-Ammi’s birth, who was Hosea’s third child, God promised to restore his relationship with Israel. God used the personal and

Monday, November 18, 2019

Globalization, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), or Multinational Essay

Globalization, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), or Multinational Corporations (MNCs) - Essay Example On the other hand, poverty and inequality emanates from disorganization and injustice among the developed countries in the global market who instead should work at developing the global economy to greater levels. According to Cohn’s perspective, globalization entails activities that assist countries and societies to broaden and deepen thus increasing their interdependence around the world. Broadening and deepening is the establishment of links and using them to increase the regularity and intensity of the communications, transactions, relationships and general interactions among the involved societies and states. Globalization has led to developments in management and other significant sectors in the corporate world as companies come up with excellent strategies to overcome the competition and as a way of keeping up with the trends1. The vast growth in international market relates with developments in areas such as communication and transportation technologies that are key facilitators of the strategic links between the participating states and Multinational Corporations (MNCs). However, globalization’s impact varies in the different countries and in most cases; it threatens th e domestic autonomy causing issues among the local economies. Upon entry into the international market, countries take up new roles and responsibilities, that allow them to make any policy choices. The policy choices are the determinants of states and societies’ experiences of globalization i.e. unity and cooperation or fragmentation and conflict. Multinational Corporations (MNCs) are companies that distribute goods and services across borders with an aim of spreading ideas and controlling assets in more than one state. They play a significant role in globalization and economists argue they make the greater part of it. MNCs mostly practice Foreign Direct Investments (FDI): in order to manage rights and control economic transactions in different states. Realists link globalization with

Friday, November 15, 2019

Nigerian Construction Industry Performance

Nigerian Construction Industry Performance Chapter Two of this research comprises a comprehensive review of literature relating to the Nigerian construction industry and its performance, Value Management and its application in the construction industry. It is noted that much of the literature relating to Nigeria is dated, however this can only add to the value and relevance of primary data collected in this research and it provides a background and historic basis from which progress in the industry may be measured. 2.1 THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY The construction industry the world over is often perceived to be the life wire of its respective economy as it cuts across all aspects of human activities (Ayangade, 2009) and the Nigerian construction industry is not an exception to this. Its contribution ranges from enabling the procurement of goods and services to the provision of buildings and other infrastructure, thereby providing employment opportunities to its labour force while contributing immensely to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). According to Ayangade (2009), the contribution of the Nigerian construction industry is yet to measure up to those of the western world like the UK and Australia due to its developing nature among other reasons discussed below. As noted by the same researcher (Ayangade, 2009), whereas the construction industries of other developed countries are responsible for about 22% of their respective GDPs, the Nigerian case is different as it contributes slightly below 16% to its economy. However, this could be said to be complemented by the relatively higher employment (20%) it provides for its whooping 140 million citizens compared to the 12% as in the case of developed countries. Mbamali (2004) attributed this to relatively lower use of mechanization within construction in Nigeria and the high dependency of the Nigerian economy on the oil sector. Obiegbu (2005) noted that the construction industry, unlike other sectors, is a complex one and requires articulate professionals who are ready to live up to its clients expectations. Clients in the construction industry may either be private individuals including corporate bodies or public organisations which include the government. In Nigeria the federal government is often seen to be involved in the most complex projects with about 38.4% of the market (Ayangade, 2005). This is followed by the state government which is responsible for about 19.2% of the projects in the industry, though there is still some form of partnering between different classes of clients. The players in the industry are a disparate group of individuals often assembled into temporary teams and may comprise of quantity surveyors, architects, Engineers, Estate surveyors Valuers, project managers, contractors and sub-contractors, suppliers, labourers and artisans. Activities in the construction industry are carried out on a project basis and could be within an organisation or part of a programme (..reference). The Project Management Institute (PMI) (2004) defined a project as a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. The product, in the context of the construction industry, may be a building, services installation or other infrastructural project. Hence the relevant mix of professionals is often assembled together with the aim of achieving this goal. This group of professionals is expected to possess the relevant skills, knowledge, tools and techniques to achieve the project goals. The application of these variables, skills, knowledge, tools and techniques, with the aim achieving the required objective is referred to as project management (PMI, 2004). According to Obiegbu (2005), the contractual procurement strategy, which he defined as a basis for clients action in defining the procedure to be followed fr om the inception of the project to handover, plays an important role in the performance of the industry. Some of the contractual arrangements which are often referred to as procurement routes may include, but are not limited to, the following: Traditional procurement route Design and build Management contracts 2.1.1 Nature and Performance of the Nigerian Construction Industry the economic resources often wasted in cost and time overruns, substandard work and shoddy workmanship, client-contractor-practitioners acrimonious relationships and non-performance of projects as envisaged by clients and end users Olatunje (2009) The above quote highlights the perception of the Nigerian construction industry presented by Olatunje (2009) highlights issues researched by other authors such as cost and time overruns (Aniekwu and Okpala, 1998, Oyedele Tham, 2007, Dlakwa Culpin, 1990), project abandonment (Sonuga et al, 2002, Adams, 1997) and both client and contractor dissatisfaction (Olatunje, 2009). The quote also echoes findings from Egans (1998) research into the UK construction industry. The Egan report has been formative in the UK construction industry but also for the Nigerian industry, which is fashioned after the UKs (Mbamali, et al., 2005, Oyedele Tham, 2007). The Nigerian construction industry has similar contractual arrangements as the industry in Britain which has been found to be more unsuitable for developing industries like Nigeria than it is for its own industry (Edmonds Miles, 1983, Sonuga et al, 2002). The most common procurement route used in the Nigerian construction industry is the traditional route (Ayangade, 2009). This implies that much risk is placed on the Architect to deliver the project as he is left to advise, organise and lead other project consultants to conceive and develop the project design. This procurement route has faced a lot of criticism including the separation of the design stage from actual construction. Wells (1986) found that the divorce of design from construction and the use of competitive tendering, which is based on lowest cost, are noted constraints that affect the performance of the Nigerian construction industry. Aniekwu and Okpala (1988) referred to these as systemic issues in the industry which result from the application of contractual arrangements unsuited to the Nigerian industry. Some of these issues may be accommodated by appropriate conditions of contract but these factors are considered to be withholding the development of the industry. Aniekwu and Okpala (1988) also identified some of the structural issues affecting the industry to include access to finance and lack of proper communication among consultants, contractors and the client at the early stages the project and during construction. Oyodele and Tham (2005) noted that lack of proper communication in the industry, boosted by its high level of fragmentation, has left it awash it with delay, cost and time overruns in addition to the disturbing rate of fluctuation in the prices of materials offered by the economy. The findings of the Building Research Establishment associated more than 50% of the construction defects with mistakes in project drawings and documentation due to inadequate interaction among the proj ect professionals. This is in line with the recommendation of the National Economic Development Office (1987) on the need for more accurate designs in the industry as this is responsible for nearly two-thirds of poor quality work in the industry. 2.1.2 Project Management in the Nigerian Construction Industry Odusemi et al, (2003) found that Project Management is still in its early stages of development in the Nigerian construction industry. The service is offered but only alongside other consultancy services. This is not assisted by the fact that PM is learned experientially and is not represented by established professional bodies, although many consultants are members of the Association of Project Management (APM) and the Project Management Institute (PMI). This has left the industry struggling with the challenges of satisfying the needs of its clients and the public as a whole. As noted by Oyodale and Tham (2005), the complexities presented by the industry can only be tackled by its professionals. Aibinu and Jagboro (2002) concluded that, considering the contribution of the construction industry to its nations economy, improved services in the form of greater efficiency and timeliness would certainly yield a positive impact. The research called on the need for innovative research that will improve management skills and ability, buildability, design quality, integration and communication and client focus so as to deliver value for money. 2.2 VALUE MANAGEMENT 2.2.1 Value Concept Historically, value is viewed from an economic perspective, hence its expression as a ratio of costs to benefits (Kelly et al, 2004). The concept of value is based on the relationship between satisfying needs and the expectations and the resources required to achieve them (British Standard, 2000). The above statement implies that for value to be correctly defined there ought to be some needs that are desired to be satisfied; which are then weighed against the required and available resources to achieve them. This however does not equate reduced cost to enhanced value. For instance, as illustrated in figure 2.1 below, a project manager may decide to commit more resources in the short run (which would obviously increase cost) with an intention of increasing his revenue (improved value) in the long run. Value can thus be increased when the clients satisfaction increases and the cost in terms of resources either diminishes, or increases to a lesser extent (Tassinari (1985, p37). Figure 2.1 showing the relationship between resources and customer satisfaction. (Adapted from British Standard, 2000) A need is that which is desired or necessary to perform a particular function and will differ depending on the nature of the client or the perspective from which it is defined (British Standard, 2000). This explains why value is often seen to be a subjective term (Thiry, 1997). According to Kelly et al (2004) producers and dealers may both view value as the price of a physical object while the consumers or users would see value from its performance perspective which changes with time. McGeorge and Palmer (2002) illustrate this using a modern home which has a little battery operated radio in addition to internet, phone, and television. Of course, the small radio would be perceived to have little or no value until a snow storm cuts the house off from the electric power supply which will render the radio as the only source of communication. The above example by McGeorge and Palmer (2002) shows the effect time and innovation can have on a clients interpretation of value and how it can change given a particular situation. The small battery operated radio was initially of very high value when it was the only available option but diminished with the invention and/or acquisition of internet, phone and television by the household. However its appreciation changed when the situation change. According to Zimmerman and Hart (1982) as cited in Thiry (1997), if a design has not changed in 18 years, the product is either excellent or management has failed to improve it. However one knows that neither of these two conditions mentioned in the above statement is obtainable in the present construction industry due to its highly competitive nature. Most times clients interpretation of value is when it meets or exceeds their expectations. Kelly and Male (2007) described this using the Kanos model as shown in figure 2.3 below. Figure 2.2 Kanos Model, reproduced from Kelly and Male, 2007 As shown on Kanos model above, there are three levels of satisfaction factors; basic, performance and delighter, each having some effects on the quality characteristics including customers satisfaction. According to Kelly and Male (2007), Kanos model (figure 2.2) does not only portray the importance of achieving a clients immediate expectations from a project but also the need to go the extra mile to improve it beyond the clients expectations as this gives them a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"delighter satisfaction. The possible benefit from this is that projects would not become obsolete within a short period of its completion as its performance would still exceed the customers demand, thereby assuring the client of continued good value for his money. Kanos model also creates room for improved projects through innovative services and products as what was once a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"delighter over time goes down to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"basic and forms a baseline below which the client becomes dissatisfied. Acc ording to Harty (2009) one of the driving forces behind the value management concept is that it encourages innovation through research which is in line with the recommendations of Egan (1998) to improve the performance of the construction industry. 2.2.2 Defining the Client Value System Clients in the construction industry have been described as a heterogeneous group made up of private or public organisations operating in different environments with diverse reasons for their existence (Kelly et al 2007). Some of these are multinational organisations competing at the global level who already have reputations to protect while some are small upcoming organisations who are still very much profit driven. Viewed from another perspective, some of these clients are more experienced than others irrespective of their sizes or the sector in which they operate. It then follows that clients are unique in their own ways and have individual, respective requirements which determine their needs and hence what is of value to them. This is referred to as the client value system. Harmonizing and prioritizing these diverse views of stakeholders in a particular project at the project briefing stage sets the clients value system and ensures that value for money (VfM) is achieved, (OGC, 20 07). The client value system is thus seen as a basis for making decisions as to the allocation and use of resources available for a project, thereby addressing the usual mismatch between the clients actual intent and his capability (Thiry, 1996). According to Kelly et al (2004, p157) one of the most important considerations of value management is the recognition of the uniqueness of each clients value system. This creates demand for the construction industry as it is focused on the customers by making explicit what value means to the each individual client. Sequel to this, Kelly et al (2004) identified some measurable criteria which form a typical construction client value system to include time, capital costs, operating cost, environment, exchange, flexibility, esteem, comfort and politics. Time Refers to the period from when the project was conceptualized to the period when it is completed and absorbed into the clients organisation. Often time is assessed on a continuum from when it is of essence to the point where it could be compromised (Kelly et al, 2004). For instance a project to build a sports bar for the 2010 world cup delivered just a day past the commencement of the tournament, may drastically affect its value. Hence it is necessary to determine what time means to the client. Capital expenditure (CAPEX) Are those costs associated with the capital cost of a project, measured on a continuum between the budget being considered tight and not able to be exceeded to there being flexibility in budgeting (Kelly et al 2004). Simply put, CAPEX is what it cost to put a project on ground, from inception to handover. However, Elinwa and Joshua (2001) stated that it is sometimes difficult to separate the capital costs of some projects from its operating costs due the platform on which it was procured. For example a primary health centre to be procured through PFI, it may not be so easy to pin point the capital costs as it forms part of the total lease package. Operating expenditure (OPEX) Spending on construction projects is not one off expenditure as the building requires to be operated, maintained and repaired throughout the life span of the building. According to Kelly et al (2004), OPEX can be defined as those costs associated with operation and maintenance of a completed project as it becomes a part of the clients organization; measured by the extent to which it is minimized to its point of being flexible. This depends on the use to which a building is being put to. For instance where the building is for residential purpose, the operating costs may include utilities, cleaning, repairs, maintenance, caretaker and security. This may be expanded to include photocopying and internet facilities and other office services for a commercial development. Environment This defines how important achieving an environmentally friendly project is to the client. Kelly et al (2004) defined environment as the extent to which the project results in a sympathetic approach to its immediate and extended physical environments in terms of energy consumed in putting it up and in operating it. The yardstick here is the level to which the project complies with the Kyoto Agreement and Agenda 21 issues including other environmental regulations. This explains a clients interest in having a sustainable development which is resources conscious. Exchange or resale This refers to the monetary value of the project were it to be sold, rented or valued as part of an organisations assets. Where the project cannot be traded on the open market value or there is no intention to resell ab initio, this will be indicated in the organisations value system (Kelly et al, 2004). The continuum here is between the returns from the project being of importance to the returns being of not of much or no importance to the client. Flexibility As recommended by Egan (1998), there is a need for construction projects to be at a par with improvements in technology and changes in market demand. Hence flexibility as a value criterion is the extent to which a project parameter has to reflect this ever changing environment at its design stage (Kelly et al 2004). For instance, the nature of the healthcare industry involves constant improvements in technology and hence healthcare facilities must be compatible with the incorporation of these changes. However, flexibility depends on the nature of the project and is measured between being very easy to change its function to being impossible. Esteem This refers to the amount of immediate resources that a client wants to forgo for attributes like prestige, aesthetic and appearance rather than performance (Thiry, 1996). Some projects may not be viable based on other value criteria but of high value to the client on esteem grounds. For instance, some projects undertaken by some countries could be just aimed at creating awareness and putting the countrys name on the map as in the case of the worlds tallest building in Dubai. Comfort In the context of a building this refers to the physical and psychological comfort of the building as a place for working and living with its influence on human performance (Kelly et al 2004). Simply put, it refers to the ease with which the project supports the business carried out in it or other uses to which it is being put. Politics This is external to projects and refers to the level of resources that the client wants to commit to the community, popularity and good neighbour issues which often determines how important they are to him (Kelly and Male, 2007). This is measured by the motive to be popular with the local community or not having any concern with them at all. In a study conducted to determine clients assessment of architects performance in Nigeria in terms of delivering value for money, Lukmon et al (2007), identified a set of 28 similar but correlated criteria which they grouped under quality of project, buildability, client focus and management skills. 2.2.3 Historical Background of Value Management A project is defined as an undertaking aimed at achieving a specific objective usually measured in terms of performance, budget and schedule, (Morris and Hough 1987). Hence project is an investment undertaken to add value to the core business of a client (Kelly et al, 2004). Value Management, as a management technique, offers the most logical approach to delivering VfM to clients (Shen and Liu 2003); Kelly and Male, 2007). Its strength may be attributed to its approach of identifying and/or verifying a clients value system among the relevant stakeholders at an early stage of the project, so that these may be reflected in the project design. According to Thiry (1996) the origins of VM can be traced back to the 1940s in what he described as more for less in the USA manufacturing industry. During World War II Lawrence Miles, an Engineer with General Electric, was faced with some strategic problems in producing some components which were easily produced in the past. As a way around this Miles, who before then has been dissatisfied with the cost of production in the industry, came to realise that most times circumstantial innovations result in better performance and reduced cost. This prompted Miles to ask what function does this component perform and how else can we perform that function (Dallas, 2006). Miles questions gave rise to the concept of function analysis which was aimed at identifying and analysing the intended functions to determine if the materials for the proposed solution can be substituted with less expensive ones. Not long after, people started to adopt the technique of focusing on the intended function not the process which soon developed into what is today referred to as Value Analysis (VA). In many cases people perceived the technique as a cost reduction technique at the expense of improved functionality which is a total misconception of the technique (Kelly and Male, 1993). However, the technique was so successful that in less than 10 years it was adopted in the US Department of Defence to deliver VfM and from then on other industries in the USA have adapted it for application at different phases of their projects. Value Management (VM) as it came to be called, refers to a structured management of the total value equation throughout all stages of the project (Kelly et al; 2004). Figure 2.3 shows different stages and segments of the development of value management. Figure 2.3 The metamorphosis of Value Management, adapted from Dallas (2006) As illustrated in figure 2.3, Miles action in the 1940s was focused on getting alternative materials or components to perform the required function which was the beginning of value management. This was later perceived as a cost cutting technique before the adoption of a holistic structured approach to improving value (Kelly and Male, 1993). Following the development and positive impacts of value management in the US manufacturing sector, the technique was adopted into the US construction industry as a means of delivering VfM to its clients in the 1960s. Fong and Shen (2000) noted that VM was first introduced in the US construction industry in 1968 and its application in the Chinese construction industry is recorded to occur 10 years later (Shen and Liu, 2004). According to Kelly et al (2004), the value management technique was first used in the UK 30 years after it was introduced in the US manufacturing industry at the Xerox headquarters, an American company. From then on VM has grown to become widely accepted in different parts of the world as a logical means to achieve value for money (Fong, 2004; Kelly et al, 2004; Ellis et al, 2004) including in Africa (Bowen et al, 2008). 2.2.4 Benefits of Value management Value management is a proactive, problem solving service, which maximizes the functional value of a project through a structured team which makes explicit the clients value system and weights further decisions against the value system.(Kelly et al, 1998). VM aims to justify the place of a project in a clients organisation at an early stage and develops a strategic plan against which it is built on to deliver value for money. VM is often misconstrued to being a cost reduction exercise, hence seen to be synonymous with value engineering. According to Dallas (2006) cost reduction, which is an obvious output of a value management exercise, cannot after all be seen as its main motive. As illustrated in figure 2.4 below, VM incorporates value engineering and value analysis in its value definition exercise and so could be perceived to be a universal set for the three concepts. Figure 2.4 shows the relationship between Value Management, Value Engineering and Value Analysis, adapted from Connaughton and Green (1996) VM looks at a project from a holistic point of view (time, whole life cost and performance) in the context of its usage which properly fits in the definition of value for money (). Connaughton and Green (1996) identified the following benefits which a properly executed Value Management exercise can yield: The need for the project is made explicit and verified by available data. The project objectives are identified and discussed openly to reach a consensus. Rational, explicit and measurable decisions are guaranteed after alternatives have been considered. Project designs are developed from the agreed framework, which are evaluated on the basis of the agreed performance criteria. There is greater participation from stakeholders which guarantees their buy in. There is improved communication and teamwork spirit throughout the project. Improved innovation with better quality definition in the project. Unnecessary cost is eliminated which may lead to a reduction in cost. Properly executed, value management when employed at the early stages of a project can help eliminate unnecessary cost to the tune of 10% to 25% savings on the proposed capital cost of project (Ellis et al, 2004). This is considered to be reasonable compared to the actual cost of the VM exercise, which is estimated at about 0.5% to 1% of the projects cost (REF). 2.3 APPLICATION OF VALUE MANAGEMENT IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Any construction project should be only commissioned following a careful analysis of needs since failure to think through project requirements will almost certainly cause problems for subsequent design and construction stages. For that reason, the Construction Industry Board recommends that value management be incorporated as an integral part of the construction process (Baldwin 1998). The value management approach may differ between countries depending on the nature of their construction industry or the chosen procurement route in a particular project. However, this does not dispute the fact that the VM technique can be gainfully applied at any stage of a construction project, as clients/contractors are often faced with the challenge of finding an optimum balance between cost, time, quality and performance criteria (Fong 2004). In the UK, the USA, Australia and other countries where the value management technique is well established, VM is applied through a process referred to as the value management study (British Standard, 2000) or value management process (Kelly et al; 1998) via a workshop approach facilitated by value manager or experienced team facilitator. A value management study, as defined in BS12947, involves the application of value management to a particular business case identified within a VM programme. Baldwin (1998, as cited in Kelly et al, 1998) noted that VM is not a question of brainstorming and problem solving, rather it requires a structured methodology in order to have the required outcome. Figure 2.5 overleaf depicts a simple VM study plan developed for the European Value Management standard (British Standard, 2000). Figure 2.5 shows a simple VM study plan, adapted from the British Standard (2000) The VM study plan represents a systematic approach to ensuring that appropriate techniques and skills are utilized in the value study. According to the British Standard (2000), as shown in the VM study plan above, a VM study should aim to achieve the following objectives; Identify the objectives and targets the intended study is set to achieve; as this may differ from the project objectives. Formulate the relevant approach needed to achieve the objectives, including team selection and training (where necessary). Identify the relevant functions which will lead to the achievement of the objectives. Identify some basis for measuring changes in performance and use of resources. Set targets for performance and use of resources for the above identified functions in a way peculiar to the organisations. Identify innovative ways of arriving at the targets through the application of the above methods. Evaluate the proposal for improvement. Implement the proposal which have been chosen by the decision makers Monitor and measure the outcomes in relation to the target. Feedback results for continuous improvement of VM programme. There are different approaches to value management studies in different countries with regards to team compositions and workshop procedure. For instance in the American construction industry, VM studies are typically carried out by an independent workshop team who will have to sell their ideas to the project team later on. This is different from the UK practice where the existing project team is fully involved in the study. In a benchmarking exercise carried by Kelly et al (1998), the use of an existing project team in conducting value management studies appeared to be the preferred approach due to the following advantages accruable to the project; Cost of the study is relatively minimized Time spent project briefing the study participants is reduced Waste of resources on previously considered but failed ideas are eliminated Offers better opportunity for developing project teams during the workshop More opportunity to explore all available options Implementation is more guaranteed as team members have already accepted ideas which they generated as a team, thereby reducing the development period. However, generic VM workshop strives to add value to a project by considering the project on its whole life basis. Kelly et al (1998) who were in support of this view identified the five key value opportunities at which VM technique can be employed to include pre-brief workshop, proper workshop, sketch design workshop, final working design and implementation workshop. 2.3.1 Pre-brief workshop The Value Manager or Facilitator meets with the project sponsor/client to clarify the place of the project in his organisation or programme. This will give the two parties a better understanding of the functional expectations of the project so as to help form a basis for the project briefing workshop and the clients value system. This may yield solution/s to the clients problem, for example, whether a new building is needed or renovation of existing one will achieve the same objectives. 2.3.2 Proper workshop Proceeds from the identified solution in the pre-brief phase and aims to identify the clients value system. This workshop offers an opportunity to facilitate the project team, understand their dynamics and guide them to achieve the desired goal. Though it is expected that the workshop has an agenda, this should not be too detailed, thereby making the timings tight, as this may divert the focus from achieving the objectives of the workshop to exhausting the items on the agenda. The tactical skills of the Facilitator are very much needed at this stage of the workshop if its participants are to be productive and should be as brief and focused as pos

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Free Slaughterhouse-Five Essays: Manipulation of Time and Place :: Slaughterhouse-Five Essays

Slaughterhouse Five - Manipulation of Time and Place Kurt Vonnegut's manipulation of time and place adds a science- fiction element to Slaughterhouse-Five. Structarally, the novel is far from traditional. Billy Pilgrim, the protagonist, jumps from place to place and is in a constant time warp while on the planet Tralfamadore. Since Vonnegut uses the planet Tralfamadore and the Tralfamadorian people to take Billy from place to place and time frame to time frame, in the novel he constantly respects the phrase "So it goes," which describes the Tralfamadorians' view of death. Vonnegut's manipulation of time and place is definitely unusual. Billy, an optometrist in Ilium, New York, finds himself "time tripping" with the people on Tralfamadore. To the Tralfamadorians time does not exist. Billy can be on Tralfamadore for years, while only being absent from earth for a microsecond (26). Billy's "time tripping" also allows Vonnegut to join the three main settings and experiences of the book: the horrors of the war and Dresden, Billy's normal life in Illim, and his time on Tralfamadore. Billy has no control over his being in a time warp. In the midst of his life in New York he will suddenly find himself Tralfamadore; he has become "unstuck in time" ( 22). The Tralfamadorians eventually show Billy the important moments of his life, but they do not always show them in sequence. They do this so Billy can fully understand the true reasons for and the importance of the events. Vonnegut also uses this tactic of time manipulation. He tells and shows the occurrences of Billy's life in a juxtaposed manner which parallels the "time tripping." The "time tripping" and being "unstuck in time" allow Vonnegut to present the events of the war in a sequence through which they would have the greatest impact on the reader. Vonnegut's manipulation of time and place in Slaughterhouse-Five allows him to use the phrase "So it goes" for special impact . The phrase appears after every death scene. It allows the bridge from death to life, and it also allows Vonnegut to change the time frame or place of the action. According to one source, the phrase "So it goes" appears in the novel over 100 times (Boomhower).

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Crime and Ethical Standards

Crime and Ethical Standards Since you have demonstrated your knowledge about criminal Justice so well, the chief of police has another assignment for you. Chief Draper wants you to review a specific case and assess the arresting officer's conduct. To prepare your report, you consider certain factors, such as the societal factors that may have influenced the suspect's behavior, the role of the government in terms of protecting both society and an individual's rights, and the ethical standards that govern law enforcement. Here's What HappenedCentral police officer Lance Marion responded to a call for service from a high- end retailer, who reported that an unkempt woman wearing disheveled, dirty, and torn clothing left the store without paying for Items she selected while shopping In the Misses Clothing Department. The store manager reported that the woman failed to respond to any verbal prompts made to her by store associates. As Officer Marion drove toward the store, he noticed a woma n matching her description walking along the side of the road, carrying what appeared to be clothing.Once the officer reached the location of the woman, he recognized her?Mary Jones? s being an individual he had arrested several times before for public drunkenness, resisting arrest, possession of a controlled substance, felony larceny, and prostitution. Officer Marion anticipated that this could be a very challenging situation because Jones did not like law enforcement, tended to be aggressive, and had, In the past, run as soon as she saw a police cruiser. Marion called for backup and asked Jones to stop as he stepped out of his vehicle.She started to run, but he caught up with her very quickly. Jones struggled with Officer Marion on the ground, although he managed to humanely subdue her and place her in handcuffs. Officer Marion called the incident into Communications and placed the suspect in his cruiser. He then gathered the clothing items dropped by the suspect along the side of the road. He noticed the items had price tags displaying the name of the retailer who reported the initial incident to law enforcement. During transport, Jones yelled and became very agitated.When she arrived at the police department, Jones was very upset. She tried to hurt herself by banging her head on the desk as the officer tried to Interview her about the alleged larceny report, It was clear to Officer Marion that Jones was under the influence of drugs, so he discontinued the interview process. Marion requested Here's What You Need To Do †¦ After carefully reviewing the case details, prepare a 2- to 3-page report assessing whether the procedures (both legal and ethical) were followed appropriately.Use the Argosy University Online Library resources to find articles that support your assessment. You may also use your textbook. Your report should address the following: Select one of the crimes Jones has been previously charged with (e. G. , public drunkenness, resisting arre st, possession of a controlled substance, felony larceny, or prostitution). What type of crime is it (misdemeanors or felony)? O How is this crime defined in the state in which you live? O How might societal factors have influenced this suspect's crimes? Analyze how the purpose of government and the social contract might protect the rights (e. G. , safety and security) of the suspect in this case. Compare the various roles Officer Marion must play in this case. Consider that Marion must enforce the law and protect the suspect from harm at the same time. Analyze how a law enforcement officer's actions might be influenced if he or she is arresting an â€Å"unsympathetic suspect or victim,† specifically suspect or victim who the officer has arrested before or who engages in a high-risk lifestyle, such as substance abuse, drug dealing, or prostitution.Justify whether Officer Marion acted accordingly. How might the criminal Justice professional maintain ethical standards when work ing with diverse populations? Once charged, what rights does the defendant, Jones, have? Be sure to organize your paper into clear and concise paragraphs. You should read the grading rubric before starting your paper to ensure you cover all the material appropriately. Include an PAP-formatted reference page that links to your in-text citations.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Anne Frank Essay Example

Anne Frank Essay Example Anne Frank Essay Anne Frank Essay The session that I attended at The Anne Frank Project on September 11, 2009 was Beyond the Diary: Behind the scenes of a Jewish Family in Hiding with Sophia Veffer. Even though I learned some things about the Holocaust during middle school, there still were things that I did not know. The reason why I attended this session is because I wanted to know how some of the Jews were able to survive the Holocaust and I also wanted to know what Sophia’s experience was like actually being a child during the Holocaust. This session connected to the overall theme of the conference because Sophia talked about what she and Anne Frank both had to go through and how some people in different countries still go through similar situations. Today there are still people who get treated differently because of what they look lie or where they come from. Sophia said that if Anne Frank were still alive she would probably try to make a difference by putting an end to these genocides. I was very glad that I got a chance to sit in Sophia’s session because I got to learn about the Holocaust from an actual survivor. She told us how her and her family had eleven different hiding places. I couldn’t even imagine what her childhood must have been like. She had to get rid of everything she owned even her identity. She also talked about how some Jews were not able to go in hiding and the reason was is they had to have money. The only families that went into hiding had money and they knew non Jewish people who would let them hide in their homes. One thing that really upset me is when Sophia said that the Germens pretended as if they did not know what was going on with the Jews. This really made me sad because how could you know that someone is doing wrong and not care to try to change it and make a difference? There are many different issues going on in the world today. One global issue that is of concern to me is homelessness. Every time I see a person out on the street I always think to myself their shoes can fit my feet. I do not mind helping others because after I do a good deed I always feel really good about myself and nothing can take that feeling away. This issue inspires me to try 2 make a small difference by giving them change or bringing them food. One day when me and my sister were driving up the street we saw sum homeless people and their sign said that they were hungry so we went to Mcdonalds and brought them sum burgers. Making a difference starts with a small deed then before you know it your changing the world.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

A beginners guide on how to become a teacher

A beginners guide on how to become a teacher Few people have the power to affect others’ lives as much as teachers do. From childhood classrooms to continuing education programs (because it’s never too late to be a student), teachers bring that educational expertise and commitment to their own career paths, choosing a profession that may not make them millionaires, but can bring incredible fulfillment. If you’re thinking about this profession as a student or as a career changer, we’ve got the tools you’ll need to get started- and to succeed once you become a teacher. What do you want to teach?First, it’s important to think about what you want to teach. Are you better with young kids or are you more into subjects better suited to high schoolers or college students, like advanced math or English? Sometimes picking that specialty is easy- maybe you’ve already got a passion for conjugating French verbs or are a whiz with kids who are just learning how to do the basics. If you know yo u want to be an educator but aren’t sure yet what path to take, it can’t hurt to start with a little quiz and some background info about different kinds of teaching careers.What Grade Should You Teach Based on Your Personality?10 fulfilling teaching jobs that pay more than $60k per yearHow to jumpstart your career in educationHow to become a paraprofessionalHow to become a substitute teacherHow to become a kindergarten teacher10 teaching jobs you can get outside the classroomOr maybe you’re not trying to figure out what you want to teach, so much as the why. What does the teaching field look like? What can you expect once you get in the classroom? Is it even a good fit for you? Now is the time to figure that out.A quick guide to understanding what it takes to be a teacher5 reasons teaching might not be for youWhere are the best paying teacher jobs?Once you’ve decided, â€Å"Okay, this is what I want to do,† it’s time to pick the where. Teach ing can be totally different depending on where you are- an urban classroom in Chicago may have very little in common with a rural classroom in Texas. There’s also the matter of salary. The common saying goes that teachers are chronically underpaid for everything they do, but the pay can vary pretty widely depending on where you are. If you have some geographic flexibility, it’s worth looking around the country to see where you can make the most out of your teaching salary, looking at factors like the pay itself and the cost of living. And don’t discount the â€Å"where will you be happy?† factor. If you pick Alaska due to the crazy high teacher salaries, but hate the cold, then that impacts your quality of life, and ultimately your career as well.One of the best things about teaching is that the skills are transferrable- the main difference between teaching in one place and another is that each state has different requirements, so when you’re scop ing out a place to stake your teaching career, be sure to check out what kind of training and certification are necessary for the level you want to teach.The top-paying cities for teachersThe teacher job searchThe first step on your teaching job hunt, as with any job search, is getting your resume and cover letter in order. Because education and certification are so important for future teachers, it’s important to make those elements shine in your application package, even if you don’t yet have a ton of teaching experience.Check out the following information on creating your best possible resume.Strategies for writing an ideal teacher resumeHow to write a perfect teaching resume (examples included)Does your resume pass this key checklist?Resume summaries- how to write and use themPowerful Action Verbs That Will Make Your Resume Look Like a Million BucksAnd here are some tips for writing a cover letter to get you noticed:Cover letter guide: Writing your best cover lette r for 2017How to Write a Perfect Teacher Cover Letter (Examples Included)Preparing for the interviewAnd it’s not just the resume and cover letter you need to prep- the interview is a key part of the process, whether you’re looking at your first in-person interview for a teaching job, or an interview to help you move up a level in your career.Top 5 School Administrator Interview QuestionsThe ultimate guide on how to ace any job interview8 interview strategies for introvertsDon’t underestimate the power of your interview outfit- as a teacher, you’ll be expected to look respectable and professional in the classroom and out of it. For teaching jobs, it’s best to err on the side of a conservative outfit. You don’t want to scandalize the interviewer, and make them think that you’ll show up at school in something inappropriate for kids.The 5 types of interview outfitsAs a teacher, it’s also important to have an elevator pitch beyond à ¢â‚¬Å"I’m a teacher,† or â€Å"I’m a recent grad who wants to teach.† Your elevator pitch can help you craft the narrative of who you are as a teacher, and what you value most as an educator.How to create your elevator pitch and get hiredIn the classroomOnce you’ve gotten past the job search and are thinking ahead toward settling in the classroom, there are also some tips and insights you should keep in mind even before day one of teaching.10 tips all new teachers should know10 TED Talks to inspire teachersWhatever you encounter on the road to becoming a teacher, remember: you’re choosing a path that many people are just not willing or ready to take. We want to do everything we can to help you achieve your own goals as you take on the joys and challenges of teaching. Good luck!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Customer Service Techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Customer Service Techniques - Essay Example Cancellations are also common whenever Mother Nature decides to strike. If you were not aware the airline has a strict policy that prohibits its employees from giving a customer a refund for any event or lodging expenses that the customers incurs in even if a delay or cancellation of flight occurs due to whether conditions. This policy was created to protect the company from claims such as yours which are out of the control of the organization. The mission of the company is to satisfy our customers in every possible way. Our denial of your claim does not mean we do not value your business as a customer. The damage you incurred in has nothing to do with the activities of the airline. We are very strict in our policy because the only responsibility of the airline is activity associated with the flight of its airplanes. The resources of our airline are used in an efficient manner to provide the best customer service in the industry. Since the company was not able to provide you with the flight services you needed we most certainly will provide you with either a refund of your money spend on the flight or give you a credit to be spend on a different flight for the future. The firm’s policy on refunds is more flexible than some our competition due to the fact we provide customers with cash refunds, while other companies only provide a flight credit. We hope that this resolution meets your expectation. It is unfortunate that you miss your event. Our company is truly sorry about the inconvenience you incurred in due to the cancellation of flight associated with the weather. Your secondary claim that the mechanical misfit made the cancellation of weather occurrence obsolete is not valid. The mechanical problem did cause a delay, but the cancellation occurred due to weather conditions. The flight had a one hour delay due to a mechanical problem. Airplanes are machines that sometimes break down mechanically just like automobiles due. The safety of the customers is the number one priority of the airline. The airline under no circumstance was going to endanger the lives of customers by putting an airplane in the air that had any type of mechanical failure. We are truly sorry that you had to wait while our mechanics fixed the plane. Having a flight on time is not as important to the firm as ensuring an airplane is free of mechanical errors whenever a problem occurs. The safety record of our company is flawless. We understand that waiting for a mechanical error to be fixed is a hassle for the customer, but sometimes it occurs and we must deal with the problem accordingly. The mechanical error was not the reason that the flight was cancelled. The flight was cancelled after the one hour delay due to bad weather. There is no association between the mechanical error and the bad weather. The worries and concerns of the firm’s customers are a top priority for the airline. In the future we hope we can provide you with superb services if you deci de to choose our company as your preferred airline. The mission of this airline is to ensure our customers have a great flight and reach their destination on time. Most of the time our flights leave on time and our customers get to their destination at the precise time their flight ticket specifies, but sometimes whenever the weather prohibits it flights are delayed and cancelled. The airline industry is highly regulated by the government. The Federal government has strict rules regarding flight leaving

Friday, November 1, 2019

Young people do too much cell phone texting these days Essay

Young people do too much cell phone texting these days - Essay Example the age bracket of between 18-29 years send or receive and average of 88 text messages every day compared to an average of 17 phone calls (Kluger Par 2). The rates of texting and volume, reduce with the advancement in age. However, even among the older sections of the population, though the volume of texting is reduced, there is a higher tendency of people texting as opposed to making calls. The high volume of texting among the youth is a function of a relatively big circle of friends in this age. In many cases, there are problems associated with the biggest volume of texting. Texting affects the ability of the youth, particularly high school and college students, to participate in class (Kluger Par 4). For example, a common feature in the present day classrooms is constant texting. Students are able to avoid the detection of the instructor because mobile phones have silent and vibration profiles that make it impossible for any other person but the owner to know when a message is received. The effects of texting is reduced in the attention span and the use of phones by the youth to escape the ‘boredom’ of the classroom. Therefore, the excessive texting among the youth is a problem because it inhibits the ability of young people to concentrate in class. Texting also affects social interaction skills among the youth. The excessive nature of texting and the ability to connect to strangers, ease of use and anonymity make texting easier and more convenient than personal communication (Villines Par 6). In addition, there are platforms where social media statuses are updated via texting. The effects of all these virtual communication platforms are a reducing value on conventional communication platforms. Therefore, there is a tendency for young people to develop poor communication skills as a function of their reliance on texting and other modes of virtual communication. Texting has its benefits. For example, it reduces the cost of communication, especially with