Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Imam Ali in my word Essay

Imam Ali’s (p.b.o.h.) stories are so fascinating to read and to hear about. Knowing about Imam Ali (p.b.o.h.) life style and stories is so wonderful. Especially how Imam Ali (p.b.o.h.) saved Islam and won battles for example when Imam Ali (p.b.o.h) slept in prophet Mohammed’s (p.b.o.h.) bed so that prophet Mohammed could take his last journey, Imam Ali slept in the prophets bed because the people that wanted to prevent and kill the prophet so to save Islam Imam Ali took .Also to understand how Islam was saved for and passed to us to be Muslims now. All the stories I enjoyed. But the one that I liked most is well is not actually a story but what will happen in the future to Imam Ali (p.b.o.h.). When Imam Mahdi (p.b.o.h.) comes back before Qiyamat and the Imam Ali (p.b.o.h.) comes and slowly the rest of the Imams (p.b.o.h.) come back, I found that so lovely knowing that one day the Imams will come back, and if I live I may see then return to the world and take over. I liked Imam Ali’s personality how Imam Ali cared for his family dearly by helping out at home and the way Imam played with his two sons: Hasan and Hussain. The way Imam Ali was fair and considerate to other people as in another story about The pomegranate how Fatima (p.b.o.h.) wanted a pomegranate and Imam Ali went to get one but when he got to the shop there was only one left that he could have, but along the way Imam Ali met a old man and gave half to the old man because he was thinking if Fatima but the man asked for the other half so kindly Imam gave, when he got home he was a bit shy to face Fatima as Fatima never asked for any thing but when he found out that send from heaven, Fatima was eating pomegranates.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Group Motivation Inventory Essay

Majority of us humans get up from bed in the morning, set out for school or our job and practically do our daily routines in a way that is unique to us. We interact to our environment and the people around us without fully understanding why we are doing our routine – why we go to school or do great in our job or are amused from a particular activity. Nonetheless we all know that there is something that motivates us for doing this. Motivation refers to the things either internal or external to a person from which makes him enthusiastic and persistent on pursuing a particular course of action (Daft, 526). Studying motivation makes us understand what makes us people initiate a certain action, and what influences our selection of actions. After I took the motivation rating exam, I have a moderate level of group motivation. This means that I am not fully committed to my group but also not completely disregarding how my group will perform. After taking the exam, I realized that there are factors that affect a person’s motivation on a group. Some of these factors are: 1) composition of the group; 2) commitment and dedication of other members; 3) chemistry within the group; 4) appreciation of the group; and 5) each member’s contribution for the group’s success. Upon taking the exam, I became aware that the factor that mostly affects my motivation in a group is a member’s commitment and dedication to the group. This is maybe because I have the habit of giving my best on anything that I am doing. Having this attitude makes me compare what my contributions to the other members of my group. If I think that they are not as dedicated as me, my motivation becomes lower. Appreciation of the group is the next factor that affects my motivation. In my opinion, only a martyr would work on a group that does not value what he is doing. When it comes to the composition of my group, the only problem is that some of the members of the group are so shy to even tell their names. I have encountered this kind of members. They usually want to work on their own. The only thing a leader should do is give him/her what she will do and that is all. The composition of the group is essential to another factor, chemistry. The interaction within a group is also important when considering one’s motivation. Working with group whose chemistry is good usually leads to achieving the group’s goal. Contribution of other members to the group also affects my motivation. If all of the members participate well and contribute what they should give makes me want to also do my part well. On the other hand, if some members do not actually help with the achievement of our group’s goals, the other members, including myself, would have to exert more effort. Thus, we have to be more motivated. The motivation exam made me realize that I am moderately motivated when I am involved in a group. Unlike before, I think I can also measure the dedication of the other group members. With this, I am able to compare my level of motivation with the other members of the group. Only a little bit has really changed. I still do my part wholeheartedly. I try to attend all of the scheduled group meetings and do my best to help the group finish its goals. The only thing that changed is on how I interact with them. Usually before taking the exam, I only ask something to the group if I am having trouble understanding what I should do. I do not want a conversation other than the problems that the group is dealing with. Now, I talk to my other co-members about anything under the sun to further improve our chemistry. With each member’s trust and friendliness, I became a lot motivated. After taking this exam and analyzing my results, there are some things that I would change in order to further improve my participation and motivation in other future groups. First, I will improve my interaction to my future co-members. The chemistry becomes the â€Å"spark† of a good group relationship. If group members interact to each other with respect and friendliness, everyone will help on each. Thus, group goals will be done in a smooth way. In the future, I will also motivate my co-members. I will talk to them if I think they are not participating well in the group and encourage them that we are a team and we have to work together to be successful. There are some theories or approaches to further improve motivation within an organization. One particular theory is the Expectancy Theory associated to the works of Victor Vroom with a number of contributions from other scholars. The Expectancy theory implies that the degree of motivation of a certain individual is associated on his expectations on their capability to perform a particular task and the desired awards he will receive. Expectancy theory focuses on the thinking process present to an individual to gain rewards, not on recognizing what his needs are (Daft, 536). With this theory, I think that sharing my expectations to my co-members will further improve each of our motivations, thus improving the performance of the group. The factor that mostly affects my motivations, based on the results, is the commitment of the other group members. If other members do not do their part, my motivation decreases. I am not comfortable working with a group who is not as committed as me. In order to avoid this, confrontation is needed. Other member should be confronted regarding their attitude and their respective responsibilities to the group. In a sense, before the group does anything, rules should be made clear. Content Theories can also be used to improve motivation within an organization. One of these Content theories is the famous Hierarchy of Needs theory by Abraham Maslow. The theory suggests that there are five classes of needs that motivate a person existing in a hierarchical form. Maslow argues that needs with low-ranks should be the priority. These needs (from lowest to highest rank) are as follows: 1) Physiological needs – the most basic physical needs of humans; 2) Safety needs – the need for a protected and harmless physical and emotional setting; 3) Belongingness needs – the desire to be in a particular group with their trust; 4) Esteem needs – the need for appreciation and recognition within a group or organization; 5) Self-actualization needs – the need of self-fulfillment (Daft, 529-530). The suitable incentive for the group would be from the categories of belongingness and esteem needs. To improve motivation within the group, one should acknowledge each member for what he had done for the group. Appreciation should also be given to them even though their work is not that excellent. At least they have given their best. For every work that a member accomplishes, the other members should at least try to thank him/her. A simple line of â€Å"good job† will make a person exert more efforts and be more motivated. Reference: Daft, Richard. 2005. Management 5th Ed. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Homework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 55

Homework - Assignment Example But on the negative side, there are environmental worries such as a disastrous oil spill (the pipeline could break due to a number of factors such as acts of sabotage, an earthquake, an explosion, an accident, etc.) which could destroy pristine lands along the route, especially along the sensitive Sand Hills region of north-central Nebraska. My stance is the pipeline project should be approved because environmental concerns were being adequately addressed by the project proponents. This is because more oil supplies will bring down the cost of oil and benefit millions of American consumers. This is similar to what consumers enjoy today regarding the use of fracking (hydraulic fracturing) technology which made natural gas easier to access, more abundant and considerably cheaper too. The project passed the Senate (by a vote of 62-36) and the U.S. Congress ( or Lower House) approved it on February 11, 2015 (by vote of 270-152). Keystone was delayed due to Democratic control of Congress as Democrats opposed it but the recent mid-term elections shifted control of Congress to the Republicans who support it. President Obama is expected to veto it as he is a Democrat but neither the Senate nor the House has enough votes to overcome an expected presidential veto as of now. If the Republicans win the next presidential election, they will certainly approve the Keystone XL Pipeline Project because it favors Big Business. They are expected to revive this big oil project in the next Republican administration if their candidate wins whoever it will be among the various possible frontrunners such as Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Scott Walker, Paul Rand, and Marco Rubio. The Senate is now in Republican control (majority of senators are now Republican). What this all boils down is a s tark choice between conservation (wise use of resources) and preservation (no

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Cause and effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Cause and effect - Essay Example Racial separatism can be seen on campus-black theme dorms, black student unions, black yearbooks etc. The dorms for the white people will be arranged separately and the white students were allowed to form separate unions for their activities because of the racial discrimination policies adopted by the authorities. Most of the members of the authorities are actually against such discriminations. But only a minority still insists separate activities for the black students. Liberal attitude is more prominent in America at present which has been reflected in the recently concluded president elections. Black students have always the lowest Grade Point Average (GPA) as per the norms formulated by most of the university authorities. But the authorities will never take any conscious actions to increase the GPA of the black students. They feel that, it is not necessary to raise the grades of the black as that will be harmful to the interests of the white. Black students were always blamed for whatever the unhappy incidents happening in the American universities. It is difficult for a black student to prove his innocence in front of the authorities if the person on the other side happens to be a white. The efforts for finding out solutions for the current discrimination in American universities should start from the grass root level. The authorities should never allow any discrimination in their campus as far as racial differences are concerned. The blacks and the whites should be encouraged to mingle freely in the campus and all the campus activities must be conducted with the equal participation of both black and whites. The behaviours of the authorities should never inject a false feeling of â€Å"being privileged† in the minds of the white. The campus violation of the rules by both the black and white must be treated and punished equally. The below

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Nuclear Weapons Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Nuclear Weapons - Coursework Example Currently, such as weapon would have a larger toll in modern city such as New York and Paris. In addition, a ground level explosion would lead to immense death s due to the intensity of local fallout that would lead to deaths within an hour or even two weeks as a result of radiation. However, such a phenomena was absent in the Japanese cities. After the 1945 incidents, there was an international outcry which resulted in the formation of international bodies such as the UN in order to regulate the building of nuclear weapons. However, this effort has failed miserably. It is of great importance to note that the two bombs that were initially used have been expanded (Kapur 2007). For instance, current bombs have a common nuclear yield of 150,000-500,000 tones. This would have a major devastating impact on the world if used in time of war. Nuclear proliferation entails the spread of nuclear weapons to countries that were not recognized as Nuclear Weapon States. Initially, nuclear weapons developed as a contest of superiority between the superpowers. Each powerful country required weapons that would infringe more losses to the enemy than the others that were in existence. This exerted the pressure on the countries to come up with weapons that would cause mass destruction. This was mainly during the Second World War when the two warring sides tried to look for weapons that would have a large number of casualties. The initial weapons that were in existence were tested during this war. However, they were not effective, an aspect that forced the US to come up with nuclear weapons especially because the war would provide the platform to test these weapons. Constant threats by the Soviet Union forced the US government to increase its budget towards military research. This is to ensure that the military was well equipped to face the enemies. After the World War

Education changes life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Education changes life - Essay Example nd uninterested, but through his own liaison with books, Alexie was given an opportunity that many of these people deprived themselves of by grasping the various facets of the world around him, which he discovered in books. By learning to read, Alexie was able to view his world in a new, vibrant light, one that he would have never gotten a chance to see if he had succumbed to the shallow beliefs of others. When Frederick Douglass decided to act on his impulse to learn to read and write, he was living as a slave. The opportunity at receiving an education was not available to him, and even after his mistress promised to teach him to read, she quickly withdrew this promise at the request of her husband. Instead of being deterred, Douglass was even more eager to learn the symbols that were being hidden from him, that had piqued his curiosity. Over the years, Douglass enlisted sympathetic neighborhood boys as his teachers, and with â€Å"their kindly aid . . . I finally succeeded in lear ning to read† (Douglass 101). These newly acquired skills were amazing enough to this boy who had been denied a proper education, but he was able to use them to understand that, despite the color of his skin, he was still human. Among the books that he read, Douglass favored stories and histories about the past and present fate of his people. He detested what he read, and â€Å"often found myself regretting my own existence . . . but for the hope of being free, I have no doubt but that I should have killed myself† (103). Douglass did not like what he was learning, but what he discovered was life-changing: he was entitled to freedom. Malcolm X coaxed himself to learn to read and write while he was in prison, desperate to convey in writing his appreciation to Elijah Muhammad. Furthermore, â€Å"the... This essay demonstrates how important the education is in the life of each person on the examples of Alexie, Douglass, and Malcolm X. Through their unique experiences with learning to control language, write effectively, and read with strong comprehension, Alexie, Douglass, and Malcolm X not only gained a firm understanding of the world around them but also of themselves. However, these had not been their goals when they began the journey of learning the written word. When these men taught themselves to read, they did so for the sake of their upbringing, curiosity, and for freedom. I do not think that these three men expected to discover what they did upon learning to read, which were completely new worlds beyond the ones that had become familiar to them. As their comprehension of the written word strengthened, these men were soon finding truths and answers to the pressing questions of life within the pages of books. By looking at what Alexie, Douglass, and Malcolm X gained from lear ning to read, it can be said that the effect of these skills is discovery, both of the world and of the self. Through their personal experiences, reveal how life-changing education can be. These men, happy as most of them were with life, longed for something more, something that allowed them to explore themselves and their world in a way that offered virtually no boundaries. This ability was discovered in the skills of reading and writing, which let these men learn from others and have the skills required to share their own knowledge and discoveries.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Socio-Cultural impacts of late night tourists on residents of Ayia Essay

The Socio-Cultural impacts of late night tourists on residents of Ayia Napa - Essay Example After the 1974 war in Cyprus, Ayia Napa has developed from being a small fishing town to one of Europe’s finest destinations. Through out the years it has experienced a mixture of changes in tourism demographics, by attracting visitors interested in the local culture twenty years ago to visitors who are mostly interested in clubbing now. This new inflow of mass tourism has affected the socio-cultural lifestyle of the village. Late night tourists are the visitors who come to Ayia Napa for clubbing and entertainment mainly. The number of the young tourists has rose in the last decades. Page and Connel (2009) argue that Sociocultural impacts are directly related with the host community of the destination and occur when tourists cause changes to the individual behaviour, social relationships, culture, lifestyle and value systems of the locals. Mathieson and Wall (1982) as well as Wolf (1977) agree and also state that the socio-cultural impacts are the different effects that tourists have on the host communities. Cooper et al (2008) note that the socio-cultural impacts can be both, positive and negative. Wall and Mathieson (2008) claim that most of the impacts are negative in contrast to the economic impacts that tourism can have on a host destination. Affeld (1975, cited in Wall and Mathieson, 2008) argues that the cultural and social impacts of tourism fall into three categories; the tourist, the host and tourist-host interrelationships. Fox (1977, cited in Wall and Mathieson, 2008, pp. 220) states that â€Å"The social and cultural impacts of tourism are the way in which tourism is contributing to changes in value systems, individual behaviour, family structure and relationships, collective lifestyles, safety levels, moral conduct, creative expressions, traditional ceremonies and community organisations†. Goeldner and Ritchie (2006) notes that local peoples attitudes and mode of life is determined by the way visitors

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Print Ad Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Print Ad Analysis - Essay Example The advertisement I have chosen is just like that- it depicts a company of three friends driving a cabriolet in some desert like area and having fun. They are screaming, shouting, and singing drunk with new possibilities. I have noticed that the whole advertisement presupposes motion as all the people on the image are moving. A young boy in his twenties is evidently spending time with his two friends in a trip to the ocean. The advertisement can be interpreted as a call to adventures and taking risks because youth is what usually pushes people to try something new all the time. The motto of the whole Levi`s campaign is â€Å"I will not sit at home collecting dust† and by this slogan the brand explains that it creates roadwear –the clothes perfect for movement and ready for any challenges like getting dirt ad washing. If we recall that jeans were initially invented as the trousers for cowboys so they had to be extremely long lasting, than it is getting clear why Levi`s has chosen such style. The time when men were riding wild young horses and felt adrenalin in their blood has passed. Today many young people prefer the comfort of their bedrooms to real adventures. That is why Levi`s creat ing the advertisement which visually appeals to movement, changes, and challenges wants to recall young people what they were made for. Another noticeable element of the advertisement is the spirit of friendship. There are two boys and one girl in the car and they are literally on the same wave of future adventures. Levi`s emphasizes this team spirit on all images of their campaign- people ready to share time and emotions together, ready to have joy and support each other in critical situations. What stops most of us from going on a long trip around the country? The absence of a good company mostly. And Levi`s tries to show that it is rather easy to find those who will be there for you especially is your share common tastes in fashion. Therefore,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Maritime Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Maritime Economics - Essay Example In the Shipping Industry, many Ship owners have been resorting to strategies like concentration to sort out the problem that are occasioned by freight rate fluctuation. This concentration has allowed them to maximize their market shared, reduce the cost per volume and remain in competition for the industry leadership. There has been a fluctuation demand for shipping services that is also faced with a fluctuation in supply of the shipping services themselves. (Hoffman, 1998, p. 1) On the demand side, many Shipping firms have believed that the best strategies for concentration will be realized when the merge the ships in order to gain from economies of scale. To that end there have been a series of mergers and acquisition that have lead to an oligopoly of the top 20 leading shippers owning over 50% of the industry business. (Hoffman, 1998, p. 1) The beginning of 1990s saw the formation of Alliances in the World lines. The progress so far has been 10 big groups controlling more than 65% of the volume transport. With a target of lowering the shipping rates, the millions of containers have been criss crossing the high seas from one port hub to the next with the world inflation also at their trail. It has been estimated that the biggest ship can transport more than 8.700 TEUs. The figure in Exhibit 1 below shows the trends of container ship mergers that were lead by motives of economies of scale. (Hoffman, 1998, p. 1) Exhibit 1.Effects of demand for technology on the shipping rates Adopted from Drewry Shipping Consultants, Post Panamax Containerships, London, 1996. Data for 2000 is an ECLAC forecast. (Hoffman, 1998,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Wooden Bat or Metal Bat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Wooden Bat or Metal Bat - Essay Example Using a wooden bat or a metal one has always been a controversial issue for baseball players. Wooden versus metal bat debate is not new for baseball fans who love to discuss what kind of bat is suitable for a bigger hit. This paper compares and contrasts the two types of bats. Wooden bats are heavier than metal because they are solid. Metal bats are hollow from within. Wooden bats require more effort to sway than metal oness. They also have a smaller sweet spot (Zumerchik 52) due to which the hit remains within range. Metal bats are lighter because of larger sweet spot which makes the hit swing higher. Wooden bats are safer than metal because the exit speed of the ball from a wooden bat is much slower. Thus, the ball comes off with slow speed, which is good, for it reduces the danger of injury if another player or pitcher hits the ball. Metal bats, as they are lighter, can easily get tossed away to injure another player. A wooden bat, due to its solid mass, does not compress when the ball hits it. But when the ball hits a metal bat, it causes the latter to compress which has a negative effect on the exit speed of the ball, though the exit speed is enhanced by the center of gravity being placed near the handle. In wooden bats, there is no issue of compression. To conclude, wooden bats are heavier, safer, and are affordable in price. Metal counterparts provide larger hit zone, are lighter and easy to handle. Major League Baseball makes the players use wooden bats due to their certain advantages over metal equivalents.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Future of Food Essay Example for Free

Future of Food Essay In the passed couple of decades, the foods we deem to be natural or of the Earth are instead Genetically Engineered. The term Genetically Engineered does not mean that the entire vegetable or food is fake but rather means that there is at least one genetically modified ingredient in the food that is sold all over stores, which raises a great health concern for many people. In the feature production of the documentary known as The Future of Food looks at how modern day technology has changed the food we consume and the effects it can have on our health. In watching this film about all the advancements that science has come to in the world with the food being eaten everyday, both the positive and negative effects of all those technological changes, its only right to think of the countries that barely have enough food in general or the people who are losing their livelihoods because of the advancements created by science in first world countries. A first world country like the United States has not only a great amount but also lots of variety of nutrition; however, even this is still not enough to â€Å"satisfy† such a wealthy nation because steps are still being taken to continue to â€Å"improve† nature. Projects were done that helped produce corn in all kinds of different colors and creating bigger than normal sized strawberries. A question seems to arise, is all this technological advancement necessary? Are we as a society taking unnecessary measures to â€Å"fix† something that is natural and worked since the beginning of time? In the medical world, many health problems have been examined where food and nutrition were identified as partial contributors to the problem. This film helped in explaining how enzymes are used to knick corn DNA and how foreign DNA was then presented into the corn cell walls. Consuming the genetically modified corn caused allergic reactions and stirred a health concern about labeling genetically modified foods. In my particular opinion it should be the people’s right to know whether the food they’re ingesting has been altered genetically or tempered with from its natural state. Nevertheless, this does not belittle the question as to why it is necessity to alter the food in the first place. In order to formulate a ground based opinion I need to weigh the positives and negatives. Natural food always has the benefit of being â€Å"natural,† however, genetically engineered foods sometimes has the advantages of looking more appealing, tasting better and/or having a longer lasting flavor. I have experienced this first hand I have grown a distaste to certain organic foods simply because they just didn’t taste nearly as good as those that are genetically engineered even though the organic foods were supposed to be fresher and of course natural. This certain taste for food could just be that I got too used to the taste of all the preservatives that go into foods. It’s interesting how I got used to chemically preserved foods and genetically engineered tastes that overtime became the good tasting ones while the healthier ones were rejected by my taste buds. Another benefit is that genetically engineered foods end up being cheaper because they have a greater resistance to environmental conditions that would normally spoil the unaltered form and are also made in quantities not given the same attention organic foods are given to be fresh and ripe. Being that they are made in greater quantity, they are available for more people for cheaper prices, becoming the food of choice. The question would be, are the quantities made and the decrease in prices good enough to outweigh the negative effects of genetically engineered food? Another point and question would be why do many countries still remain unfed and continue searching for methods to feed their fast growing populations if these genetically engineered foods are produced in such a surplus manner? Keeping the advantages of genetically engineered foods in mind, there are definitely several noteworthy disadvantages too. An advantage was the surplus of food, however, how is it a benefit if such foods are harming the body? Some would agree that it is better to feed and raise a healthy smaller sized population with natural, unaltered forms of food than to infect a large population and have them suffer from the repercussion caused by the food they had consumed. Also, most people that are not keeping up with this field of work do not know that there are these bodies that have consumed the modified foods for such prolonged time periods and have overtime probably developed immunity to the side effects the modifications can have. In these genetically engineered foods the DNA is altered, and just as changes in human DNA lead to disorders, consumption of foods with altered DNA may have the same fatal effects. Certain genetic modifications can even go as far as cause cancers and brain and organ damage. A huge disadvantage that most people do not notice, especially those who live in urban areas, is that due to the production of the genetically altered foods a lot of farmers have been put out of jobs. These farmers are not needed as much anymore because more crops can be made for cheaper and therefore they no longer make as much money on each crop they plant and sow as they once did, as was shown in Central American countries. Now days, while technology could be helping the economy by decreasing the price of foods for people, it is also harming people who depended on the unaltered food to bring them income. The U. S. economy and industry is choosing quantity over quality, which is not beneficial to our health but instead just our wallets. I believe that its not fair for people not to know what is in their foods and usually people don’t seek food that can hurt them, therefore, it was crucial that the â€Å"Genetically Engineered Right to Know† act get passed. It would allow people to know what they are consuming from the labels on the foods and therefore prevented conditions that could’ve risen from individuals allergic to a modified substance. The Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration is supposed to be on top of the foods produced and their effects. Nevertheless, it seems that genetically modified foods don’t cause enough of a significant threat in order for them to take action and stop the advancement, rather than promote it and seek ways to improve it. What would bring this matter to a flashing red alert? Though I admitted that genetically altered food does taste better, I still do not agree with the fact that I am consuming and enjoying the taste of unhealthy food. People often look for the most ripe fruits and healthy looking vegetables when they go shopping, but for a lot of produce these bigger fruits and vegetables end up being the modified ones. Though I personally have only been able to see the advantages of these foods, I realize that the disadvantages outweigh the benefits of having genetically modified foods. From a realistic point of view, being a student on a low budget it would be unpractical for me to purchase anything but the cheap genetically altered food. Looking even at the bigger picture, many individuals and families have the same outlook I do. Therefore, many people may be against the genetic modification of food, yet not much course of action will be taken. People are comfortable with their life styles, making the cases and effects of modified foods not seem like such a big deal. This shows that the wrong approach is probably being taken to bring this to significant awareness. To promote foods that are not going to be altered, there needs to be ways to produce the same great quantities and keep prices affordable under the economic conditions of the country and the budget of the average American Family. It was crucial to pass an act that will help identify the genetically engineered goods but still it is not sufficient enough to solve the issue at hand. This matter is truly a very controversial issue, containing both pros and cons; therefore, we as a government and a knowledgeable society we need to take a stand and incorporate more ideas in to solving this domestic problem.

Musical Style and Innovations of Beethoven Essay Example for Free

Musical Style and Innovations of Beethoven Essay Musical Style and Innovations Beethoven is viewed as a transitional figure between the Classical and Romantic eras of musical history. Above all, his works distinguish themselves from those of any prior composer through his creation of large, extended architectonic structures characterized by the extensive development of musical material, themes, and motifs, usually by means of modulation, that is, a change in the feeling of the home key, through a variety of keys or harmonic regions. Although Haydns later works often showed a greater fluidity between distant keys, Beethovens innovation was the ability to rapidly establish a solidity in juxtaposing different keys and unexpected notes to join them. This expanded harmonic realm creates a sense of a vast musical and experiential space through which the music moves, and the development of musical material creates a sense of unfolding drama in this space. In this way Beethovens music parallels the simultaneous development of the novel in literature, a literary form focused on the life drama and development of one or more individuals through complex life circumstances, and of contemporaneous German idealisms philosophical notion of self, mind, or spirit that unfolds through a complex process of contradictions and tensions between the subjective and objective until a resolution or synthesis occurs in which all of these contradictions and developmental phases have been resolved or encompassed in a higher unity. Beethoven continued to expand the development section of works, extending a trend in the works of Haydn and Mozart, who had dramatically expanded both the length and substance of instrumental music. As Beethovens major immediate predecessors and influences, he looked to their harmonic and formal models for his own works. However, both Mozart and Haydn placed the great weight of a musical movement in the statement of ideas called the exposition, for Beethoven the development section of a sonata form became the heart of the work. Beethoven was able to do this by making the development section not merely longer, but also more structured. The very long development section of the Eroica Symphony, for example, is divided into four roughly equal sections, making it, in effect, a sonata form within a sonata form. The first movement alone of this symphony is as long as an entire typical Italian-style Mozart symphony from the 1770s. His focus on the development would, like others of his innovations, set a trend that later composers would follow. Although Beethoven wrote many beautiful and lyrical melodies, another radical innovation of his music, compared especially to that of Mozart and Haydn, is his extensive use of forceful, marked, and even stark rhythmic patterns throughout his compositions and, in particular, in his themes and motifs, some of which are primarily rhythmic rather than melodic. Some of his most famous themes, such as those of the first movements of the Third, Fifth, and Ninth symphonies, are primarily non-melodic rhythmic figures consisting of notes of a single chord, and the themes of the last movements of the Third and Seventh symphonies could more accurately be described as rhythms rather than as melodies. This use of rhythm was particularly well suited to the primacy of development in Beethovens music, since a single rhythmic pattern can more easily than a melody be taken through a succession of different, even remote, keys and harmonic regions while retaining and conveying an underlying unity. This allowed him to combine different features of his themes in a wide variety of ways, extending the techniques of Haydn in development (see Sonata Form). He also continued another trend towards larger orchestras that went on until the first decade of the 20th century, and moved the center of the sound downwards in the orchestra, to the violas and the lower register of the violins and cellos, giving his music a heavier and darker feel than Haydn or Mozart. Gustav Mahler modified the orchestration of some of Beethovens music most notably the 3d and 9th symphonies with the idea of more accurately expressing Beethovens intent in an orchestra that had grown so much larger than the one Beethoven used: for example, doubling woodwind parts to compensate for the fact that a modern orchestra has so many more strings than Beethovens orchestra did. Needless to say, these efforts remain controversial. In his Fifth Symphony Beethoven introduced a striking motif, drawn from a late Haydn symphony, in the very opening bar, which he echoed in various forms in all four movements of the symphony. This is the first important occurrence of cyclic form. He was also fond of making usual what had previously been unusual: in the Fifth Symphony, instead of  using a stately minuet, as had been the norm for the dance movement of a four-movement work, he created a dark march, which he used as the third movement and ran into the fourth without interruption. While one can point to previous works which had one or more of these individual features, his music, combined with the use of operatic scoring that he learned from Mehul and Cherubini, created a work which was altogether novel in effect too novel, in fact, for some critics of the time. On the other hand, his contemporary Spohr found the finale too baroque, though he praised the second movement as being in good Romantic style. His Ninth Symphony included a chorus and solo voices in the 4th movement for the first time, and made extensive use of fugues, which were generally considered to be a different form of music, and again unusual in symphonies. He wrote one opera, Fidelio. It has been said that he wrote beautiful vocal music without regard for the limitations of human singers, treating the voice as if it were a symphonic instrument even though his conversation books note his desire to make his music singable and include references that indicate that he had remembered his fathers singing lessons. Beethovens development and works are typically divided into three periods: an early period in which his works show especially the influence of Mozart and Haydn; a middle, mature period in which he developed his distinctive individual style, sometimes characterized as heroic; and a late period, in which he wrote works of a highly evolved, individuated, sometimes fragmented and unorthodox style sometimes characterized as transcendent and sublime, where he tried to combine the baroque ideas of Handel and Bach with his icons Mozart and Haydn. In his late years he called Handel my grand master. In contrast to Mozart, he labored heavily over his work, leaving intermediate drafts that provide considerable insight into his creative process. Early drafts of his Ninth Symphony used rough vertical marks on the score in place of actual notes, to indicate the structure he had in mind for the melody. Studies of his sketch books show the working out of dozens of variations on a particular theme, changing themes to fit with an overall structure that evolved over time, and extensive sketching of counter-melodies.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Developments of Stem Cell Technology

Developments of Stem Cell Technology The research of embryonic stem cell is classified under the study of biotechnology, which is one of the most recognized areas of research by the public, as well as one that have the potentials of benefited from the completion of the research7. The embryonic stem cells are the absolute base form of all cells that is within a human, they are frequently known for two of their main characteristics. One is the ability to self-renew though a long period of time while remain non-specialised, and the other main characteristic is the stem cells ability to differentiate and give rise to any specialised cell3. Because of these characteristics, it brings hope to cure diseases that were not possible before, by replacing the damaged cell with a new one that is being derive from a stem cell. Neurodegenerative diseases are a prime example where scientists believe that stem cells are the key to treating the disease. However, the research of embryonic stem cells has always being surrounded with contro versy, due to the pro-life movement around the world. This report will be mainly focused on the use of stem cell on treating neurodegenerative diseases, and a general overview of the progress in the research of stem cells. (202 Words) Review The majority of the research done on embryonic stem cells is directed mostly toward medical treatment such as bone narrow transplant, regrowing a new nerve cell to heal Neurodegenerative diseases and more. The researches of stem cell started in the mid eighteen hundreds, when scientists discovered that some cells have the ability to generate into others. But the application of stem cell only start to boom from 1960s, when the human understanding on natural biological systems had increased to the point that it allowed scientists and doctors to do bone marrow transfers between two humans which resulted in curing a patient with severe combined immunodeficiency in 1968. This is the reason that stem cell research attracted attention from the public, due to the possibilities of curing several different types of diseases or healing damages that were beyond humans natural healing ability. Stem cells are the fundamental cells of all the different types of cells that are in a human body. It has the ability to renew itself, under the correct environment and performs obligatory asymmetric replication (see diagram 1 at appendix 1). This, combined with their ability to transform into any specific cell type that can be found in a human body, makes it possible to create new cells to replace those that were damaged by disease or treatment processes. However, the current understanding of the behaviour of stem cells is not enough for scientists and doctors to use them to completely cure a certain disease. Nevertheless, we currently have enough understanding through research, to show that stem cells do have the ability to lessen the symptoms such ailments as Alzhei mers disease. The research into stem cells has potential of curing most of the long-term diseases known to doctors; however the cost of this research is the main reason of controversy. The reason of the controversy around stem cells is focused mainly because embryonic stem cells can only be gathered when an egg is being fertilized. The process of gathering a sample of stem cells started by triggering a human egg that has been left in cryo for more than the legal limit, to grow into an embryo like the normal growth of a child. Afterward, the egg started to grow for five to seven days where the blastocyst started to form along with the inner cell mass. The whole blastocyst is then moved to a specially prepared culturing plate that is covered in a feeder layer, that is designed to support the growth of the stem cell, and chemicals are added to break the blastocyst to allow the inner cell mass to be exposed. From this point on it is merely waiting for the inner cell mass to grow and divide into stem cells that the researcher can use to test in a controlled environment by using different growth factors that will hopefully allow the scientist to map out the reaction of different types of proteins and the chemical environment that would decide the growth path of these stem cells (see diagram at appendix 2). By this point, most biotechnologists require assistance from people in another field, such as chemical engineer, protein specialist and doctors to help culturing or to understand how this stem cell works. These specialist from other field of science, help scientists to understand the growth factor that is involved in the differentiation of the cells. A prime example would be the use of growth factors. Unfortunately this is also where the controversy starts; a lot of people around the world that support pro-life organisations believe that the research of stem cells is immoral; since every embryo that is being used to extract the stem cells have the possibility of becoming a full child, thus the process of extracting the stem cells would destroy the possibility of life. They believe that the same research can be conducted through adult stem cells, or known as somatic stem cells, that can be isolated from bone narrow, or any other cells that have the ability to self repair, without the need of creating a full embryo. While it may be possible to do so, the concentrations of somatic stem cells are extremely hard to isolate and researchers are currently unable to grow them in cultures for further study. However, most scientists believe that while each embryo has the possibility of developing into a child, the long period of cryo that is used to store the egg, is damaging it, to a point that the death rate of the infant will be higher, along with the fact that these cells were originally scheduled to be destroyed, thus it does not make much difference. Therefore, until either the somatic stem cells can be cultured and proven to be as potent as embryonic stem cells, or the latest induced pluripotent stem cells that are created by reprogramming the adult stem cell back into the pluripotent stem cell stage of development. Scientists are stuck on using embryonic stem cells for the majority of the study. (792) Application Case study The advancement in the field of biotechnologys research into stem cells has already started to show results. In the past, diseases such as Alzheimers, which are diseases that cause the degradation of neurons on nerve cells, which were not treatable by doctors before. The most that doctors were able to do was to relieve the pain caused by the disease, they were not able to locate the source of the disease, or how they affected patients. However, since the development of stem cell technology, scientists have regain hope of finding cure or treatment process that can permanent treat these diseases. Using the same system that was originally designed to house the stem cells, they were able to isolate the infected neuron samples that were affected by the diseases, and therefore, were able to devise a treatment or cure for the diseases as they now have a sample with which they can work. Alzheimers disease is one of the most common neuron degradation diseases seen in the world. In America alone, there are at least 5.3 million people that have this disease. Alzheimers disease attacks the nerves and neurons that are in the brain over a long period of time, which slowly causes memory loss, problem solving skills, thinking, to the point that the brain can no longer function properly, leading to death. Alzheimers disease currently has no cure, as the rate that the human body regenerates the brain cells are much slower than the rate of infection. Therefore, theoretically it will be possible to cure Alzheimers if all infected nerve cells could be removed, and replaced with new nerve cells that were derived from the adult stem cell of the patient. This same application can also be used on other diseases such as Parkinsons disease or sport injury that normally requires years of recovery. Based on a published journal in 2009, scientists were able to use bone marrow derived the mesenchymal stem cell to relieve symptoms of Alzheimers on a mice model that have been purposely induced. According to the research journal, when a patient (or mice in their case) that is presented with the disease, the concentration of amyloid-b (Ab) peptides in the form of amyloid plaques in the brain parenchyma increases, which causes neural loss to the patient. Therefore, in a direct treatment the research team injected bone-marrow-derived-mesenchymal stem cells into the brain of the induced mice, the result showed that there is a diminution of amyloid-b by the reactivation of microglia that were re-stimulated by the injection of the stem cells. Thus the research team arrived at the conclusion that BMMSCs can promote reduction of the amyloid-b through the microglial activation in the induced Alzheimers brain, suggesting a potential therapeutic agent against Alzheimers disease. (453) however, in the journal the research team fail to considered the other cause of Alzheimer the neruofibrillary tangles Conclusion In conclusion, it is clear that the development of stem cells is one field of biotechnology that is emerging quickly as the understanding of natural biological systems increase, along with the fact that the diversity of biotechnology is potentially limitless in the field of medical research. For example, during the process of creating a suitable environment for the embryonic stem cells to grow, researchers have accidentally created a solution that can keep donated organs for longer periods of time, allowing a higher chance of success to the transplant surgery after a long period of travel. In the future, once more is understood about stem cells, the whole technology may be advanced enough to reconstruct an entire limb. There remains much controversy around this field, due to the researchers ethical practices, notably, obtaining new stem cells. Referencing Kil Lee, Jong, Hee Kyung Jin, and Jae-sung Bae. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells reduce brain. Neuroscience Letter 450.2 (2009): 136-41. Web. 31 May 2010. . S. Shihabuddin, Lamya, and Isabelle Aubert. Stem cell transplantation for neurometabolic and neurodegenerative diseases. Neuropharmacology 58. (2010): 845-54. Web. 12 May 2010. . Stem Cell Basics. In Stem Cell Information [World Wide Web site]. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2009 [cited Wednesday, May 12, 2010]ÂÂ  Available at Unknown, Unknown. What is the history of stem cell research? History of Stem Cell Research., 2010. Web. 12 May 2010. . Unknown, Unknown. What is Alzheimer? Alzheimers Association. Alzheimers Association, 06 April 2010. Web. 28 May 2010. . Unknown, Unknown. Stem cell. Stem Cell. AlphaMed Press, 28 May 2010. Web. 12 May 2010. . Keener, Kevin, Thomas Hoban, and Rekha Balasubramanian. BIOTECHNOLOGY and its APPLICATIONS. North Carolina State University. North Carolina State University, 06/03/2010. Web. 12 May 2010. . Lindvall O (2003). Stem cells for cell therapy in Parkinsons disease. Pharmacol Res 47 (4): 279-87. Doi: 10.1016/S1043-6618(03)00037-9. PMIDÂÂ  12644384.ÂÂ   Goldman S, Windrem M (2006). Cell replacement therapy in neurological disease. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 361 (1473): 1463-75. Doi: 10.1098/rstb.2006.1886. PMIDÂÂ  16939969. Unknown, Unknown. Stem Cells and self-Renewal. isscr. ISSCR, 2010. Web. 28 May 2010. Unknown, Unknown. Neurofibrillary Tangles. Department of Pathology. University of Oklahoma, 2010. Web. 30 May 2010. .

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

The Wall Street Crash of 1929 was one of the most devastating times in the history of the United States of America, it plagued each city and town with starvation, homelessness and even suicide. The twenties were truly a tough time for the US and all of its citizens. The Roaring Twenties, the decade that came after World War I and inevitably led to the Wall Street Crash, came in a time where money and wealth were prevalent. Coming after the war, the United States had great confidence, a large amount of Americans who lived in secluded areas or small towns moved to the big cities to promote an industrial living style in the United States. While the American cities flourished and blossomed into the greatest places on earth,the amount of people who moved to the big cities left the agricultural ways of the US in the dust, leaving the farmers in economic shock, making agriculture the main reason for a major loss of money in the US. This happened throughout the decade and would later be blam ed as one the main factors that led to the 1929 stock market crash. Over the weekend of October 26th and 27th , the activity of the Stock Market was known and read all across the United States. On October 28, "Black Monday", a huge amount of investors decided to abandon the stock market in order to maintain their personal wealth, and the downfall erupted with a record loss in Dow Jones Industrial for the day of 38.33 points, or 13%.(Galbraith 47) The next day, "Black Tuesday", October 29, 1929, about sixteen million shares were traded, and Dow Jones lost an additional 30 points, or 12%, talk flurried that U.S. President Herbert Hoover would not veto the pending Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act. The volume of stocks traded in order to maintain wealth or at... ...usinessmen in 1932 when things were just about at their worst. Squalid cardboard campsites were created in cities to live in...called "Hoovervilles". The nick-name of the soup given out by charities for the unemployed was "Hoover stew". However, Hoover did do some good. Money was used to create jobs to build things such as the Hoover Dam. In 1932 he gave $300 million to the states to help the unemployed (Emergency Relief and Reconstruction Act) but it had little impact as states run by the Republicans believed in "rugged individualism" more than Hoover did and they used only $30 million of the money offered to them. Which seems backwards, but they stood behind what they believed in and it ended out fine. The stock market crash of 1929 was the most significant crash in U.S. history. Although the crash itself only lasted four days, it led to a catastrophic sell-off.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Morality vs. Culture :: Free Essays

Is morality Relative to culture? This argument’s foundation is the basic question on whether morality is relative to culture, or owns own desires. The pros of this argument are that we get to establish whether or not morality is a true sense of justice. As Melville J. Herskovitz indicates who is in favor of the cultural relativism notion, â€Å"Morality is a diverse unique variation of codes and ethics threat arises from culture to culture, belief to belief.† He argues that we cannot judge society based on its laws, and that we have to right to declare them inhumane. The pro’s of his argument supporting cultural relativism are that we as a superior society in the United States need to respect the laws and traditions as what is deemed acceptable in other third world nations. After all he eluded, it was by force that Europeans imposed themselves upon African cultures. This serves as the basis for his argument. That we are in no right to judge simply because we live a different lifestyle and fear change. His opposition, Louis P. Pojman makes a great counter attack. He agrees with Herskovitz in that social morality does indeed differ from culture to culture, but that does not make them necessarily right. He continues his argument by accentuating that if conventional relativism is accepted, then racism genocide of unpopular minorities, oppression of the poor, slavery, and even the advocacy of war for its own sake are as equally moral as their opposites. I believe this is where Pojman solidifies his argument. â€Å"Conventionalist relativism seems to reduce to subjectivism. And subjectivism leads, as we have seen, to the demise of morality altogether (Pojman).† I cannot pinpoint a con on Pojman’s argrument because he acknowledges the importance of ethical diversity, and he strongly recommends that we scrutinize the cultural relativism argument to find the many loopholes that the naked eye can’t see.

Breakthrough Perspective on Green and Sustainable Architecture Essay

Buildings have been part of human life since the beginning of time, we depend of them to live, learn, grown, for protection and shelter. The decisions we make today will not only affect our future but our surrounding as well. We need buildings to survive the climates of the earth and to live our own lives. Architecture is what nature cannot make, yet it is influenced by the rules of nature, as humans evolved so did our way of thinking, and so did our architecture. Green architecture is a breakthrough in human history, Green Architecture is more a more advanced way of building, it has if the building as a life. The purpose of this essay report is to identify the advantages of green Architecture in Canadian Society and its positive effects on our economy. By illuminating the advantages of these green buildings, we will clarify that green building as opened many doors and new possibilities into the human world. What is Green/Sustainability Architecture? Green architecture is a method of design that reduces the negative impact that buildings have on the environment. â€Å"It’s a harmless approach to building that minimizes harm on human health and the environment† (Jackie Craven, What is Green Architecture† and â€Å"Green Design, Guide, 2009 concepts/g/green.htm) It helps people to live in a safer and healthier environment as well as contribute to the well being of the planet. A building is considered green when it has a positive approach on all area of its focus, which includes sustainability, materials efficiency, energy efficiency, water efficiency, land use and waste reduction. All of these criteria are based on the Canadian LEED rating system, which is applicable to new building, and ba... 2 Williams, Patricia (2007). Concrete makes perfect choice for Toronto’s St. Gabriel’s Passionate Church. Retrieved Dec 5, 2009, 3 Green Church Applauded (2006). Presbyterian Record. Retrieved Dec 5, 2009, 4 St. Gabriel’s Passionate Parish. Retrieved Dec 6, 2009, 5 â€Å"Businesses Gain Interest in Sustainable Buildings,† Design News 62.9(2007): 28, Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web 14 Dec, 2009†). 6 Jackie Craven, What is Green Architecture† and â€Å"Green Design, Guide, 2009 concepts/g/green.htm 7 (Kirthy Shetty, Green Building and its Advantages,, 2009,!&id=1861902)

Thursday, July 18, 2019

This is Water Summary Essay

Wallace delivered the Kenyon College commencement address that was not the typical commencement address you would normally hear at a graduation. He starts off his speech by telling a story having the idea that even the most â€Å"important realities are often the ones that are hardest to see and talk about. † He talks about living in the adult world that these soon to be graduates will enter and how it can be ere dull at times.And how learning about how to think about the choice we make in our life, the choices we make will impact our life whether it be a good impact, or a bad impact. Wallace delivers this speech (in a way to get these graduates not necessarily discouraged) giving the former students a face of reality that life is dull when you go through the same thing every day. And that when people go through the same thing â€Å"day in and day out† people tend to forget about the others around us.When forgetting about the other people around us occurs, Wallace belie ves that makes us believe that we are the â€Å"center of the universe. † This way of thinking as Wallace states is to be our â€Å"default setting† where we tend to block everyone our except for ourselves and if anyone gets in our way, then they must the ones at fault. Wallace also states, â€Å"if you really learn to pay attention, then you will know there are other options. † We have the choice to think of those other options, but we also have he choice to not think of those other options.Choosing the option to pay attention to the others around us and not be a â€Å"prisoner of our own brain† could possibly let ourselves live happier lives. Having awareness as Wallace stated, † Is unimaginably hard to do this, to stay conscious and alive In the adult world day In and day out. But, your education really Is the Job of a lifetime. † In conclusion, Wallace believes that we have choices to be aware of and to really think of the choices we make.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Day Care

Day C be Beneficial Is mean solar solar twenty-four hours supervise h peerlessst for squirtren under the geezerhood of fin? Should one p arnt repose space with nestlingren for the starting signal few geezerhood of career? Develop a thesis statement about almost font of the day- heartend-versus-home issue and support it in your eristical es decl are. Nation onlyy, the employment rate of mformer(a)s with squirtren under the be on of five has increased through and throughout the world. If two a m another(prenominal) and a come are employed, who exit look at for their younker kidren? Normally, some families fork out chosen In-Home kick which lets family members, friends, or neighbors looks afterwards their children.However, child upkeep vegetable marrow that much like day disquiets, pre aims these facilities are usually bigger in space and may be more than than structured than In-Homes distribute. Before making a decision, resurrects should gather e nough information to turn over the right choice for their childrens provider. afterward all, child care centers basin attend toant a childs ontogeny, educate a child for make believe, and create unequivocal adult life patterns. A child care center is a beneficial tool for childs receivement because they scam social skills and gain an h out of date for education at an early age.Researches obtain assignn that childrens brains grow faster during the scratch five geezerhood of their life. In addition, there are two parts for the send-off five years of children phylogenesis nada to cardinal, and three to five. First part is zero point to three year old which the children are bring outing about themselves, the world approximately them and about the parents or the care creaters. For example, at the cartridge clip of around 1 year, the babies will begin to learn language and intercourse by they express their needs and feelings through sounds and cries, body movem ents, and facial expressions.The caregivers at day care will suck in and listen to bump how the babies communicates what the babies is thinking and felling. The caregivers similarly repeat the sounds and lyric poem the babies use and subscribe to back-and-forth conversations. As the day care will outflank drive the parents need because the day cares accommodate some ideas support the children learn through from childrens everyday activities. Second part is from three to five year old that is the time for children fixate for pre- inform. The children are beginning to develop self-control and self-confidence so they are taught the ability to manage their feeling.Also they are taught manners, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as to wait, to share, and to work out problems with their friends. At aimtime time, the children begin their day by forming a circle talking to individually other and their instructor about something untrieds, vocalizing an old song or teacher teach a new song, red to play station where they raise hire activities, learning letter and math or a twaddle. The teachers forever beside the children as recollective as they play or deliberate so the teacher stinkpot propel to trail turn to play onlyterfly when they both(prenominal) upset each other or comment on the children when they edgeination a question as well.In short, a day care center provides more than just babysitting services because they assist in the childs development as well. In the kindred way, a day care center helps children progress to for school in the future. Getting children ready for school is non only backpacking their dejeuneres, filling their backpacks, or dropping of at school simply also component part childrens school prep. School readiness means making sure that all children enter school physically, and emotionally rosy-cheeked and ready to succeed. It also means providers are prepared to help children succeed as they enter kindergart en.Day care and preschool programs creating a undisturbed transition between home and school focusing on helping children learn through a student-centered environment ensuring children material body a solid foundation in phonics, reading, writing and math. By the time preschool started my girl was not ready to study but I encouraged her that everything would be handsome and she would have friends to play with at school. And I gave her a white lie that I left her in school a few hours and after I went to market place I would pick her up.After the first week, she love to go to school even on Saturday and Sunday she still has asked me why her school closed. She also has responsibility of her home-works which were done earlier went to bed. Now she was not only agreeable and waiting to go to kindergarten but also excited to meet old and new friends. From my experience, day care services precede to childrens readiness to success in school. Ive heard people say one parent should b eat at home with their child or film a relative to look after of the children because one can take veracious are more than child care center. It is true for the first two years, because this power point is important to love, to nurture, and play of mother role. Nevertheless, in eagle-eyed-term isnt possible because parent or relative doesnt have enough as knowledge as teacher in school. Frequently, parent or relative think that fetching care of children mean only feeding them, taking a bath, clothing them. One day of my mother-in-law home schedule is giving children a bowl of milk with cereal on the early morning then displace children watch TV or vie by themselves while she cook meal.On eat time, she feeds children and lets them playing and eating at the same time even my niece is five years old but my niece can not eat by herself. After lunch time, usually more than two hours, the children take a little nap but kipping brush their teeth. When the children wake up, they con tinue to watch TV until their parents pick them up. I had list with my mother-in-law about her ways and I heady to stay at home for first two years to take care of my daughter. When my daughter was two years old, I gave her to school.Now, my daughter who will be five years old on Feb, 2011 can read books and do math for the kindergarten grade. She always sings a song and pretends a show that she thinks by herself as ballet show, story time, and magic show. As a result, what children learn when they are young goes a long way, so day care center can be fill a gap that in-home care obstacle. Also the children who were enrolled in a quality day care and preschool tend to progress faster in kindergarten and less apparent to repeat grades, or need special class.Moreover, preschool is still the best choice for parents to help children develop dogmatic adult life patterns. Researchers show that families and communities avail when the children participate in quality preschool programs. calibre preschool helps children the best possible in both academically and socially such as socialize and interact appropriately with peers and teachers, put new skills independently, finish tasks, be unyielding when learning something new. As they grow, children will more likely to graduate from high school and find good jobs, and less likely to be involved in crime.For instance, children have field trip to visit the zoos, museums, expel and police station so that they can understand the love of animals, the jobs of fire bomber and police officer. Additionally, the parents and teachers can identify each early learning disabilities or other special needs a child might have in put up to minimize any long term effects. In contrast with my daughter, my nephew stayed at home with his grandmother until four years old and he couldnt speak fluently.When he went to preschool nobody can understand what he said, immediately, his teacher talked to his parent and they decided to give him into special class where he can learn how to speak with the other people. Now, he gets a good grade at elementary school. Thus, the children will be succeed later in life if they are in good environment such as happy family and quality school. To bosom up, we can say child care centers can help a childs development, prepare a child for school, and create positive adult life patterns that train the children to be good citizen.So selecting a child care provider is one of the most important decisions people have to make during the early years of their children. unceasingly remember, young children learn through play, and school should be fun. A daily school schedule should include time for teacher instruction, hands-on learning activities, educational projects where children work independently and together in groups as well as time for unpaid fun. Vietnamese quotation Day con tu thuo con tho means we had to teach the children from they were born. The children like the white paper, what we write, it will stay forever.